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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

Trumps not going to lose this war. He will escalate to deescalate. It’s either going to end up frozen on current lines or American AirPower shreds the Russians.

Bidens been doing his typical Biden shit and screwing things up. He has had approval to send more weapons and has not. His people are afraid of escalation when the only thing Russians know is power.

Russian apologists will say Trump can’t do this. He’s not going to start his next administration losing a war. Winning a war gets all the neocons back on team Trump and kills all the lefts mythology of Trump being a Russian agent. Ukranians can fight the Russians to a standstill which is nothing compared to modern American military hardware and training. Send in some Polish ground forces backed by US air and the wars over in a month.

I bet he runs in 2028. Perhaps it’s officially Donny Jr. But the old man is the one giving the stump speeches.

If coal miners became politicians today it would mean our entire meritocracy and educational system has failed.

I think it’s reasonable to say the leaders of our complex society should be IQ 130 and probably around a 1500 SAT score. The entire filter for our system would be failing if that kid isn’t getting selected into a top 25 university today.

It’s also been said of unions that the leaders no longer come from the workers but from outside of it. Back in the day poor immigrant kids who were smart might not have been caught up into our systems filters for leadership and would have taken the mill job. Their intelligence would have led them to leadership. But now they are filtered out earlier.

It just feels like going backwards and a thing for poor countries to not identify their most talented individuals early. Do we want 1500 SAT kids working at Wal-Mart for 20 years so they can be good working class people?

Israel is a U.S. proxy. US has threatened Iran multiple times. Therefore, Israel is a proper target on Western influence.

Israel could just give up being a U.S. proxy but they aren’t going to do that.

This honestly just gets back to who did what bad first. The US has interfered with Iran and directly challenged their sovereignty. Now we cry when they fight back?

Do you have an example of a well functioning government led by low IQ people?

Sure but then obviously you would need an India style class system where some people by birth would be restricted in their career options. This is contra to all of American history.

IMO I mostly think the elites have done a good job for US workers. They work fewer hours than their parents and their homes have 10x the stuff.

In my opinion the actual erosion isn’t with economics it’s all the social policy that is hurting them the most. The working class was a lot better when they had more religiousity governing their behavior and not the elites culture of today. The tran stuff just confuses them. For every 1 in a couple thousand kids with actual biological transexualism there are hundred if not more working class kids confused who just work better with simpler sexual culture and traditions. Most would be better if the rule was just have sex with the person whose about your intelligence and attractiveness within a 10 min.walk and marry them for 70 years.

We do not know the West limits on escalation. We saw the US dither on aid until it felt like Ukraine was losing and Putin would eventually break thru and maybe take Kiev again.

If Ukranian lines got to a point of collapse the West would still have options. An imminent breakthrough does put things like Anduril tech as suggested in play, Poland entering with a superior fresh army, trad American AirPower. The west may not care much about Ukranian lives, but the closer it comes to threatening core Europe which Poland may be changes a lot of calculus.

The Biden administration has clearly been anti-winning the war but when we hit losing the war points things get done. It’s almost like inflation where 3% inflation the fed is suppose to hike and 1% inflation they are suppose to ease but the 2% line is keeping the war in no one winning position.

If Ukraine cared about their men’s lives they may be wise to lose a few battles at minimal causalities.

Hasn’t climate protest worked because the earth has actually gotten warmer the last 20 years so it feels true?

PETA hasn’t taken off. The only real change in that space is picking up some rationalists.

And environmentalist have benefited from tech costs curves while nothing like that has kicked in for PETA (cheap lab meat).

I spent a few minutes trying to come up with a replacement level athlete with name notoriety. Got excited when he hit me.

The he annexed these places thing has already been violated without nuclear war. I believe Kherson was after annexation plus Ukraine has been attacking annexed land for over a year. So no line their for Russian nuclear options.

Roughly correct.

We just disagree. Geopolitics is bigger than what the masses shout.

The Jews controlling territory in the Middle East is an eyesore for many Iranians but it’s a small piece to the bigger regional hegemony.

Are you referring to lower class whites like Appalachians left behind from their upper class? I guess the peasants of people still get to be what their upper class can you do.

Or are we talking Arabs/Syrians/Palestinians? I guess they would be non-white though by skin white since their societies have never been able to function as a Democracy. And outside of oil money never achieved much.

I’ve obviously read Wikipedia before.

Like I said which you ignored if Israel could off Iran the deal their offer the Saudis they would take it.

Sure every geopolitical game is wrapped in other games. And many Iranians don’t like Jews. But they are not the primary geopolitical aim of Iran. Jews also happen to be one of the main players in geopolitics in the region. It’s Russia/Iran versus Saudis/US/Israel. It doesn’t break down on any hard religious lines.

Nobody is denying that Muslims do not like Jews especially in a region they view as their own.

