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joined 2022 October 15 17:30:54 UTC


User ID: 1662



1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 October 15 17:30:54 UTC


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User ID: 1662

Despite making up 13% of the population, 15% of NFL players are black

Typo. 53% are black.

Did you read the threads? The comments were all political, not selling products.

Also, as a Reddit user, I can tell you that I almost never encounter any "bots" shilling products. It simply doesn't work. You can go into a user's history quite easily. And if someone posts 10 comments for "Product X rules!", someone else will notice, post that, and they'll be downvoted to oblivion.

Too many. The political goals of the Ukrainian government are not worth the deaths of hundreds of thousands of conscripts who were rounded up against their will.

Is conscription always wrong? I wouldn't argue that. It's wrong in this case because the scale of the suffering is too high for the diminishing chances of victory. How many Ukrainians would you be willing to sacrifice? I've given my answer, and the Ukrainian government won't return my emails.

If I were Zelensky, I would immediately call for a cease fire and ask the U.S. to broker a peace deal. I would be willing to give up the territory already lost in exchange for peace. If Putin says no, I'd keep fighting. That's what I would do. But I'd ask the pro-war faction to be equally candid about their goals and what they are willing to give up to achieve them.

How so? It doesn’t seem to be reflected in either Facebook corporate actions or his personal philanthropy.

Is it even good to remove Iranian nuclear capabilities?

Yes. Iran is a rogue state, an Islamist dictatorship, and a source of funding for terrorists. The world is a much better place if they DON'T have nukes.

If nothing else, the current equilibrium is mostly stable. Probably best not to overthink the value of non-proliferation.

Israeli's rather weak sauce attack could be an attempt to provoke Iran into a more serious attack of their own. That would give Israeli political cover (and U.S. support) to do the needful and remove Iran's nuclear threat.

Part of me thinks that was the play all along, but Iran bungled its attack so badly that it didn't give Israeli enough of a casus belli. Now Israeli wants a redo.

Currently trading at 2.73 which is up 65% today but down about 98% in the last 12 months. 52 week range 0.04–117.36. Insane.

I wonder what would happen if they let bankrupt companies keep their tickers? Like BBBY was still allowed to trade with literally no assets except the ticker. And their prospectus said something like "We owe creditors 5 billion dollars. If you buy our stock we will issue shares and use them to pay our creditors. This stock has no value". And then people bid it up to crazy heights.

True. California, for example, was actually against gay marriage in 2008 when they had a secret ballot vote to make it illegal statewide.

People's actual opinions changed rapidly, not just their stated opinions.

Start a cult.

If you aren't charismatic enough find a charlatan and then be his right-hand man that handles the finances.

The Bagawan is a good model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajneesh

It's not inconceivable that the same units currently armed by the West could be, after a surrender, rearmed by the Russians and marched west.

Yes, it is inconceivable. There is no where for Russia to go. Look at a map of NATO. That's why people are talking about Moldova. It's literally the only European country Russia could reasonably attack.

Increasing the size of the Russian army by 10% with some Ukrainian conscripts who hate you does not move the needle.

So, if one, uh, wanted to get some LSD IVF with polygenic embryo screening, where would you actually go for that? Anyone know a guy?

There's lots of talk about it, but is this something currently available for couples looking to conceive? Assume cost is no impediment.

These are the type of posts which reach the front page of Reddit. The first one had 15.8k upvotes which means it reached hundreds of thousands of people.

The value of spreading a political message at that scale is far in excess of the value of a porn bot.

Is Elon Musk a failure?

Men stick their necks out because it's in their nature to do so.

If we're going to go full armchair evolutionary biologist, risk-taking makes sense when most men don't reproduce and a few lucky ones have dozens of children. That was our ancestral environment. The risk-taking genes have been tempered from thousands of years of civilization. But they're still there.

The British Jews have been solidly conservative since like, forever. Continental European Jews also tend to be right wing.

