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User ID: 1038


lol 🦂 lmao

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User ID: 1038

Heckler & Koch had a bit of a social media manager oopsie earlier this week piggybacking off of the Miller Lite ad. The since deleted tweets have been replaced by something more on brand for ze German weapons company.

Anything to cajole good discussion I suppose.

Satanic as a term well predates anything associated with LaVey or Crowley. If your memeplex well is so thoroughly poisoned just read it as diabolic instead.

So what's WaPo's excuse?

K-12 teachers and administrators are not empowered to provide therapy or other significant psychosocial interventions to the kids in their care. Not even the school counselor can diagnose or provide therapy. They need parental consent to initiate any of that.

That used to be the norm at least. Not so much any more.

Many states, including Washington, allow schools to give out prescriptions to any minor over age 13 without getting permission from a parent if they are seeking treatment for mental health services.

For historical reference Golda Meir (Mapai->Labor) was succeeded by Yitzhak Rabin (Alignment->Labor) but her and her party did retain power though there were less domestic political issues plaguing Labor as a whole then and they did drop in parliament seats compared to before the war.

Fair. Sounds like an "if" between the "threatening to execute" and "they seek to retreat" by the way. I'd say executing for refusing to follow orders and then separately threatening unit level execution if retreating under fire are not "Russia executing own retreating soldiers" present tense happening. It's not like it'd be completely out of character for the peoples involved given Wagner and sledgehammers but still stretching. Avdiivka is a shitshow by all verifiable accounts, the exaggeration and inferences from 'information' are if anything negative value.

There's an awful lot of "holidays" that bankers or government employees take off that the rest of the American public does not. Checking my own calendar (as a federal contractor leech no less) our expected holidays are New Years, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and then a week of days off crammed into the last week of the year to cover Christmas and typical end of year home-for-the-holidays time off. Expected and typicial but we can shift the time off/paid Holiday time to suit personal priorities if for example you find Labor Day morally abhorrent and wanted to celebrate Ayn Rands birthday instead. Aside from government workers (if you have children, arranging for them to be cared for comes up) I don't think I've ever seen something like MLK Day or Washingtons birthday (still the official federal name, everyone else calls it Presidents Day) as anything but advertising banners for some sort of sale, people still going to work like a normal day otherwise.

Black Panthers to MLK

The Black Panthers were literally founded after the March on Washington.

Several cases have raised the claim that the NFA is unconstitutional but they generally haven't gone anywhere. In particular the AutoKeyCard case raised it though doesn't rely on it (unsurprising given that Matt Larosiere is one of the defense attorneys in that case) but that one lost in an odd way related to jury decisions on definitions.

The data is garbage. Most of the restrictions are going to be state level and most data is national. Most of the data is self reported surveys about a politically charged topic where people have had a strong incentive to lie since the 90s and unlike an election where you can validate something like the shy-tory effect in polling, there is no ground truth data point to calibrate against. Sales cannot distinguish a new owner from an existing owner buying their 30th firearm. (That first versus 30th is a classic example against waiting periods as implemented since they rarely/never allow someone who has already purchased a firearm previously to opt out which is nonsensical given the justifications for them.) Keep in mind also twenty years ago the AWB was still in effect, while forty years ago it didn't exist and sixty years ago the GCA didn't even exist so firearms could be mail ordered and there were no background checks then. Never mind the demographic changes over decades from urbanization and the downstream cultural effects. I'd wager that relative to sixty years ago there are far fewer gun owners per capita.

Your reductio ad hitlerum is especially bad considering the history of why the Sturmabteilung were formed in the first place.

Meanwhile the CW thread folks share some in common with the old /tg/ types who would ignore the troll parts and just start having fun with some of the concepts or premises in the OP. That it's a /v/ origin talking about tabletop makes some aspects of the argument make much more sense.

Passive level dependent hearing protection is an actual thing, primarily to attenuate impulse rather than constant noise which is what NRR measures. There's an Army Research Lab study on several products and the supposedly defective 3M product still beats the rest.