The Sunnis and Arabs have no problem backing the Jews now that it is beneficial for them to do so. If the Jews wanted to join team Tehran and had useful things to offer team Tehran then team Tehran would not refuse them.

Instead the Jews are aligned with the US and the Saudis. And quite frankly the Jews are always going to be US aligned which makes them permenently opposed to team Tehran.

When has Putin said he’s going to nuke over Ukraine? Official doctrine is an attack on proper Russia. Tanks rolling to Moscow.

Putin isn’t ending Russian history by starting a nuclear war over some shithole border town in Ukraine.

My best friend is Iranian. Jews are annoying. Arabs they hate. It’s an easy deal for them to ally with Jews if it meant taking over the rest of the Middle East and kicking out Sunni Arab influence.

If you think back historically Jews were always there when the Persian empire ruled the region. Arabs were goat herders. Basically the Beverly Hillbillies today. Putting the Arabs back into their historical place would make Persians quite happy.

“Iran and North Korea have goals that the US stands in the way of, and so bygones cannot be bygones until their goals change, or those of the US do.”

I agree with this. The US interferes with Iran’s historical place as the dominant Middle East hegemon. Vietnam and the US have mutual interests. Opposing Chinese dominance. Iran and the US have opposite interests since the US backs the Saudis as regional hegemon. So yes I agree if the Iranians just fell inline and realized they had less oil than the Saudis and accepted second rate status in their region then all would be good. This is like saying the US would just play nice if Russia was picking the governments of Canada and Mexico and the Bahamas and wouldn’t be backing military proxies to stress Russian military assets in the region.

Can you define “Iran hates Israel complete independent of Israel status as a U.S. Proxy”

I disagree with this. But I don’t know what it means. Whose Iran?

If Israel could offer Iran domination of Saudi Arabia and status as regional hegemon over the Arabs especially Saudi Arabia then Israel and Iran would be besties.

This is really just oil politics as it’s driving force. US backs Saudis because they have more oil than Iran. This allows Saudis to be the strongest regional power. Iranians don’t like Arabs and realistically think they’re sand negros. If Iran had more oil than the Arabs the US would have long ago found a way to be besties with Iran and made them the regional hegemon over the Arabs. But they don’t. Oil explains the dividing lines in this region of the world a lot more than Muslims don’t like Jews.

Vietnam isn’t a great power. Always a vassal. This is just everything good just bend the knee to America and ignores that other countries have goals and the US interferes with them.

And why did we the theocracy take power in 1979? I would have to reread my history for specifics but it’s something something awful oil deals with the west where Iran got none of the money. Then Iraq invaded. A little over ten years after that ended America invaded Iraq and puts a new hostile to Iran government in power. George Bush says something about Iran being evil and being that he just invaded Iraq it doesn’t sound like Iran itself is that secure.

This has a whole lot of who did what bad to who first in it. Regardless the west has chosen a path to not like Iran and threaten them and Iranian response has been funding proxy wars all over the place.

Iran can’t look at the Middle East or the world and just assume they get territorial integrity. Not when the West invaded Iraq and broke Syria.

It’s far too broad of a brush to say Iran is the aggressor. Israel-Iran is a proxy war in the Saudi-Iran and US-Iran proxy wars.

I guess you could say Iran bad because Islam bad and theocracy is bad (I am not against theocracy) and America is good because Democracy is good and well I’m bored and want to culture war some but also Pride flags are good. But blaming Iran as the aggressor seems factually false.

Not enough detail to say but if the goal was cheap COL, English, nice weather I would likely choose Pensacola. Downside is it’s a second tier or maybe even third tier draw for people. So the high IQ types won’t be there. It’s like a vacation area for plumbers.

If you want cheap COL, high IQ people present, good weather than you look at top regional cities in developing world. But you won’t get English. Mexico City or any of those capitals will have global people and cheap COL.

What part of beating up a short seller with probably $3 million under management feels fake to you?

Maybe she has more money but beating up the cranks in the financial market would seem to only raise attention versus squashing it.

Funny thing is her valeant short position didn’t even work. It quadrupled till it got the kiss of death of a Jim Cramer buy recommendation.

If she was actually any good she would have gotten super long valeant.

On great men.

NBA has had a huge surge in twins. My trying to explain it is being tall is a huge filter for the nba. But one tall kid by himself won’t develop skills. He’s going to being taller than everyone else and win on that. Anyway feel like this fits with great men factories.


Maybe this is the correct analogy. I kept thinking that American rural (and often rural non-city everywhere) tends to code red-tribe. And this goes as far as seeing African pure indigenous black having country music weddings on YouTube. Still does not feel like a perfect model but Canada, Scotland, and some Nordics seem to lean more left but I usually associated that with not having black people and being more willing to redistribute/socialism within their own people than wokism.