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joined 2022 September 04 19:34:50 UTC


User ID: 110



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User ID: 110

the correct remedy is we can hold these people in jail forever

Not without having them parade through the US Capitol building first.

Julia Child (in a TV documentary) once demonstrated that gold would be a great material for cookware.

You're your own ancestor?

I'm probably one of the older people who read The Motte. I was an adult for all of Reagan's time in office. And I was a daily NPR news listener too.

I can assure you the left hated him with a passion back then.

Maybe Barron can take up art and sell his paintings to earn some $.

Let's not forget another thing conservative justices have to keep in mind: that leftist mobs will be dispatched to the justices' homes if they dare to decide cases "incorrectly."

You just don’t know this. Romney would have won in 2016 against Hilary,

Speaking of things no one actually knows ...

The odds are good but the goods are odd.

I first heard it from my daughter (at the time an MIT freshman) 20 years ago.

Does the right just lack any amount of people with nothing better to do than edit Wikipedia articles. In a world this big that does almost seem impossible.

I was under the impression that any right wingers who try to edit Wikipedia have their changes reverted almost instantly, and lose their edit privileges to boot.

Better would just put him in solitary and refuse to administer the oath of office, then per Article II he can't exercise any presidential powers.

It's less effusive than most "mainstream" media coverage of the Obamas over the last 20 years.

Set cities on fire? When deplorables hold burning tiki torches during a protest it's a hate crime.

Sticks alone would suffice. You ever been hit with one?

Please don't insult my alma mater! (That's my job!)

AOC went to Boston University.

How many White and Asian teens consider CEOs and scientists to be role models?

And even if the party did find a candidate and engineer a primary win, I imagine the MSM would just flood the zone with "Hey, can you believe this nutjob here ALMOST won a rethuglican primary?"

Who would you suggest monitor instead? Nonpartisans? Where can they be found?

In the very first 007 novel, Casino Royale, Bond telephones to HQ to report that Vesper Lynd was spying for the Soviets and is now deceased. He refers to her only by her number, 3030.

My comment was indeed sincere, however it was rooted in a misunderstanding about what "hard-R" referred to, which your reply clears up. Thanks for that, and I expect you're correct.

I won't deign to answer your charges of "low-effort" and "obnoxious."

At my local supermarket I can scan items off the shelf with my phone, put them right into my bag, and when I'm done shopping I pause briefly to scan a checkout code posted near the door. Then I leave.

A simple answer to that would be to add a feature where if you put in a certain code on login, you could make it appear from your end that you'd voted differently on certain questions.

What if the thugs don't tell you which side they're thugging for until after you enter your code?

"Like that" and "regular basis"? 'Fraid I have no advice for you. I only know how to find one sport on an irregular basis.

Via youtube I kept up with the pro beach volleyball tournament that was held in Phoenix, Arizona on Friday evening and Saturday.

The duo I was pulling for on the women's side won the trophies, so yay them.

He then asks about what they'd do with large ocean-going ships if fossil fuels are shutdown.

Perhaps someday some genius will invent a way to propel ships with wind power.

Wait, the politicians pay off the interest groups? I thought it was the other way 'round.