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User ID: 205



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User ID: 205

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I am happy to be able to report that the sequels to Magician are also pretty good! You can never really rely on that in fantasy...

Somewhat. I guess it's sort of like... I sense that you're not meant to binge-read poetry like it were a Rex Stout novel, or Wikipedia tabs, or something.

I actually find Garnett the most readable. You will find many recommendations for Pevear and Volokhonsky, and perhaps it's more accurate, but the experience of reading Garnett is more enjoyable.

This article cites multiple studies about the benefits of creatine for strength-building.


I have taken 5g creatine daily for several years. I've never noticed any ill effects; I feel pretty much fine in general all the time. I have made gains in strength that are commensurate with the amount of work I put in. In general it's so affordable, and so well-supported by reputable commentators, that I think you should go ahead and use it. That was the conclusion I reached for myself.

In the opinion of the same guy from above, BCAAs are overrated. He found that the evidence supporting their supposed benefits is very flawed, and that in general there appears to be no particular benefit vs. just consuming appropriate amounts of normal protein and carbohydrates. See below.


Unfortunately not, lol. I'm in my 30s now and it's been very strange how I continue to meet women that don't want to have children. That's a separate conversation of course, but yeah, it's just surprised me.

Not of fiction, I've never tried to. I do have one legit writing credit: I wrote a section of a guidebook to the city I live in. So that's something.

I was able to go there and register successfully. Indicated that I would receive a .zip file shortly with the information.

I live in Ohio now, but I think at the time of the SSC/Motte split, I lived in Bowling Green, KY. I'm not sure if those were the best years of my life but they were pretty good ones. Western Kentucky is a wonderful place.

Let me know how it is if you start it. There's a copy of it on my bookshelf that I've never cracked open.

I own a suit, and I wear it 3-4 times a year. Usually for "occasions" but sometimes just for fun.

I never have. I'll check it out!

Yeah, just sharing for the audience. I read that novel in 2015 and ended up repeating that mantra to myself any time things got hairy. Great book.

Marcos "El Chino" Maidana! (Just kidding.)

This'll be one of the first Google results, but I did read Attached by Rachel Heller, and it really does have great information.

Unfortunately I read it after going through yet another painful breakup, and I've been single ever since. I am very, very avoidant. I do think that now that I have a better understanding, I'll hopefully be able to handle my next relationship better.

This was the right choice, given what he was doing to discussions. It's been years since he was a genuine contributor, rather than a drive-by "you're wrong but I won't explain why" poster.

He was much better back in the Reddit days.

This post raised a few interesting points for me.

  • Despite being online for many years at this point, I don't think I've ever seen a cigarette recommendation thread.

  • Nor do I ever hear people talking about the different brands and their properties. Not even smokers. People have serious preferences about Coors vs. Miller etc., and will discuss them, but I'm not sure that's the case with cigarettes.

  • I realize I actually don't have much of a vocabulary to discuss the nature of different cigarettes with. I would be really curious to know if people had better ways of talking about them 60 or 80 years ago.

Anyway, here's what I can remember:

  • Pall Mall: Seriously offensive and nasty. If somehow this is all they have, go to another store.

  • L&M: Just barely acceptable.

  • Chesterfield: Probably the best really cheap cigarette. They taste fine, but they burn very quickly, you don't get a lot out of one.

  • Parliament: Pretty harsh. The recessed filter doesn't do anything and you will quickly cease to notice it. Too expensive for what they are but I guess they do look cool.

  • Camel (Red): The best cigarette. Once I found these I stopped buying other ones. This is probably what most people do, they find the one they like and they stop shopping around. But what if there's a better one out there?

  • Camel (Blue): Doesn't taste or feel like anything. I would extend that to pretty much all light cigarettes. I suppose that's what some people are going for.

Unfortunately I can't report on the self-medication aspect. I just like stimulants.

I have a few days off coming up, during which I'm not working, but also not traveling as I have other scheduled travel coming up.

What do you like to do when you have a few days off like that?

You're right, sorry, upon further research: the sedan was only offered in Britain in certain limited model years, and the estate is much more common. Shame as I do have the sedan type myself.

Still, check it out and perhaps you'll like it. Happy hunting mate.

What does your after-work routine look like? I feel like I'm in a bit of a rut in the way I spend my time. Curious what other people do.

I drive the American brother of the Vauxhall Astra and I really like it. It's been a dead reliable car with all the features you describe. Mine is a 2014. I've driven it for five years now and have never needed to do maintenance beyond what's in the owner's manual. (Except one time I had to replace a shock absorber because I hit a pothole very hard. That's not the car's fault.)

Yeah, me and my girlfriend are in our early 30s. We like to go to Big Lots and buy various snacks, and then watch weird DVDs from the thrift store. This weekend we went to the local nature preserve and looked at turtles. I think we have as much fun as anyone does.

I've wanted to be a father for a very long time. I could imagine my kids, but for a very long time I couldn't picture the woman who would want to have mine. After I bought a house, I couldn't find a local woman who wanted my children.

How did you eventually resolve this?

That sounds rad. I've requested it from my local library.

I've definitely been considering this for the New Year, or rather something like "No PC/cellphone use when I get home from work." I always seem to find ways to replace bad habits with other bad habits, but this should make it harder. Hopefully I can find some good habits to work in there instead; I have a list somewhere that I pre-prepared for this.

I find the novels of Antoine Laurain quite charming, and I'm sure they'd only be more so in the original French.