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Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

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joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


User ID: 636


Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


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User ID: 636

This proves too much. The existing homeowners are wealthy and therefore are already profitable to rob.

Realtors are usually paid a fractional commission.

Real estate is the biggest economic sector in Canada and the second biggest in the us.



This includes only rent seeking and overheads - construction is not included.

It seems to me that there are some pieces missing from this argument.

  1. Why should a small station be a money out?

  2. If there were apartments built by it, they would probably be "luxury apartments" with fairly high rents (as is typical for new construction). Why should that attract unsavory characters?

  3. There are plenty of unsavory BART stations in SF/Oakland, but there are also perfectly fine stations with no homeless around such as Warm Springs (which is surrounded on one side by million dollar newly built condos) (pay no attention to the industrial zone on some of the most expensive real estate in the country). That suggests that it's in large part due to local policies about what to allow, and if the local constituents are suburban nimbys they are probably going to demand some actual policing.

The sea lions on fisherman's wharf are actually recent immigrants - they only came in the 90s.

The port of Oakland was actually the first container ship port on the west coast and today is the third busiest American pacific port.

I don't know, consider my question more like "what is the evidence for this?"

For what it's worth, I'm pretty sympathetic to the claim that property crime is underreported in certain jurisdictions (less so for murder).

Israel ceded all settlements in Gaza and exhumed Jews buried there before fully pulling out in 2005. The Gazans elected Hamas and nineteen years later, here we are.

far enough from mass transit that they can't get to you.

I've seen this claim numerous times but never backed up. Are people really taking commuter rail to bedroom suburbs, committing crimes, then taking commuter rail home? It seems... Hard to believe.

Yes, I agree completely. I'm on a mailing list for Jews at my company and the neurosis makes me sick to my stomach sometimes. People talking about the latest microaggression, dredging up old trauma, people talking about where to move if/wheb the US gets uninhabitable for Jews - it's ridiculous. The USA remains a great place to be Jewish, the place that seems most likely to remain so, and if it doesn't, there comes a time to plant your feet in your homeland and make a stand.

While the pedestrian walkway under the interchange isn't exactly beloved, the Fort Pitt Bridge is, and you can't have one without the other

Sure you can, they could have had the bridge lead into a tunnel.

Using something functional for that purpose seems more natural than constructing a wall or an arch, which would make things seem a little too intentional.

Ironically, there's nothing natural about the situation here since we're talking about a freeway overpass!

There's a tremendously long history of using arches and other architectural devices to divide spaces. It seems unlikely to me that, had the freeway been buried instead and the park was divided with something like an arch, that anyone would advocate exhuming the freeway to make it look more natural. So I am inclined to think that defenses of the status quo are just due to path dependence.

The effect is creating without your noticing

Like I said, I haven't been there, but I have had the misfortune of being near freeways, and in my experience, you always notice and rarely for the better.

Yes, sorry, fixed.

140 g at 0.82 g/lb would be 170 lb or 77kg. I am assuming that 2rafa probably doesn't weigh that much (and if she does, it's arguable whether fat mass should be included in the calculations).

Fwiw, I've never had any of the issues you mention (except that it's not part of the photos UI). Of course at the tail distribution of outcomes someone is liable to have a bad experience.

You probably don't need anywhere near that much protein. 0.82 g/lb ought to be enough for anyone.


The most remarkable thing about it is that there’s an interstate highway running right through the middle of it that somehow manages to enhance the park rather than degrade it. There’s enough lawn on the city side to make it usable for events and a quick lunch, but going through the underpass to the river side is like entering an urban oasis, with the towers of Gateway Center looming behind you like a great wall of a city. It’s one of my favorite views, and one that few photographers have captured. Robert Moses was involved.

I've never been to Pittsburgh, but this sounds like cope. San Francisco also used to have a freeway "adorning" its waterfront public area which was mercifully seriously damaged by the hand of God itself. The city took the hint and demolished the whole thing and now it's an absolute pleasure to walk along the waterfront there (and these days you don't even encounter homeless in that area). No constant freeway noise, no pollution, no unsightly overpass.

Robert Moses is perhaps the greatest freeway enjoyer who ever lived, and I'm not surprised he put a freeway in the middle of a park. However, it would absolutely be way better if they buried that thing and put some kind of decorative arch for effect instead of a utilitarian concrete span.

it also being somewhat difficult to do a mass-export of your original, full-quality photo data.

How is it difficult? I regularly takeout photos at original resolution and then compress the cloud copies.

I guess you won't respond since you blocked me, but perhaps someone else has context.

Is there an actual song? I think people just dubbed a few verses on an existing tune.

It's also #1 on lonely planet for Belfast.

As an interesting historical example, Latin had ‘landica’(clitoris) which was considered so offensive that minced oaths were taboo.

Any reading on this? I couldn't find anything with a quick Google.

Huh? Tsarnaev senior was admitted to the country as an asylee. Wiki says he was on welfare, and worked as a "backyard mechanic."

Tamerlan is a college dropout who tried to compete in boxing and was otherwise a piece of shit with no steady employment listed on his wiki page.

Dzhokar was still in college at the time of the bombing but had a 1.09 GPA.

I don't see how any of these people come to the country on a points based system.

On the other hand, I've worked with many talented and pleasant Iranian immigrants who are definitely assets for this country.

I would guess most series clock in below this. Harry Potter for example is only about a million words.

It's hard for me to fathom who has the mental bandwidth for this.

1.7 million? That just seems ridiculous. Why does this work need to be three times as long as war and peace?

Very interesting. However, I still am curious if 1 mile or 2 miles is a better reflection of the reality of my travel distance, since you said that 1x1=2 is looking at reality rather than avoiding it and retreating into theory.

So by all means, let's look at reality.

You can't tell that from walking around a mere mile.

You sure can if you're walking uphill.

It's not me claiming this, it's the source you provided that distinguishes the two.

Yes, I do know how to do complex math.

If I go a mile in either direction, what does the shape of the earth look like? Does it look curved, or does it look flat? Which one of these is a better model of reality?

Of course it is curved, and furthermore a geoid.

Now that I've answered, please explain if 1 mile or 2 miles traveled at 1 mph after 1 hour is a better reflection of reality, and how that connects to why 1 x 1 = 2 is a reasonable statement.