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joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC

I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC


I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118

I thought Paul Pelosi's attacker was a gay lover/drug dealer.

Well, the foolproof solution is just "move to another country". The countries I hear men talk about are Colombia, the Philippines and Thailand. Before the war, men talked about Ukraine and Russia, and I'm sure there are other places in Eastern Europe. Probably any country in Latin America, East Asia or Eastern Europe with low violence would be good. Consider timezones, look up visa rules and cost of living, and consider your preferences: Do you like Catholics? (Philippines) Do you like white girls? (E. Europe) As an American, you can pretty much go to any country and they'll let you in, and you'll probably save money over rent in America.

Sex is illegal in American culture. There's probably someone in Skookum's life that will shame him for trying, whoever he tries to talk to, however he tries to talk to her. You can go anywhere in America and still find the same pattern. Maybe these rules only apply to a certain class of men, but they apply across all English-speaking subcultures.

Fortunately, there are other places for us to live.

How much is losing your virginity worth to you? A plane ticket?

I'm glad :)

To be honest, I've felt like that poor nurse most of my life, and not just around black men. (And obviously without the viral social media component, thank god.) What I'm trying to say is, life in America is constant charade of being accosted by one group or another, people I call moralists, people who try to use the latest morality to scam you or manipulate you.

I'd rather have bad roads and bad wifi than bad people.

Sure sucks that what I'm skilled at decides whether I get to be a human being or not.

Exactly, thank you.

Haha, this is exactly I don't give a shit about these people's sympathy.

If matchmaking has a dominant role in social life (like social media does today) I imagine that the busybodies will do everything in their power to control it.

Is Jacobin rat-adjacent?

I think my fundamental problem is that I have a pathological fear of being accused of sexual harassment, or of being sexual in general. Approaching women as a form of exposure therapy has not helped, because I'm still waiting in fear of "The Day". Therefore, I wonder if it's possible to preemptively me-too myself? Maybe I can announce (with my real name) "I'm a horrible horrible person who has a sex drive, please stay away from me," in an absurd enough way to get noticed, and then my name will forever be associated with that. My hope is that from that point on, I can live in peace, no longer afraid of me-too nonsense.

That sounds like the start of an amazing David Icke-style conspiracy theory.

The right to sex is not really about sex. It's about protecting normal people from moral busybodies that will ruin our lives by publicly proving that we have a sex drive. Once "so and so said something sexual once" or "so and so had sex (in an unapproved way)" is not a basis for public humiliation or losing your job, our lives will be so much better.

It's interesting to me that asserting a right to sex can a reaction from you. Are you afraid of people getting their needs met? Or is power over other people's sex lives something you need for some reason?

Here's hoping. The more I think about AI matchmaking, the more optimistic I am. By using matchmaking, I can eliminate anyone with what I see as insane views, such as the idea that people should be denied sex until they "earn it" by having the right socially approved personality. And if in this future, people cannot ruin my life by publicly proving that I'm a heterosexual male with a normal sex drive, then I should be much happier.

I really hope you're right, that sounds grand!

I never heard any of these girls express any interest in moving to America (and even if I had the perfect loving wife, I wouldn't want to live in the US again.)

I don't think the local dude are treated poorly here. My theory is that poor men tend to immigrate to other countries for work, creating a male gender bias in rich countries, and leaving a female gender bias back home. This combined with some of the psychological effects of wealth (such as more feminism) causes the wildly distorted dating market in rich countries.

Something that constantly shocks me is just how many young women there are here. It seems like every business I patronize has 75%+ female workers. Where are this country's young men? Sure there are male dominated professions like taxi driver, and maybe there are lots of men in industry or farming but I don't see them. I'm not sure.

I'll try and let you know.

Well, if it's an aligned AI, then the nanoprobes which yes, will beat us to the stars, will simply prepare the way for us, including in some regions not-preparing (leaving untouched). I'll be excited when humans do arrive.

If it's an unaligned AI, welp.

if everyone else does, the world outside the simulation is going to become a much less pleasant place to live in.


Some people seem to think that you need to have a "personality" in order to have a right to live.

If AI allows for infinite content generation it's hard to see how this would be a problem. Just say "give me Final Fantasy 7 remastered with stunning graphics in FDVR and oh also change this character... etc"

I too am concerned about Yud-style misaligned AI, but I don't think it's more than 10% likely. Either way, if it's our fate, it's our fate. I'd rather be killed by emotionless AI than be psychologically tortured by feminists forever.

My experience in a country not unlike China (I assume) is that the women here are much more feminine, in all the ways you can suggest other than that they are not particularly demure (or chaste!) The men are not particularly masculine though (not trying to put them down), but I hear they do pretty well.