The guy with the 1986 amnesty for 2.7m undocumented immigrants? Who as Governor signed the first No Fault Divorce law in the US? Traded the Hughes Amendment for the toothless FOPA? That guy is one of the greats?

That placard is this sign. I know the film is grainy but it's a dimensional match, color match and the text layout is a match. It's the sign.

Edit: it's also placed on top of the bar in the same way.

You mean to say a high schooler wouldn't be able to do it with ease?

FYI, the forked code base running this site will autocorrect twitter links to nitter or vice versa depending on settings. So right now your comment says replace <url> with <same url>.

One thing you never hear about is what the actual women athletes have to say about this.

Of course you don't, they'd be canceled.

Well sometimes they can find a niche and other times they are very physically cancelled.

Proof of concept already used for the most ancient of internet purposes.

Just look to the cochlear implant micro culture war for a template of how things would go.

The rare miss. People forget about Maurice Freeland.

From the Military Times 9/2021: The future of special operations may look a lot different than the GWOT aesthetic we’ve come to know

The article is old at this point, but I've seen recent discussion about it in various Twitter/YouTube areas and while that discussion was definitely one-sided, it was very much culture war.

The days of the burly, bearded dude in Oakleys as the face of special operations might be waning. Special operations forces need a different focus, the director of strategy, plans and policy for Special Operations Command Central said Monday


This following section got attention interpreted as saying that SOCOM was going to prioritize diversity hiring over meritocratic hiring

The other part could reflect SOCOM’s recent commitment to diversity and inclusion, which most notably, aims to recruit more women and minorities into SOF organizations.

“... but I think it is difficult for them to promote and bring on talent that looks different than them,” Crombe said of existing leadership, who came up not only in the time of the burly, bearded operator, but in a time where combat deployments meant more than any other measure of skill or leadership.

When someone has taken time out of the deployment churn to further their education or take a position outside the prescribed pipeline, “it just, it doesn’t compute somehow in these [selection and promotion] boards,” she said.


Emphasis added below, has been interpreted in the context of SOCOM as meaning people dying.

To do that, SOCOM will have to put people it wouldn’t normally select into leadership positions, but also learn to be okay with the results if it doesn’t all go smoothly.

“And I think that that’s probably the biggest diverse takeaway,” Haver said. “It’s going to look different than probably a lot of people are comfortable with, and we’re going to have to be uncomfortable moving forward. The goodness and that is that it’s a team effort.”

The article does a bad job of contextualizing it, but SOCOM historically was not just direct-action combatants. US Army Special Forces (Green Berets) got their start as the eponymous "military advisors" working with and training various US friendly guerilla groups or US friendly governments dealing with US unfriendly guerillas/rebellions across Asia and South America. During GWOT (global war on terror), something like extracting/apprehending intelligence targets became much more common1 and the need for highly trained door kickers to do that work grew. In a post-GWOT environment, there could be an argument for going back to roots, deemphasizing combat experience and emphasizing ability to integrate with local forces but this is not that.

It's notable that the main thrust of the article is that what has been considered one of the more meritocratic parts of the military will need to go the DEI route and seems to try to caveat that any potential reductions in effectiveness are acceptable costs. This in the background of a looming recruitment crisis.

1: linking only as a point of reference on operational tempo, rest of that story is a whole different iceberg. The related increase in operational tempo at the bottom of the pyramid and pulling in other MOSs to meet demands is where the "basically infantry" meme comes from.

They just have a basically non-existent online presence (outside of the occasional Instagram post)

They are very much online. The unofficial meetups late night in parking lots don't happen through word of mouth. The number of weird project cars that have dedicated instas. Hoon culture spreads through videos of doing stupid shit. It's much like the old days but instead of VHS tapes passed around, zines and knowing a guy, the newer online variant of tiktok microuniverses, instas and group chats.

People latch on to magic incantations because sometimes you have to be saying things "sufficiently clearly that a reasonable police officer in the circumstances would understand" dawg.