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User ID: 685

I think it would also be fair to say that the US has moved to the right. Part of this was because of failures on the left but I also say Musks buying twitter was a big boost and COVID had a great deal of just be nice to the crazies thru the pandemic. It’s not just Motte going right. Maybe I’m in a bubble but I’m basically expecting as close to a landslide for Trump as possible for tribal America.

A second point for violent crime isn’t a real risks is it negates all of the costs society bares to mitigate violence in the US. We spend a lot of money on prisons. And a lot of money trying to boost black schools. Chicago’s economics would be a lot different without these costs. You also would not have had the ghettoization of the southside of Chicago. More urbanization does increase agglomeration effects. If America never had slavery I am fairly certain we would have universal health care. I don’t know if on net this would be a good thing because I think we would be less FU capitalist which probably hurts growth in other ways. Without black people American politics would be a lot more like Canada, but a super power.

I am in Argentina now for a bit. And being here makes me more racists. Salaries are down like 20% in a few months in real terms and farther away from where I am at I am fairly certain there is real poverty. Yet things feel chill and feel safe. I see far fewer cops than I would in any major city in the states. In the states I have had lunch with literal army vehicles and national guard on the street corners. It keeps making me think is this what society would be like in a 100% European ancestry country.

From a HBD perspective it seems safe to say Italians have proven themselves to be incapable of managing a central bank.

Doesn’t Ron Desantis disprove your rule that non-elites can’t achieve high office or even Joe Biden?

Desantis has like 400k networth now. Yes he has has the elite degrees. This just says the filter for entering the elites may be earlier. He no doubt got great SAT scores early then got into elite schools. Paid for it looks like from ROTC money.

The thing with the filter being earlier it could mean one of two things.

  1. It’s just earlier and you need to be taking the steps for that path early.
  2. The filter isn’t high school academic achievements, but the people with ambition to be an elite already have that ambition young so they get themselves on that track early.

Joe Biden doesn’t seem to have money or elite academics early.

If coal miners became politicians today it would mean our entire meritocracy and educational system has failed.

I think it’s reasonable to say the leaders of our complex society should be IQ 130 and probably around a 1500 SAT score. The entire filter for our system would be failing if that kid isn’t getting selected into a top 25 university today.

It’s also been said of unions that the leaders no longer come from the workers but from outside of it. Back in the day poor immigrant kids who were smart might not have been caught up into our systems filters for leadership and would have taken the mill job. Their intelligence would have led them to leadership. But now they are filtered out earlier.

It just feels like going backwards and a thing for poor countries to not identify their most talented individuals early. Do we want 1500 SAT kids working at Wal-Mart for 20 years so they can be good working class people?

The traditional economics is that taxing capital doesn’t raise any net tax revenue.

A short summary is all this stuff goes thru the capital markets. A country with high saved wealth has more money sitting in financial assets. A huge amount of financial assets causes money to bid up the price of financial assets. The reverse of a securities price is its yield. Hence a lot of saved assets ends up leading to things like lower real interest rates (or negative real rates). So cheap mortgages and cheap government borrowing. What the government gains in tax revenue is offset by increases in their interest expense. All sums up to 0 net government revenue.

And why did we the theocracy take power in 1979? I would have to reread my history for specifics but it’s something something awful oil deals with the west where Iran got none of the money. Then Iraq invaded. A little over ten years after that ended America invaded Iraq and puts a new hostile to Iran government in power. George Bush says something about Iran being evil and being that he just invaded Iraq it doesn’t sound like Iran itself is that secure.

This has a whole lot of who did what bad to who first in it. Regardless the west has chosen a path to not like Iran and threaten them and Iranian response has been funding proxy wars all over the place.

Iran can’t look at the Middle East or the world and just assume they get territorial integrity. Not when the West invaded Iraq and broke Syria.

It’s far too broad of a brush to say Iran is the aggressor. Israel-Iran is a proxy war in the Saudi-Iran and US-Iran proxy wars.

I guess you could say Iran bad because Islam bad and theocracy is bad (I am not against theocracy) and America is good because Democracy is good and well I’m bored and want to culture war some but also Pride flags are good. But blaming Iran as the aggressor seems factually false.

I hate the political angle on this. It feels leftist to me that “if we just had more schools/spent more money” we would not have “maga/disinformation problem” instead of most of things being fundamental disagreements.

That being said America is a vast country and a lot of Americans would benefit from getting to see more of it.

One of my own personal favorite trips was touring the gulf which has many unique places around it. It helped I had friends to see. But you get going thru their everything from old south (Pensacola for me), New Orleans it’s own animal, and Houston/small Texas towns to see a whole lot of culture and many different foods.

There are no doubt similar tours to be done that can take a couple weeks and involve 18 hrs or so of driving.

Trumps not going to lose this war. He will escalate to deescalate. It’s either going to end up frozen on current lines or American AirPower shreds the Russians.

Bidens been doing his typical Biden shit and screwing things up. He has had approval to send more weapons and has not. His people are afraid of escalation when the only thing Russians know is power.

