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joined 2023 October 24 08:03:50 UTC


User ID: 2716



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2023 October 24 08:03:50 UTC


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User ID: 2716

Interesting, that is different from what I was imagining. I didn't realise it was on CIA premises either.

Plus it filled in some of the details of "how" which was nice

Woah, I haven't stayed up to date with Ukraine, partly due to the high signal to noise ratio on most of the discourse. But this is great, it facts. It's especially fascinating that the Pentagon could do nothing about.

I think the reason the governments are scared of leaks is that it shows their incompetence and lack of control. That's a threat.

Oh not the climategate ones, just climate science professors (although I assume it's a field wide problem). I shouldn't mention names either way as it would dox my alt account. But I was just doing my honours, and while they seemed to have excellent character and integrity, I didn't have the full picture of the pressure they were under.

Oh... that might be why I couldn't find it. I'll have another look.

I think, even if something is widely suspected, it's still nice to have written evidence and details like the prices. It helps with debates and economics papers if nothing else.

Fascinating, I've studies under some of these professors and this sounds entirely realistic and plausible human psychology.

It's worth noting that the stratigraphic record has many instances of climate change, and you don't need a simulation to put bounds on the type of changes we could possibly see. How likely it is, is another matter of course. (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pliocene_climate)

Wow, that is interesting and I totally missed it. It's nice to see the dynamics of mundane corruption.

I agree there was little reporting on the contents. I remember one spreadsheet that detailed "what they have given me" and "what position I have given them" but I can't for the life of me find it again. However, it showed that you can buy an ambassadorial position for ~$100k

When you see more evidence you should be more sure, right?

But what about when you believe something, and expect it to show up in the leaked documents, then it doesn't show. Shouldn't that surprise you?


Well for example they will spy of foreign oil companies like Petrobas, but they will cooperate with ones from allied countries like Shell. You can see the known facts in those links. And I extrapolate this out to a more general rule, that's speculation on my part.

I'll start with a low effort set of "stylised facts". Feel free to argue

I assume that where there is one company or politician or agency or country doing something, they are probably all doing it.

What are some things you learnt from leaked documents?

These documents are like the ground truth, but there are too many too look through. So I want to pool our knowledge.

For me it's the spies often cooperate with industry, and that they will lie and even hack their oversight committees.