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User ID: 1327



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User ID: 1327

My model of Trump is that he's really just a narcissist who refuses to accept that those documents are not his to keep anymore. I don't think he's a 60 IQ mouth breather, I think he's legitimately pretty smart most of the time(albeit dumber than most presidents imo), but he also is not neurotypical.

Like this is the sort of behaviour you'd see on https://old.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/, someone's parent is keeping their child's possessions after the child moved out and estranged themselves, then insisted on keeping those possessions even after the child gives the parent numerous warnings and advance notice they'll call the police if they have to.

I'm not 100% certain of this of course, I'm not a psychiatrist who can diagnose someone, but it's my best guess

The Lord of the Rings cards could exist in a world where skin colour can have a wide variance from one's family based on exactly which genes someone gets and nutrition and what not. Like how a short mother can have a tall daughter, a dark skinned father can have a pale son. It's a bit ridiculous and personally I don't like it, but it's Or maybe genes don't exist there and people physical traits are personally determined by Eru when they're in the womb. It's silly and I don't like it, but it's ultimately one change to the world: skin colour isn't genetic like how it is in our world(unless they release other materials indicating that in their set Eomer is actually adopted or something, which would bring back to being really upset).

They don't have to answer questions, just do a fly by over the Superbowl, or hover above Times Square for five minutes. Instead they only ever appear to us in ways that could potentially be sensor malfunctions or people lying.

Figuring out a monetization strategy for reddit is a separate discussion, buying out a third party app is just to avoid losing lots of users. If they paid the dev of Apollo a couple million I bet that’d have cost less than this fiasco. It wasn’t intended as blackmail like Spez thought, but that’s basically what it ended up being, and it cost Reddit a lot.

That sounds familiar yeah

I think the investigation of Hillary was definitely botched. I don't have a strong opinion of whether they should go back and arrest her today. But ultimately this is about Trump, not Hillary.

That may be a stupid decision on a personal basis, but if these really are Top Top Important Documents, then isn't it better to be able to get them back?

That's true, but the problem is Trump didn't give them back. They were requested multiple times but he held onto them and didn't give them back, and showed them to people without clearance. What option besides arresting him is there when he does stuff like that?

The one woke tope in the series is the black woman who does emotional labor for rich white people, but her character makes perfect sense if you think about it since a black woman in a wellness center with mostly white rich clients would probably feel exactly the way she did.

The one big problem I had with the show is that it depicted the black woman as being taken advantage of because the rich white woman backed out of her deal to fund a her own massage business. But the rich woman only briefly proposed it a couple times, hardly the sort of agreement that is a hard commitment to give over the ~million dollars it takes to start up a new business. And she did give the black woman a large sum of money in the end as thanks, far more than a few hours of emotional labour is worth, even if it wasn't quite enough to fund a whole business.

I think they do exist and have a measurable influence, but that influence is about as small as possible while not being non-existent. I would agree that alien abduction believers are more influential.

https://twitter.com/RichardBSpencer?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Richard Spencer does have 70k followers on Twitter, and while he does seem smart enough to avoid putting any blatant "Blacks are dumb beasts and Jews want to control us" on his actual Twitter, his podcast is a bit less veiled and does get at believing blacks are worse than whites.

My opinion is that people panicking about Nazis being on the verge of taking over are fools. But that it is a good policy to do stuff like ban open Nazis from social media platforms, because spreading that rhetoric isn't good.

I kind of want to try an out there idea of the government just raising the children itself basically. Make it an actual job to have children and then raise them, and pay women a salary to do it. And that's their full time job, raising and teaching all their children. I want the genetic mothers to stay with their children and not just hand them off because I think people are genetically inclined to raise their own children much better. And allow regular parents to drop their kids off at the facilities for free daycare and schooling.

Like he said, The Witcher and Skyrim are very similar in some ways but have different strengths and weaknesses. Skyrim is less coherent and consistent because it's trying to make many different characters possible to play where as The Witcher really has one main path with few deviations. I loved both but they do different things, just like how I can enjoy a 6 season show that meanders around and a 10 episode show that's a tight contained plot.