Russian apologists will say Trump can’t do this. He’s not going to start his next administration losing a war. Winning a war gets all the neocons back on team Trump and kills all the lefts mythology of Trump being a Russian agent. Ukranians can fight the Russians to a standstill which is nothing compared to modern American military hardware and training. Send in some Polish ground forces backed by US air and the wars over in a month.

The Christians took over many pagan Holidays. Here’s a quick google summary. https://parkervillas.com/pagan-holidays-adopted-by-christianity/

Every upstart religion tries to conquor the old religion and that means incorporating the old Holidays so the plebs get their celebrations. This isn’t some accident we picked Easter it was bound to happen at some point. More a declaration of war.

If we all become trans religion then Good Friday is going under the knife day and Easter Sunday is rising a women.

Israel is a U.S. proxy. US has threatened Iran multiple times. Therefore, Israel is a proper target on Western influence.

Israel could just give up being a U.S. proxy but they aren’t going to do that.

This honestly just gets back to who did what bad first. The US has interfered with Iran and directly challenged their sovereignty. Now we cry when they fight back?

This quote came to mind when you asked what is white Nationalism.

A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy – A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.”

White People - are those who can keep it. Propagate self-governance. Live as free people in a functional complex society

Non-white - are the people who can not self-govern or contribute to its existence.

In the American context which uses an expanding term of whiteness it’s basically anyone who can replicate and reproduce the ideals expressed in the founding of the nation.

I think this analysis has a fatal flaw in it. Sotomayor is an affirmative action appointment and hence her ability is no greater than a generic democrat. If Sotomayor was essentially Michael Jordan than all the arguments for keeping her on the bench would be in play. But she’s basically Javale McGee and a replacement level justice.

It’s definitely an interesting thought experience that it can be beneficial to keep a justice on the court but I can’t agree with the actionable part of it and basically view Sotomayor as low IQ (relatively) without the talent to be great.

Can you define “Iran hates Israel complete independent of Israel status as a U.S. Proxy”

I disagree with this. But I don’t know what it means. Whose Iran?

If Israel could offer Iran domination of Saudi Arabia and status as regional hegemon over the Arabs especially Saudi Arabia then Israel and Iran would be besties.

This is really just oil politics as it’s driving force. US backs Saudis because they have more oil than Iran. This allows Saudis to be the strongest regional power. Iranians don’t like Arabs and realistically think they’re sand negros. If Iran had more oil than the Arabs the US would have long ago found a way to be besties with Iran and made them the regional hegemon over the Arabs. But they don’t. Oil explains the dividing lines in this region of the world a lot more than Muslims don’t like Jews.

IMO this is incredibly uncharitable on why they sank the immigration bill. You make it sound like we crashed it for shits and giggles. The bill had core issues.

  1. Too much discretion. If you don’t control the Presidency and key asylum courts it doesn’t do anything.

  2. Biden had levers to slow immigration now. He wasn’t doing it. Why make a deal where he can claim victory and enforce it during election season and then if he wins the election it’s back to open borders.

  3. Formalized a lot of bad things like the asylum system

  4. We all know that in American politics you usually only get to do things once when legislating. If the first bill is shit you’re probably not getting a second bite at the apple.

  5. Trump as POTUS is better for limiting immigration than Biden with the bill. This tells you how weak the bill was.

  6. House passed a bill. It was always better to use the up coming elections to press the Dems for a good bill than a bill with Swiss cheese loopholes.

I opposed the bill because it was a bad bill. Its better to do a good bill with real teeth after winning the elections.

My best friend is Iranian. Jews are annoying. Arabs they hate. It’s an easy deal for them to ally with Jews if it meant taking over the rest of the Middle East and kicking out Sunni Arab influence.

If you think back historically Jews were always there when the Persian empire ruled the region. Arabs were goat herders. Basically the Beverly Hillbillies today. Putting the Arabs back into their historical place would make Persians quite happy.

Not sure on your point. I wasn’t saying that can get you into any school. But it does seem to be a reasonable IQ level for top American public offices.

Also every school in the top 17 except Cal Tech has per class enrollment of over 1k. So I’m fairly sure being the 20k best SAT score makes you competitive far earlier than the 17th school.

The 20th school is Notre Dame. In the fictional world of the West Wing the POTUS went to Notre Dame which seems to be a reasonable place approximately to start the academic achievement area for smart enough to handle the intellectual rigor of top office.

I don’t want to touch a lot of these because they are political narratives. Personally, I think for example Trump did the best job of anyone and you highlight two of them Operation Warpspeed and the PPP loans/economic program. The first was the most important thing for saving lives and the second was a primary reason America bounced back so quickly.

On the puppet master thing it’s because they feel coordinated. America has black criminals dying from law enforcement all the time for doing black criminal stuff. In Floyd’s case it’s using counterfeit money to by fentanyl of which put himself 80-90% of the way to his death. It makes no sense to me he wasn’t just labeled an OD. Black guy dies of fentanyl OD normally wouldn’t even make a local newspaper. Instead we had spontaneous riots in every major city and a lot of small towns. It only happens in an election year. And the timing of the riots just feels like someone is organizing. It’s like a war day Ukraine where there are battles at 20 different areas of the front where it’s obvious someone made a decision to time them together.

