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User ID: 1038


lol 🦂 lmao

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User ID: 1038

It is an attack, an awkward one at that, but fully deserved. Grammatical gender is a dumb feature and I will fight the whole of the world West of the Urals and South of the Himalayas on that point. At least English somehow managed to have some positive changes to it during the middle period even with the Normans doing their best to make things worse.

Edward VIII, abdicated King, Duke of Windsor wasn't a Windsor. Well at least this time your attempt was better so points for that.

Given how over gassed the Tavors and Galils are, they're not above gassing themselves either. /s

And what's more British than fighting the Nazis, really?

You don't mean to imply that the House of Saxe-Coburg and GothaWindsor isn't British do you?

but you presumably wouldn't say that fully-grown children are the property of their parents!

Why not? Patria potestas and Confucian filial piety are not foreign concepts. The Honor commandment is a heavy burden, not merely one of respect.

I know I sound a little pissed off here. It is targeted more towards a hypothetical NIMBY in the sky than the OP necessarily.

You would have been better off deleting your entire section of calling your ideological opponents hypocritical, evil coded Muslims while in the same breath handwaving any criticism of your allies who might have some extreme rhetoric of their own.

In your specific case of cardboard wrangling, couldn't those who wanted a more stable union job doing the exact same thing have gone across the street to UPS instead of FedEx?

But I've seen all kinds of advertisements for buy-now-pay-later and other kinds of financing on furniture, clothing, even food.

Patrick McKenzie (tpot adjacent finance tech guy @patio11) had a pretty good Bits About Money on BNPL almost a year ago. They're not quite as insidious as you would think.

For WEIRD points, I pay for basically everything via credit (gaining reward points and risk protection less available by other means) but zero out the balance every month. As pointed out by the survey I'd be one of those who would "struggle" since I'd pay it by card despite having more than a reasonable amount of liquid wealth. I should probably park more of it in less liquid investments.

Do you mean tradition or Tradition? Actual meaningful difference for this context.

So you mean like very public proud Catholics who are denied communion over publicly disagreeing with core Church teachings and actively working against those same?

There's a particular image floating around of a car seat with a blood stain where the head would rest and next to it an infant dress with blood along the top half. And this news report. Of course Journalist reliability and the reliability of their sources is always a factor.

Source on what aspect? I was noting that characterizing francafrique as French (Neo)Imperial maintenance is not outside the overton window and that French armed forces do deploy regularly both to "provide security" to French aligned regimes and "peace keeping" in the less French aligned areas. Someone who might use the term Empire to describe the actions/area might use different terms than the quoted ones I used. I'm not aware of the French proactively reducing their footprint so much as being forced to given civil conflicts and anti-French attitudes of newer regimes.

Simply excluding peninsular people narrows things well enough doesn't it?

Enough of Bruen will be carved out to allow all of the NFA to stand. Except on abortion, that's how the Roberts court works; make apparently major decisions which change nothing.

Granting cert in US v Rahimi looks all downside on that front especially given the facts of the case and the plaintiff. And that's not even getting close to the NFA section of 18 USC 922.

Having spent time in the single A development space as well as contracting for TLAs, I would rate the average skillset of the technical staff making low budget licensed games and mobile skinner boxes above the people who have to leave their cellphones in a cubby before going into the office. Averages in both cases get brought down when you include artists or systems engineers. Meanwhile isn't there a meme in Hollywood about a desperate need for gaffers who know how to actually light sets and audio engineers who can make speech audible?

(A ⇒ B) ⇏ (¬A ⇒ ¬B). Try again.


That word typically meaning someone who does not believe correctly (with implications of having chosen that path). Or in the vulgar form, not a real believer.

Only applies to Londoners (living on the unceded territory of the RomanesRomani people). Why should that specific housing be made cheaper for the people who want to live there specifically at the cost of everything and everyone else?

Paul DePodesta seems to be doing pretty well career wise even if he mostly gets hired by loser teams, they tend to improve after bringing him on.

Poor people already significantly do not vote compared to rich. Although realistically there should be some nontrivial cost floor. Paul voting whether or not Peter should be robbed to pay for Paul has some issues. The franchise being conditioned on the bond does not stop poor people from leaving, only those who voted for that same government in the first place who cannot bear the cost. And a progressive cost on the bond would mean that it would be proportionally costly for rich and poor.

I've been playing with https://search.marginalia.nu/ but it's not something I'd use as a primary because of scaling issues. Still refreshing to use an engine that acts like the old days and actually finds niche pages based on text and content instead of one that wants me to talk to it in sentences like a three year old and still not show me things I know exist on the lesser trafficked parts of the web.

For one the only evidence they were going to cite her at all is Brandt's editorial text on the video. They might not have been interested in citing an unclassified petty offense at all while talking to her. Some scuttlebutt that they were asking for information to investigate who sold the underaged woman the alcohol. Given the context and a mentally unwell, activist with a history of escalating and suing everyone involved and occasionally winning, exercising discretion to deescalate does not seem out of line. If Denver had laws more like Singapore then perhaps there would be more cause to condemn them for failure to cite.

I only know about the late 90s attempt in NYC from a throwaway futurama joke.

You must be on a weird section of the internet or have some interesting configuration. From what I'm seeing they have a DigiCert one good until December 12th, 2022, that is not OCSP stapled so there shouldn't be any cache issues and it's not on any public CRLs. This is for the subnet that I'm resolving to at least. Offsite validation via DigiCert says the same.

edit: This was replying to the comment mentioning twitter dot com, not nitter dot net but it seems something autocorrected the latter to the former.

We're back to MAI Systems Corp. v. Peak Computer, Inc. territory with this kind of logic.