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joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


User ID: 348


certified low iq

1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


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User ID: 348

Performativity simply means that the priority is projecting an image or impression, i.e. performing. It doesn't mean that the person performing can't actually believe the things they claim.

They aren't irrelevant at all. You're hung up on my use of the word "performative" and I'm pointing out that it doesn't matter if it's true in the sense that you've interpreterd it or that this interpretaion may even make my point stronger. There's not even necessarily a reason to think that performativity precludes sincerity, so your perception of this as "booing" is really just your own built in assumption, as I tried to point out.

How exactly would you propose distinguishing between "genuine" beliefs and performative ones? Why wouldn't they lead to similar kinds of behavior? Is there a chance that performative beliefs may result in even more extreme actions than genuine ones?

And I'll point that even and maybe especially "genuine" beliefs are not free of contradiction or inconsistency and are not necessarily rooted in philosophical or moral reasoning.

Does whether it is performative or not impact anything about a jury selected from Austinites?

An Austin jury would be one of the most anti-Jones juries you can get. The level of performative progresivism and Alex Jones hate here in Austin is hard to describe.