The same thing with the legal cases for Trump it feels like someone tried to stack them for constant news coverage and with many timed to land with key events during the peak of the election. If he had one case coinciding with the election it would seem like one person doing their things but when you have multiple it feels like someone is giving Lieutenant's battle plans.

In your case you identified Karl Rove as doing politics. In this case there is no one.

When has Putin said he’s going to nuke over Ukraine? Official doctrine is an attack on proper Russia. Tanks rolling to Moscow.

Putin isn’t ending Russian history by starting a nuclear war over some shithole border town in Ukraine.

By the administration. Yes. The holiday was declared by some trans right activist years ago. It was a date on the calendar while Easter has its day move around.

The administration therefore couldn’t ignore a trans-holiday because too many of there people are trans religion but a lot of others are Christian religion. To celebrate trans day on a different day would disrespect trans-religion. So they were in a no-win position. The administration didn’t pick today for a trans religion holiday but it was assigned by trans religion.

Flying the trans flag during pride month at the Vatican Embassy was in my opinion far more disrespectful than what they did today which was a no-win situation for the politicians. That was truly disrespectful and obviously they would not try doing something like that in Saudi Arabia.

I can’t really describe trans/pride as anything other than a religion and since Scott describes it that way it feels like an acceptable view here. The politicians are just in a hard spot where they have two religions claiming the same day and the two religions both hate each other.

Edit: Lists of pride/trans related days some guy compiled on twitter. Significantly increasing my priors to spite. If they have this many holidays it’s a lot easier to not celebrate one of them when it’s another groups main holiday.


This might be a weird distinction but I do not think most of the protestors are antisemitic in the traditional sense (some are) but they are against Jewish traits. Being wealthy, successful, intelligent, winners in a meritocracy, puts Jews at the top of the oppressor pyramid. If Jews practiced the Jewish religion but were poor and not in power then the protestors would not care about them.

I am not sure if that is the same thing as antisemitism. There may no no functional difference since the protestors will always be against Jewish interests.

The only thing that leans me towards it actual antisemitism is because the protestors do not pay attention to any of the other wars going on in the world. Non of the protestors are going to Ukraine to protect the Ukranians despite Ukraine facing far worse than Palestine.

What do you mean by “not well understood”. Do you mean economists do not understand why or the average guy doesn’t understand why.

I think economists would easily cite things like land restrictions, failure to build infrastructure, zone restrictions etc as the cause of high home prices.

Nobody is denying that Muslims do not like Jews especially in a region they view as their own.

The Sunnis and Arabs have no problem backing the Jews now that it is beneficial for them to do so. If the Jews wanted to join team Tehran and had useful things to offer team Tehran then team Tehran would not refuse them.

Instead the Jews are aligned with the US and the Saudis. And quite frankly the Jews are always going to be US aligned which makes them permenently opposed to team Tehran.

The right has an easy answer to this. The differences are entirely genetic. Low IQ, high criminality, highly prone to violence. There are no such things as “historical roots”. The problem with CRT is it then inflames racial differences and also proposes solutions that only makes things worse. For example it tries to solve genetic differences with social programs like affirmative action. Which eliminates the meritocracy but doesn’t solve the underlying differences.

Hanania also is a hardcore HBD but has stated fairly directly that you really can’t make those arguments in public. Instead he uses dog whistles now. Like arguing for the meritocracy because he views that as a winning political strategy while using his more direct logic for those positions is a failing political strategy. Arguing against affirmative action is a failure of a policy because IQ gaps can’t be fixed by going to Harvard is a losing strategy. Arguing for a meritocracy because Asians are on the wrong end of the affirmative action stick is a winning a political strategy.

I think pushing Gazans into Egypt can definitely be morally justified. This war has been going on for 80 years and shows no evidence it will ever end. It can be debated but one can certainly take a view that it’s continuance is primarily the responsibility of Palestinians themselves. A final solution to just end the war but forcible removal can be justified on those grounds. Israel has no moral obligation to continue to support people who are basically a death cult against Israel’s existence.

Any point before say 1000 of the common era forcible removal of people was fine if you just wanted their land. I still don’t think we live in a time where a stronger power can’t be justified in getting rid of a weaker power that consistently makes war with them. I personally have no moral qualms of Israel pursuing a final solution to the Palestinian question at this point (not including death camps/mass executions etc).

The international community is likely doing a disservice to Palestinians. They are providing hope that diplomatic victory of some sort is attainable if the Israeli’s go too far. If you removed that hope they would seem to need to accept they need to change. But instead I guess they have some hope Israel gets cut-off and something something they kick all the Jews out of Israel.

Special - No.

But IQ 130 level does seem to be the line for smart enough for upper management in the US. Elon Musks had lower SAT scores but when it was harder so he’s probably about 140. A lot of Presidents seem to be around 130. We probably have 600k-1.5 million people around that level. For the pure IQ it seems a good place for the filter. Then other characteristics and experiences matter.

It also does seem to be the area where you start to be filtered into the top schools. And if not your like Honors College at big state school where they don’t have numbers to filter on whether you have the right DEI experience and activities.