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joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC

Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC


Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222

If you liked Carlsbad's comments, you should check out his blog.

Saliva contains a compound called opiorphin that is a painkiller.

Are you getting phone game 🎮 recommendations from Samsung?

What is the name of the fallacy where one claims religious authorities don't believe in their own doctrines and are motivated by desire for power?

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps is probably the best podcast about philosophy. Episodes are twenty minutes long, but with a little effort you should be able to create a playlist.

I just finished Disco Elysium. The ending came sooner than I was expecting. Solving the murder by interviewing a lone gunman feels a little anticlimactic. I was expecting another epic showdown after the mercenary tribunal. That's not to say a second showdown would have improved the story. It's just what I was expecting. I believe the storywriters made solving the murder anticlimactic on purpose, because by that point the player has learned there are other things transpiring in the world more important than the murder.

All I think the game needs is an epilogue in the form of video clips that play while the credits are rolling. It would be nice to see a short video epilogue for each character. What I would want to see most is a series of clips with the harbor gate opening, the strike coming to a resolution, and the vehicles parked in the roundabout driving away. Come to think of it, much of this could be done by fans using the Collage Mode included with the game, though unfortunately, there is no way to open the harbor gate or remove the parked vehicles in Collage Mode.

Tagging: @ArjinFerman @Aransentin @TheDag @Lazuli @sansampersamp

I just had a dream about watching a movie called "French Bleu". At a certain point, there was a fantastical CGI sequence in the movie. It was very detailed for a dream, but I remember thinking to myself, "Oh great, now AI generated animation is showing up in movies. I bet this took five minutes to generate you hacks!"

Nobody wants to pay for reddit.

If only that were true.

How many people here think death is followed by eternal dreamless sleep? I'm an atheist, but I don't believe in eternal dreamless sleep, so that makes me sort of a "soft atheist."

I just finished listening to Middlemarch in audiobook form by Audible. It has the most excellent performance by a narrator I have ever heard; I highly recommend it. I am now listening to their audiobook of Jane Eyre.

Maybe you could set your sights a little higher and become a "software city planner."

If you anticipate future income but need cash now, maybe there could be a bank where you could go to borrow against your projected future income.

Did any of the hosts read Sadly, Porn by The Last Psychiatrist?

Mining increases the global gold supply by 2% every year.

What would happen if two species-spheres formed at opposite ends of the Milky Way at exactly the same time? Would it be possible to negotiate a partition of the galaxy in half? Or would the equilibrium be so unstable that one side would inevitably win? Would the two species-spheres comingle to become like a single species?

The spymaster has a really thick accent. He wouldn't be well-suited for undercover operations.

He thinks you meant to say "stand for censorship or oppose it" but you actually said "stand for censorship or (stand) opposite (of) it"

Adjusting the RGB setting of your monitor to display less blue light is supposed to help. Right now the RGB setting on my monitor is set to R=100, G=100, B=45.

Amusingly, I can think of a major space opera that does exactly this (ok, black girl as queen) and the author is 100% not woke or blank-slatist. The difference is that it's explained in plot and supports larger themes in the story.

There are historical examples of feuding tribes choosing a foreigner with no tribal affiliation to rule over them.

Craziness that causes real life harm is attractive because it shows strength. Conservative craziness is cringe because it's impotent and doesn't harm anybody.

The History of English Podcast is a very excellent podcast about the development of the English language from Old English to the present day. The episode most relevant to your question is this one:


Full Transcript: https://historyofenglishpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HOE-Transcript-Episode147.pdf

Israel needs to find a way to make Palestinians wealthier so they lose interest in fighting. The only bomb that can pacify a restive population is a money bomb.

I skipped your introduction and read the poem first. I didn't check to see whether it was supposed to be an example of good or bad poetry until after I had finished it. It's a perfectly good poem—not outstanding—and it fits comfortably within the category of poetry. Removing the line breaks turns the poem into prose, but the resulting prose is hard to read because it is very information dense. The line breaks are not just there to be cute. They guide the reader to add pauses while reading to themselves or out loud. I imagine the pauses represent thoughts that lead into each other, as though the author is pausing to think of the next thing they are going to say to finish their sentence. Each line break is the transition to a new thought, and stringing them all together without line breaks makes the resulting prose hard to read. Normal prose has only one or two thoughts per sentence, while this poem has five thoughts per sentence.

I have an idea for a way to secure government funding for right wing art patronage. Most governments have broadcasting corporations like the BBC, CBC and ABC. The USA has one called the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The CPB is governed by a nine-member board of directors. Board members are selected by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

My idea is to split the CPB into two corporations called PBC1 and PBC2 which will be controlled by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party respectively. The boards of directors will be selected by the party leaders in the House of Representatives and confirmed by their party caucuses. Annual funding of PBC1 and PBC2 will be proportional to the number of seats held by each party in the House of Representatives.