How easy it is depends on your build too, and if you look up any tutorials. If you go into it completely blind with 0 Fromsoft experience and look up no help, I guarantee anyone would struggle with it.

Other people have mentioned a wide variety of games that I've enjoyed, but one I haven't seen mentioned yet is Hades(although I guess it's different from a standard RPG because it's a rogue lite). Great story, great game play, great music, lasted me a couple dozen hours, 10/10.

It's odd that you'd criticize a book so strongly without actually reading it

Judging from other commenters replying, I do not think you did sufficiently understand the argument.

Books are very information dense in at least the key sections and also have the length to fully explain their arguments. You can get a summary of their ideas from a blog post, and if you agree with them you don’t necessarily need to read a full book so you understand every nuance and counter-counter-argument to the ideas. But if you disagree, I think criticizing a book without actually reading any of it is unfair to the book

I agree with you. I just think book reviewers need to actually read the book. Otherwise they might miss some critical information that underpins the argument, so they falsely think the argument is wrong.

In that sense we are not living in civilization, just the echoes of cowardice and submission of those who came before us and failed to maintain honor and dignity. And our tradition is to carry on with their cowardice and indignity in return for the same poultry amount of silver shillings some loser, whose name was never recorded, had accepted in return for swallowing his humanity.

That's certainly a very different take than the reviewer's. Their attitude was that if instead of accepting silver, a person sought blood to avenge their kin, blood feuds would never end. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. But 50 silver shillings for an eye lets people get back to stability.

There is, however, a whole lot of humanity on display and the story, in my opinion, is much better read as such.

I'm sure there is, but there are also tons of stories with deep emotional resonance. I had to read a couple every year in highschool English. I found the historical/political/legal analysis much more interesting.

I've been rereading the Cradle series now that the last book in the series, Waybound, has been released. I didn't time my reread quite right because I was distracted by some other books so I'll be a few weeks behind everyone else once I actually finish Waybound, but they're still good books

Option 3 for the most part. If they deem food security is a national security problem, then the department of defense should more directly buy out and employ some farms to produce food as government owned entities.

low corporate tax rates and low capital gains tax

Low corporate tax and low capital gains taxes are good, they're encourage people to invest in capital. Having more factories, office buildings, etc. is good. Inheritance tax is tricky imo because on one hand taxing large fortunes going to people who did nothing to earn them directly is good, but on the other hand you're double taxing it- all that wealth was already originally taxed when the person originally earned it.

Probably the best way to target the wealthy is luxury items tax, like charging them big when they actually frivously spend that wealth on stuff like yachts or $10k bottles of wine or anything else that is very expensive but adds little value to wider society. But figuring out what items are a reasonable purchase for a middle class person or a capital investment for a business vs a luxury purchase for an elite is very tricky in practice I think and every prone for loop holes

Planning out smart taxes really isn't easy stuff, I shouldn't be surprised. Maybe just limit it to tariffs on foreign made luxuries? Or what the author suggested and put the luxury tax on already made stuff like old artwork and antiques. That might help solve the tax loop hole where a rich person buys a painting for $1 million, gets a guy to appraise it as worth $2 million a couple years later, then donate it to a charity and get a huge tax write off because it looks like they donated $2 million when they really donated $1 million

The "move fast and break things" libertarian-style ethos is a common cultural type in Silicon Valley.


This seems more risk than worth. It's not that hard to avoid foods of questionable expiry date and hygiene.

It's good in the sense that any tax can be good. The state taking someone's money while they're alive to fund public necessary projects and services is good in a consequentialist sense. It's theft, but taxing someone's income so the government is able to pay a public school teacher their salary instead of that person buying a new car is good. And I think taxing large fortunes that are going to people who didn't earn them is even better than taxing income. Except for how it'd be double taxed, which does feel unfair.

I don't think there are any easy solutions to optimal taxation.

It’s probably fair to say they’re being cheeky but they really do want to indoctrinate you kids into trans ideology.

They do want to turn kids into atheist leftists. I don't think any of them would really deny that. That's what the chant means. The chant does not mean "We want to rape your kids".