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In the 80’s? The days of the moral majority? Opposition to the sexual Revolution was if anything more mainstream than today.

Ukrainian social norms are not particularly like those of the modern west; it’s a strong candidate for the most conservative social norms of any country with a Christian majority and this is apparent from interacting with old country Ukrainians in a way it is not with old country Mexicans or poles or whatever. The idea that Ukraine does not have at least some degree of actual patriarchy to go with women being exempted from the draft is not, it appears, particularly based on fact.

I mean, given what you’ve listed, emphasis on patriarchy and gender norms sounds like the norm and more emphasis sounds like an obsession that probably betrays mental illness or an unstable personality.

I can believe that- I live in a conservative homeschooling community- although I’m curious what you mean by ‘other items’.

The EU’s population is about half a billion. Do you think a billion people will immigrate from Africa to the EU? That’s what it would take.

I mean, to be clear, quiverfullism was very much a fad in fundamentalist Protestantism and isn’t necessarily a better representation than the Amish. Most Protestants who agree with the core theological points don’t identify as quiverfull- iirc the duggars fall into the category of being quiverfull in belief and practice but strongly disidentifying with the movement.

I suspect that you’d need need to compare proxies and/or better organized representative groups to get data on the fundamentalist Christian lifestyle. Last time I saw any data on religious stay at home moms with 5+ children they were extremely happy and reported a high percent of their children in the same denomination. Selection effects galore, obviously, but the same can be said for self-described quiverfulls.

You think America is going to be a single digit percent white? Or 80+% black?

If America’s population tripled entirely with sub Saharan migrants(and this is unlikely), we would still be as white as South Africa ever was- not as it is today. If America maintains its current trajectory we’ll be white plurality but minority for a long time, but without any increase in the black population.

90 million poor Iranian people are not an asset. They are a liability. Zergrush is not a viable strategy in the 21st century. If Israel and Iran shared a land border it might be different, but only because the millions of Iranian casualties would affect public opinion.

A lesson from the Ukraine war is that highly modern weapons which give countries like israel a technological edge get smashed up under large conventional operations which devolve into trench warfare in which quantity has a quality all its own.

Who knows? Presumably autistic people aren't all identical. They can have a diverse range of goals and values, same as non-autistic people.

I think you can read it as ‘a bunch of accountants run out anyone with sports specific knowledge’.

She was texting random associates that he wasn't OK, though.

Aren't the British trying to run a cable from Iceland for geothermal?

Which means home generators for the rich

It means Tesla power walls, you mean, and in the United States that means quite middle class people- I have salesmen coming to my door offering power walls and solar for less than the cost of a typical car payment.

I think Russia conquers Ukraine and entrenches the kleptocratic mafia state system which would have gradually gotten better under polish influence.

Eh, it seems like most SJ types recognize a civil war puts them against the wall while a fascist regime takes power. There’s some resistance libs who crow about the military beating up gun owners but I don’t think they’re talking about a civil war. They have an insurrection in mind.

I wouldn’t say it’s certain, but pissing off young blue collar males specifically is highly likely to be expressed with ‘oh the nigs are burning the city down again’ in the specific case of highly concentrated and very badly educated urbanites(which big chunks of the black community are) in close proximity to seats of power.

You’re correct that the black community is not very politically aware, but that political lack of awareness is generally expressed through ‘of course we get the short end of the stick every time’, which is a bad combination with a policy like a draft which by its very nature is going to impact poor young men- the violent demographic- the hardest anyways. And to the nybbler’s suggestion of not formally but de facto exempting blacks that probably won’t stop either black draft riots(lots of these people tend to read anything except explicit favorable special treatment as discrimination when they’re pissed off which they will be because draft) or widespread red tribe resistance. You’d probably just get the cops getting out of the rioters way and pointing them at elite neighborhoods- after all, their kids aren’t getting exempted.

Draft riots are historically common and we know the black community rioting is a thing that happens from time to time. The draft would be a highly unpopular policy without recent precedent and the working class population is likely to view it as a beyond the pale onerous imposition.

To be fair, I think a lot of them actually don’t know, and are totally fine with having an uninformed opinion.

Technically, Mary is defined as the highest created being, above all the angels and saints, but firmly beneath the trinity.

most non-humanity majors, they have a degree that signals a marketable skill and therefore they can often get a job that pays decently enough without the need to go and take a second degree to avoid working at Starbucks or something.

Depends on the humanities degree, doesn’t it? Like history majors are doing fine on the job market, and that’s a humanity.

I've always thought most psychology degrees(and communications etc) are backup plans for when more rigorous degrees don't work out, not a first choice.

Was Shia even Jewish? I know he had some Jewish ancestry but thought he didn’t have much to do with it.

On Zulu/Xhosa tribalism- which faction headlines the ANC? Is the general public of the opinion that Zuma’s faction leaving puts the Xhosa nostra firmly in the driver’s seat?

Some of that is organic follow-the-leader, though. Important and influential activist posts thing, everyone else does too.

No, it is not, although the most moderate individual priests are probably with the FSSP. In general the FSSP has the biggest tent out of the major traditionalist groups while the others have tighter control over individual representatives, but the ‘typical’ FSSP line will be a bit more socially and sometimes liturgically conservative than other English-speaking traditionalists, although the SSPX probably does more purity testing. Conservative, top-down organizations with a history of purging their ultra conservative wing(in fairness, usually for genuine bad behavior) do not tolerate unapproved right wing radicalism very well.

Of course a slim plurality of the IRL tradcath world is French-speaking, and rules of thumb like that could easily be different across a language barrier.

Well duh. White ethnocentrism that you would accept as white ethnocentrism is usually pretty opposed to Jews and Judaism. Putting our tribe first is not a realistic expectation. Do Serbian reactionaries support the Ustase?

I suspect that "anyone pale" ethnocentrism actually has disproportionately heavy Jewish support.

I think your aunt is picking up on the quite reasonable to point out fact that a CPA(or anyone else who uses a spreadsheet to make decisions) with dictatorial powers would make better object-level decisions for the organization than the current pope and most of his appointees. And what that's missing is, of course, the enormous amount of internal politicking going on where individual and group actors within the Catholic Church might have conditions which benefit themselves which are drastically different from benefit to the Church(the organization) as a whole, along with lots of true believers in the spiritual side of things making decisions off of what amounts to pure ideology, plus bog standard corruption.

I suspect that this is a very generally applicable and that it explains lots of jewlumminati-type conspiracy theories; organizations can easily become irrational actors.