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Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

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joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


User ID: 636


Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


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User ID: 636

Why would they keep buying it if the value of that housing is being diluted by all the new housing? Foreigners buy houses in these markets as an investment. The only reason the sunset is a good investment is because the supply of houses is fixed by the boomer death grip. If you could actually build something there it would cease to be a good investment.

Shall we bet?

That the Roman religion was of the capricious hunter gatherer type despite the regimentation of Roman society casts some doubt on this interpretation. The traditional Chinese religion likewise seems to lack a central authority.

Henry Cavill is hot because he’s tall and has a great face, if he had the physique of a runner or something it would make minimal difference, that was my point.

I don't think this is true. He's got a large, wide frame that he'd continue to have even if he had a runner's physique, and women like large frames. If he was about a foot wide in the shoulders nobody would think he's attractive.

John Hamm is a good example of this. He's a handsome guy and looks good in a suit because he's got a large frame. His actual physique is similar to a sack of potatoes, but it just doesn't matter (yes, it never even began for framecels).

I'm pretty sure you're the guy who's ban evaded ten times.

It can't be, he's assured us that he has little sympathy for the far right (before launching into four paragraphs of standard far right talking points).

  • I can turn off my thermostat from bed if I forgot to do it before turning in

  • I can have my lamp gradually turn on and brighten before I need to wake up, which is nicer than the alarm

They also didn't get the fanny=ass switch.

Are they all walking to the same destination?

This is like the unscissor statement. Whether you're unvaccinated or still masking, you can agree on the above.

It's premature to talk about differences in quality before it's even on the market.

For that matter, if it's so much worse, there's no need to ban it.

And "nimrod" has been a British word for "skillful hunter" for decades.

the sheer idea that their performative ascetism is moot must gnaw at their bones (veganly).

It's a little confusing to read this when it's not the vegans that are passing bans on lab grown meat.

Feel free to elaborate. It's not the EAs that are able to ban meat, lab grown or otherwise. It's the state, which has just now banned lab grown meat apparently in order to "steal a march" and prevent itself from banning real meat.

It really only hurts renters whose parents aren't homeonwers and therefore won't inherit that wealth. Most young Canadians, even if they rent, have parents who are benefiting from this and therefore shouldn't really complain (although they do).

This doesn't really make sense.

  • people don't want to wait for their parents to kick the bucket to afford a house

  • if you have siblings, you are likely not getting the house anyway

What people want is to spend a reasonable amount of money on housing, not comfort themselves with the thought of an upcoming windfall in a few decades after a (for most people) traumatic event.

Isn't this clip of him trying to explain the unexplainable (i.e. mmt)? It seems like they deliberately edited out the question to make him look like a moron and the whole film seems to be mmt propaganda.

Of course it's also possible that he is a moron, he doesn't seem to have any economic background anyway.

Don't know how true this is. Your W2 says how much tax you paid, everyone knows how much is being taken.

you know what they say: in America, first you get the frame, then you get the respect of your beers, then you get the women.

Tragic, but that really illustrates why being thrown clear is not a good thing.

There's a lot of safetyist excesses but people don't remember that until the 70s you'd be impaled by the steering column in case of a crash. There's been a tremendous amount of actually useful improvements by the safetyists that nobody notices or thinks about anymore because they've become the air we breathe.

Ban their stuff before they ban ours.

I don't see why the do gooders couldn't undo this ban and ban real meat anyway if they have the kind of influence to enact a ban on real meat in the first place. "Get them before they get us" doesn't apply if you are not, in fact, getting them.

I don't really believe in first mover advantage for laws, laws get overturned all the time. What appears as first mover advantage is likely just durable public sentiment.

If we are assuming do-gooders puppeteering the state then a state ban is just a distraction anyway.

RAM exists to be used, and the app developer should humbly realize that the user (this is about the user, right?) may have a use for that RAM and therefore optimize the software.

voice acting is a mistake

That's crazy. Games like e.g. TF2 were made iconic in part due to their voice acting. I can't even imagine it without VA.

most women prefer a guy with lower bf% to a roided beefcake type

Since "low bf%" and "roided beefcake" are not mutually exclusive, this is an interesting view into the female view of men.

Don't know much about German city canteens (??) but Germany has the fourth highest meat consumption per capita in Europe, so I am not convinced that meat consumption is endangered there. Per capita consumption in 2020 was actually higher than in 2017.

This is the first gattpost that I could actually 90% understand if I read slowly, which makes me wonder if I should touch more grass.