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joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC

I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC


I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118

This is just the macro version of something all Americans have to deal with on a daily basis.

I think it says a lot about society that random people are victims of this kind of thing on a regular basis. She lost her job and had to delete her socials. Her husband had to delete his socials too. There is still an active mob of people who are seemingly trying to kill her over a bicycle rental. She won't get her job back. The hospital is not going to face any consequences. Nor are the young men, or the hate mob on Twitter. I think that says a lot about American society.

Even if I choose to stay on Earth, it would be very meaningful to me to know that real live biological humans actually made the million year journey to another galaxy. And people will make that journey, unless the AI prevents them of course. Maybe the adventure is like a kind of art.

I notice that in Western (or just American?) culture, you can dismiss a man's entire identity just by proving that his a sex drive. My belief is that AGP is just a example of this: trans women have a sexuality, and are seen as men, therefore their needs and desires are invalid. Is that not the implication of the rhetoric around AGP?

I also notice that I can never tell where someone is coming from on this site. So for the record, I'm broadly pro-trans and I see most anti-trans rhetoric as just being repackaged sex-negativity, which I hate. However, I certainly agree that with regards to child transitioners and some other controversies, we have gone to far. No one should be forced to use specific language (pronouns), for example.

It makes sense that Djibouti would have a high fertility.

If I'm a young person and I control the money, why do I listen to my elders? Why don't I just run away and make a life for myself?

If women don't want a doormat, why does western society work so hard at bullying us into being doormats?

As someone who agrees with you, you haven't really explained what is so terrifying about this future. If the AI really is a human face with a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, there isn't much to complain about. But if that atmosphere is actually unwelcoming to white males, then there is a problem.

Has anyone gotten ChatGPT to produce anti-white hatespeech? Can we demonstrate that it has a bias against men?

I notice I (IQ 130) followed the success sequence perfectly but I'm still a social outcast.

I lost 40lbs when I moved to a poor country. Eating their food and I didn't get a car/bike, I assume. And the girls here are just endless. I have two girls i can't get rid of and I get approached by a new girl almost every day. This is after years of having little prospects in America. Seriously, go south.

So where am I allowed to make a joke?

Real freedom is being able to express your real feelings. Like crying for help when you're being accosted. Would any sane society set up a system where six-month pregnant nurses have to make snap decisions in the face of simultaneous physical and social threats, and then punish them for crying? This is just more evidence that America is not a free country (anymore?) and is also no longer a serious country. (This is a deeply satisfying revelation for me personally, because it demonstrates that all the people in my life who though I was a "threat to women" due to my slight awkwardness... well this is evidence that those people are literally insane.)

Do you think that this didn't actually happen? It's all over twitter right now. And what is the psyop exactly? What are TPTB trying to convince us is true, that is not true?

I thank god every day for leading me out of that hellhole country.

Do you think it's okay that some people have AI companions, or do you think that those people should be forced to suffer eternally for no fucking reason?

Funny that your username is aiislove when you sound very un-transhumanist.

I don't understand this "life has to be hard to be meaningful" attitude. You can always turn the difficulty dial to whatever you want. Personally I don't want AI-aided social skills. I just want Westerners to stop treating me like shit for no reason. I would be interested in AI-aided social skills if I believed that it was the only way I could get love and friendship, but it is not (thank you rest-of-world!) so I don't need it.

Are you sure about that? The heater has to have some flow through in order to turn on.

We're all living in Amerika...

This is a mindset that creates misery. You cannot be dependent on what other people think about you.

I'm curious though... in the future, what do we believe about gender and sex?

How would you summarize "their" beliefs? (We might have to decide who we mean by "their".)

Someone on Twitter asked an interesting question, which was essentially, why is this topic so fraught? And the best answer I can give, is that it's the first topic (maybe) to be "born" in the forge of Postmodernism and Critical models of power at a popular level. Sure, they existed in academia before this, but I do think there was this divide between these ways of thinking and a much more transactional, retail, boots on the ground level productive politics. Frankly, it's possible that the other candidate for the "First topic" is COVID, and I do think you see a lot of the same patterns in that debate as well.

Please help me understand this paragraph, because I'm having trouble. By "this topic" I assume you mean either trans issues generally or something more specific. If this topic was "born", what is it's "birthday"? 2020? 2014? 1969? Is the birthday when the public first becomes generally aware of the issue? How long has the "forge of Postmodernism and Critical models of power at a popular level" been operating? 2020, 2016, 2014...? What other topics might qualify as being a "first topic"? Russiagate? Gamergate? Brexit? Ukraine War?

I only ask these questions because it sounds like you have an interesting model, but I can't put the puzzle pieces together in my head.

Underrated answer. A girl I've been dating asked me, "who will take care of you [when you are a childless old man]?" and it really took me aback. I've never imagined that having a child would actually be an economic advantage to me, but she probably never imagined that a child would be such an economic burden, because in a poor country, children are not a burden.

I have done (100% consentual and by-the-rules) CNC play. If a girl fantasizes about rape, there is presumably some BDSM-type scenario that she would consent to, or would consent to in some alternate universe where there weren't e.g. social taboos, dangers to her health, etc.

This is completely unrelated to the question of how pushy a man should be when flirting. Making a woman briefly uncomfortable is not rape, and it's not immoral in my view. (I'm not endorsing the view that women secretly wanting rape => unlimited right to sexually harass them.)

As someone who has been raped, twice, and sexually harassed by men and women many times, I personally would rather live in a world where I get raped or harassed sometimes than a world where, like in America, I am not able to have a social life because everyone just sees me a dangerous creep.