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joined 2023 January 01 23:24:51 UTC


User ID: 2032



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User ID: 2032

What is the pink site?

I think I crossed out the parts you didn’t like. Is that what you meant?

They is currently an 8 month old baby in the UK with a mitochondrial disease which is almost definitely terminal. The babies name is Indi: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/italy-grants-citizenship-terminally-ill-british-baby-after-104666139

A UK judge has ordered that that the baby be killed. Her parents have protested this, saying that they don’t think the government should kill their baby.

The Catholics have said: give us the baby and we will put the baby in our pediatric Vatican hospital, and the Italian government has said they would cover the medical bills. The Italian government has also said that the family can have Italian citizenship.

The UK has said no, you can’t leave, you need to keep the baby here so we can kill it.

I know this sounds hyperbolic, but…I don’t think it is. Read the article. Absolutely deranged behavior.

I understand that in socialized medicine countries there is some calculation about how much life support will cost, and famously in Canada sometimes this means the government just tries to get you to kill yourself, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here. The Catholics are being pretty Catholic about this and just trying to save the baby. The UK government won’t let them and insists that they should just kill her.


Would Hamas agree to this ceasefire? For how long?

Attacking your enemy, then crying for a ceasefire when they retaliate seems a bit ridiculous. Maybe Hamas should have considered a ceasefire on October 6th.

The “cease fire” people are the same people who were calling for a “no fly zone” over Ukraine.

I believe Israel has been seeking a ceasefire for about 20 years now. In fact, I’d say that their entire response here is because Palestine continues violating the various cease fires being implemented.

Hire staff.

Cleaners, and landscapers.

It really depends on what level of wealth your at beyond that. Honestly the best thing you could do would be to live frugally for a while, invest heavily, then retire.

Not that anybody online seems to be aware of.

Are you aware of bluey? Maybe you don’t have kids? Bluey is an outrageously popular 2D animation show for kids that looks like it could have been made in 1995. It’s made in a software called celaction2d.

I can’t really overstate how popular it is. It’s made in Australia. It’s so popular that I suspect it will start having more copycats from more modern first world countries. (Just kidding Australians).

It’s also extremely wholesome. I can’t think of a single but of degeneracy in the entire show.

Thanks, Nara!

Equivalent for the purposes of my point, which is that “conversion therapy” is morally near to pride, LGBT holidays, trans therapy, etc.

I think you’re missing my point, or maybe your being cheeky and I don’t realize it.

A straight person unconverted to gay, and a gay person unconverted to straight are equivalents.

It seems like the assumption is that you can only ever find out that you’re gay, as if that is an evolution. I’m saying it goes both ways. Consider a 20-something who experiments with homosexuality in college and then realizes that they don’t like it later in life.

This is the same as a gay person experimenting with heterosexuality and “coming out” later in life.

We seem to be socially okay with helping straight people convert to homosexuality, but not okay with the opposite.

What percentage of people going to gay conversion clinics do you think believe themselves be straight be afflicted with something they find undesirable?

I doubt it’s zero.

In their minds they are straight people who need help overcoming a psychological condition.

Simply: lots of work by libs is a sort of gay conversion therapy for straight people. Pride parades, public school education, pride month, trans day of visibility etc. all exist to glorify homosexuality and, explicitly to help straight people easily “come out of the closet” as gay.

I don’t expect ideological consistency here, but it should be obvious that this implies the reverse should be true. Could you be a closeted…normie? I feel like many people go through this transition in their 30s anyway. They have children, regret not doing it earlier, move to the suburbs, and take the grill pill.

I think if we are going to have actual IRL trans/sterilization clinics for children, then at the very least straight people should be allowed to have therapy sessions where they talk about how they wish they werent gay.

Edit: it’s annoying to say this so forgive me but I just feel the need to say it: I have 0 problem with gay people. Many of my closest, and most loved friends are happily married gay people who just want to be left alone to have their families. They’re loving fathers, and seriously cherished members of my community. It routinely brings me to tears thinking about people being mean to them, and I end up feel a sort of parental desire to protect them from the world. I understand why they hear gay conversion therapy and instinctively recoil, but this is approximately how I think most people feel when they hear about trans conversion clinics, or children at pride events.

No you miss my point. The obvious, rational move would be to say: Israeli Jews can own guns, but Muslims can’t. The test is literally: are you a Muslim? Then you can’t have a gun because you are a dangerous person in a suicide cult.

This is what Israel wants, but it doesn’t do this because of how mean it would be to the Muslims.

Yes exactly that.

While I totally agree that it was the response, I believe the interview where she talked about being “fratty” came before the Dylan thing.

I have a theory that this Bud Light backlash isn't just because Dylan Mulvaney is trans, it's because he's hideous. If Bud Light had partnered with Blair White (https://instagram.com/p/CpIx5-lJFCX/) for instance, would the backlash have been the same? Somehow I doubt it.

I mean seriously look at this: https://tiktok.com/@dylanmulvaney/video/7102974306036010282?lang=en

Or this: https://tiktok.com/@dylanmulvaney/video/7285860156548795694?lang=en

One thing they should do is just change the branding. The hideous blue can is now associated with Dylan Mulvaney, and honestly it looks like ugly walmart aesthetics anyway.

Bring back the 1990s era silver can.

I’d just like to point out that Israel is currently kvetching over wether an obvious way to enhance their own protection, might be offensive to some of her citizens.

Think about the stark contrast there. Israel is making themselves objectively more unsafe because they don’t want to be mean to the Muslims. Incredible.

Because if you own a gun you're already in your house...with the gun. So when you hear your neighbors getting executed, you take out your gun and stop the person doing the executing.

Has there been any discussion within Israel or within the broader Jewish diaspora about a change in approach to gun rights?

I can't be the only one who realizes that if the Israelis were armed in the same way that The Americans are, that 10/7 would have looked a lot different. Not the music festival, obviously, but the houses/villages for sure. But actually: maybe the music festival too[1]. Just looking out the window and considering the guns that I know for a fact that my neighbors have (I live in the downtown area of a major, liberal American city), there is absolutely 0 chance that Hamas would be going door to door executing anybody in my neighborhood.

It's pretty wild how much Americans are into guns. To the people who aren't aware: gun nerds have kindof moved past just being into guns at this point. Yeah they own AR-15s, but the are also really into training, physical fitness, radio skills, orienteering, and own some pretty fucking advanced sensing equipment. 15 years ago it was cool to have an Ar15, now dudes are (almost commonly) out here with full on panoramic thermal/nightvision, body armor, etc. It's insane.

[1]: Even the yogi far left borderline authleft people I go to music festivals with own guns. Americans really own a fucking shit load of guns.

How does the circus benefit Democrats?

The government is dysfunctional. Being efficiently dysfunctional is not a good thing.

The reasons that Matt Gaetz etc. ousted McCarthy was because some of the terms he agreed to to get their votes he ended up violating. The main one was that they wanted to split "omnibus" bills into specific limited scope spending bills.

I say good.

I think the Liz Cheny/Mitt Romney/GOP Neocon wing of the republican party are being childish.

I also find the Democrat language around this annoying. If they care so much about getting the government running, put together a few people to vote for Jim Jordan and be done with it.

Because they are using them as human shields.

Given the daytime photos released, it seems like they were jumping through the correct hoops.