Is that correct? If so, it would be pretty remarkable. As much as I hate it, the educated class tends to be left wing pretty much everywhere, and Jews are highly educated.

Would be interested in a source.

I'm pretty sure American Jews vote left wing because the American right has a history of racial discrimination, which Jews pattern match to Nazism.

This doesn't seem to parse. Surely the German right wing has a much stronger history of racial discrimination?

American Jews vote the way they do because it matches their identity and status signalling, just like everyone else.

He’s given lots of money to left causes, notably efforts to help democrats get out the vote in 2020.

It's early, but oil and gold futures suggest that Israeli's attack was either performative or (as Iran claims) foiled. Perhaps this will be the equivalent of two untrained men attempting to fight each other but largely failing to do any real damage.

Nothingburger is looking good for now, but obviously this attack increases the risk of more tits and tats until something breaks.

After nearly a decade of commenting on this sort of stuff, I don't think there's a lot more to be said about any of it.

True. Which is why the people who comment about HBD are also the people who discovered it like last Tuesday and have all of the same bad takes.

Then random people on the other side pop up saying "my dude, all the races have the same IQ, it's science", apparently having missed the entire conversion or feigning ignorance.

It's Eternal September.

So it gets boring. At first HBD felt exciting because it was "forbidden" knowledge. Now, the HBD thesis seems so obvious and settled that it's not really worth debating. But every September more young rationalists will have to make that journey again, walking over well-worn footsteps.

It's all so depressing.

We're banning a future of delicious and nutritious food with zero animal cruelty.

We'll probably end up at a future where we're forced to eat seed oils and government workers are paid to torture animals as a jobs program.

We also have to factor in (for women) a declining sexual market value. So the max score of suitors goes down over time, thus favoring settling earlier.

For men, the max score of potential mates goes up at first, peaks in the 30s, and then declines.

With an average age of first marriage for men of 30.5 and women of 28.6, women are being too picky and men not picky enough. You see, it's science.

I think there’s also an element of them getting to wear keffiyahs (which look cool) and do a big cultural appropriation without getting in trouble for it socially.

It's too bad that the woke schoolmarms ruined cultural appropriation.

Some people really, really, love to play dress up. Its not for me, but it seems like harmless fun and now its just another fun thing that's been ruined so that some people can signal their own moral superiority.

If some bored college girls want to wear a keffiyah I say go for it. Let's make the keffiyah and low-cut blouse look a thing!

What I saw was that a lot of them get banned pretty quickly, but some of them turned around and sold their account to a third party.

But... why? Reddit users don't have followers like Instagram or Tiktok.

There's almost no value to a Reddit account, even if they have 1 million karma.

So Biden apparently claimed his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

Perhaps he was inspired by the real-life experience of George H. W. Bush, whose plane was shot down by Japan in WWII. Among the American aviators shot down that day, some were captured by the Japanese and had their livers eaten. But somehow Bush himself was rescued by a submarine.


Even if Mark does become based, it's a virtual guarantee that his wife will donate his money to batshit liberal causes once he dies/they get divorced.

Having a Bell Hook$ book on your shelf might help you get laid. Actually reading it will not. Reading it and then trying to discuss it with your date is a major libido killer.

Because nobody actually reads that stuff. Shattering the polite fiction that she reads and cares about literature is an autist move.

You: "What's your favorite part of the book?"

Her: "Um... I guess I just like um.. um... "

You: "Oh, I thought you said you liked this author".

System: Emily has unmatched you.

Re: your fact about major corp's donations; It was the NYPD and ... The United States Marine Corps. God Bless the Alcoholic Gun Cult.

It's crazy how total the left's demand for control is. They will not rest until they control literally every institution.

They already have the universities, nearly all major corporations, the media, the bureaucracy, the non-profit sector, the rich, the technology sector, and the legal system (minus the Supreme Court). But we are assured that just a single election could usher in a right-wing fascist dictatorship. It's delusional.