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BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs




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joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


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User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

Uncured bacon exists. And the risk from nitrites is not a nutritional one like is being discussed.

What makes bacon unhealthy? Fat? Fat is not in itself unhealthy. Eating nothing but bacon is not great for you, generally, but neither is eating nothing but lettuce.

What food is unhealthy?

We spent how many decades with the FDA pushing a "mostly carbs" diet?

I know how this will go... the most intolerant (probably Vegans) will eventually gain control of agency tasked with restricting our food options. And now I'm penalized for enjoying steak and pulled pork.

Nominative determinism in action

So if I understand correctly, I could theoretically be eligible for German citizenship by virtue of my male line ancestry stretching back to a defecting Hessian soldier during the American Revolution?

Or just giving yourself lead poisoning.

Those tits are absolutely massive.

DR3 is true but irrelevant.

I don't think they were wrong, but I believe they would be surprised by the depths to which we have sunk.

Fibbing, Feckless, Factious, Fake, Febrile, Feeble, Fickle, Furtive Fetterman.

There are literally a dozen better options than "Lying Liberal."

Alliteration is key.