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joined 2022 September 21 23:13:44 UTC


User ID: 1307



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User ID: 1307

Early pioneers would become historical legends, for one.

I'm more impressed than anything that Gobert had the wisdom as a man, father, and husband, not to suggest his wife make medical decisions based around a basketball game.

I disagree. I think people would respond negatively to overly-repetitive topics to the degree warranted, regardless of the username posted in the corner above it.

Agreed. I'm not sure I have the writing skills to make a top-level post, but if I did, I'd be lucky to have even a single issue on which I was both articulate and interesting enough to make multiple posts on the topic. I guess that would make me a single issue poster (which there is no discernible rule against).

I'm also highly antipathetic toward governance/justice/moderation being levied based on identity. Judgment, in this and in every case, should be on the merits of the argument, not because of who posted it. Either the ball was in bounds or out of bounds; making that call shouldn't depend on whether Tom Brady or Todd Marinovich threw it. If it does, then we're playing a rigged sport here.

Sagrada Familia, hands down. Maybe my favorite manmade work, period.

I'm more persuaded to believe it was Len Sassaman. The background, experience, personal values, evident time zone... it's all there.

Reade appears to be an actual Russian asset.

While I haven't kept up with this story in extreme detail, this is the first I've heard of this accusation. What makes that so apparent?

When you said "misadventure", I initially imagined a guy going "Sorry, your honor, I was on a severe bender that week and forgot to vote" and it being totally legit.

Zeiss Victory SF 10x42

Maybe it's just because I'm an enthusiast in photography and sport shooting, with their extremely pricey optics, that I expected these to be more than $3k.

A recent interaction I had with an 80-something woman had me thinking about this very thing. I've been trying to come up with some sort of non-profit model that could work toward solving this problem.

Of his dialogues, I'd put Plato's Republic as the most foundational one.

Europe is much more white than the US and is also much more ethno-nationalist than the US

I'd like to see some backing data to support this.

Any suggestions? I joined a climbing gym for a bit, but never got real into it. Seems like pickleball is all the rage these days... but it's kinda taken on that "Crossfit is all I talk about" vibe in my circles.

I would think that's a fairly rare scenario. At least in my experience growing up, every one of my many friends with a step-parent referred to them by first name.

Nope, tried it already. Had very much the opposite of the intended effect.

I find myself in a weird position where I don't like to be alone for very long. I can't sit at home all day, and need to be around people fairly regularly. But once I'm around people and someone starts a conversation with me, I immediately can't wait for that conversation to end, even if it's interesting. I want to want to talk, but it just feels off and I never seem to know what to say.

The only workaround I've ever found to this is alcohol, which makes conversation entirely enjoyable, frictionless, and engaging, but it comes with obvious health downsides.

Are there any healthy remedies to make sociability not feel like awkward work?

This makes much more sense than any other explanation I've ever heard.

The critial difference, of course being, is that if I choose to refer to my step-mom simply as "mom" (and vice versa), that's a relational identifier that the two of us have chosen to engage in based on mutual trust/love/history/etc.

No such consensual agreement exists between myself and some dude in a dress who tries to get me fired if I don't refer to him as "ma'am".

So Reagan was a Democrat? And where does this leave Biden/Feinstein/any other longtime politician?

As an aside, I've often felt it was a blatant smear that Republicans got tagged as the "racist" party (with increasing fervor) in recent years, when the supposed "most racist" states in the South were reliably Democratic during the eras of exponentially-greater blatant racism. I've often heard the defense of "oh well the parties flipped", but I've never been able to square that argument with obvious examples like Robert Byrd being a Democratic senator a mere 13 years ago, or things like Biden's comments in the 70's about a "racial jungle".


I'm like "okay, if the parties flipped, then when did they flip?". Because when it comes to Biden (and countless others, I'm certain), they clearly haven't flipped yet.

Professed Catholics in America have many different ethical beliefs, but a common theme is that almost all of them aren't keen on violently attacking those who mock them. I think that's less "silent stoicism" and more "ethical passivity".

Maybe they all should just go back and watch The Boondock Saints

It could be the case that you simply interact in such circles that you are not exposed to such disposable men, but it both biologically obvious, and has been throughly examined from an academic perspective.

"Your food choices could not be tied to any one social class."

My graph was pretty even among all five groups, with the highest scores in the Upper and Lower classes

I’m of two minds about this. On the one hand, I can say without hesitation that having kids had a severely negative impact on my life. Most of that was due to my poor selection of partner/her post-partum/outside elements that don’t have anything directly to do with the kids themselves. On the other hand, the moments of joy I experience when my children are happy and loving… it’s a higher high than any other sensation I’ve been able to find in this life. And then, egotistically, I get the satisfaction of fulfilling my belief that a reasonably-good-looking National Merit Scholar is the type of person who should be reproducing.

I hate to admit that I feel the same way. My disillusionment with the way gun violence cases are highlighted (or buried) in the media has forced to quit giving a fuck entirely, just for my own sanity.