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joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC

I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC


I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118

Imagine the top 0.01% of horrible-to-be-around-ness.

If I'm a young person and I control the money, why do I listen to my elders? Why don't I just run away and make a life for myself?

It's funny because netstack was basically saying "I believe the US will never blow up energy infrastructure" and "I don't believe in evidence from substack."

Why is Lex Fridman single?

(I apologize if this is brief for a top level post. I just want the community's take on it.)

  • -52

I think it's not so much an event or experience that these women want to have. It's that the event proves something about the man, specifically that he is powerful.

So it's "I want to be taken by a powerful man, but I don't necessarily want to be hurt, or have a child, and I certainly don't want any social consequences." But there's a bit of a problem here, because the women wants the proof that the man is powerful and has power over her specifically, and so she needs either pain, her will violated, or some other consequence, to know that it is real.

I have done (100% consentual and by-the-rules) CNC play. If a girl fantasizes about rape, there is presumably some BDSM-type scenario that she would consent to, or would consent to in some alternate universe where there weren't e.g. social taboos, dangers to her health, etc.

This is completely unrelated to the question of how pushy a man should be when flirting. Making a woman briefly uncomfortable is not rape, and it's not immoral in my view. (I'm not endorsing the view that women secretly wanting rape => unlimited right to sexually harass them.)

Americans act like sex is illegal under Federal law.

First of all, this stuff happens everywhere, not just work. Second of all, this is extremely humiliating to men but I guess we'll never be able to make you empathize with us, so I don't know what to say.

I've definitely gone all the way without ever hearing "no". (Sometimes it's "yes yes yes" all the time haha.)

As someone who has been raped, twice, and sexually harassed by men and women many times, I personally would rather live in a world where I get raped or harassed sometimes than a world where, like in America, I am not able to have a social life because everyone just sees me a dangerous creep.

If women don't want a doormat, why does western society work so hard at bullying us into being doormats?

I generally fantasize about things I want, yes.

Exactly how assertive do western women want us to be?

I have similar opinions due to personal experience. I don't know if sliders is correct about why western women behave this way, but they do.

My totally original dating advice is this: move out of hellhole countries where everyone hates you.

The problem is when a man has his life dismantled because of a few words spoken to the wrong person. This has happened several times to me in my life, at a small scale but it was scary enough at the time that I still have psychological problems related to it. Why should I have my life ruined just to spare a woman a few minutes of discomfort?

So where, pray tell, is a guy allowed to make a pass at someone without it becoming an international scandal?

Developing countries.

I count until I get 52, and then I stop. Make sure to account for jokers though.

Five of the six stories has a person being dehumanized

In the sixth story, nuclear power is dehumanized.

Do you have any concerns about the volatility of wind and solar, or the difficulty of storing energy?

I thought Paul Pelosi's attacker was a gay lover/drug dealer.

Does the BDSM include a category for people who like to be tied up and called mean names?

I think if you could look into people's hearts, a lot of people want to kill a lot of people.

So when I was bullied in high school, was I being exterminated? If I can identify the right victim group that I'm a part of, will I be allowed to use this kind of rhetoric?