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I don’t want to touch a lot of these because they are political narratives. Personally, I think for example Trump did the best job of anyone and you highlight two of them Operation Warpspeed and the PPP loans/economic program. The first was the most important thing for saving lives and the second was a primary reason America bounced back so quickly.

On the puppet master thing it’s because they feel coordinated. America has black criminals dying from law enforcement all the time for doing black criminal stuff. In Floyd’s case it’s using counterfeit money to by fentanyl of which put himself 80-90% of the way to his death. It makes no sense to me he wasn’t just labeled an OD. Black guy dies of fentanyl OD normally wouldn’t even make a local newspaper. Instead we had spontaneous riots in every major city and a lot of small towns. It only happens in an election year. And the timing of the riots just feels like someone is organizing. It’s like a war day Ukraine where there are battles at 20 different areas of the front where it’s obvious someone made a decision to time them together.

The same thing with the legal cases for Trump it feels like someone tried to stack them for constant news coverage and with many timed to land with key events during the peak of the election. If he had one case coinciding with the election it would seem like one person doing their things but when you have multiple it feels like someone is giving Lieutenant's battle plans.

In your case you identified Karl Rove as doing politics. In this case there is no one.

Agree I guess it’s similar to a market economy where you have coordination but no one understands but a small piece of how things happen.

Agents always seem to have weird incentives. Reputation of course matters more than anything for more business.

The converse to a % would be an hourly wage for giving advice and finishing processes (like a Lawyer) but that system would encourage buyers agents to not close deals and instead have deals fail but keep the billable hours up.

Reputation to get more clients is the only thing that works to align client/agent incentives since every incentive system I see for agents in one-off deals would have misaligned incentives.

If I had to steelman buyers agents it’s probably something like they need to exists and most buyers have a need for the specific service to varying extents. The exact compensation structure is hard to perfectly align incentives.

Even if I am buying the simplest of real estate purchases say a condo in a 300 unit property and looking at a few similar sized buildings it would still take me hundreds of hours to figure out costs/benefit trade offs while a buyers agent who specializes in large condo buildings in a neighborhood should have built up a strong feel for relative value in those buildings. Maybe it takes 200 hours to gain pricing knowledge of condos in a neighborhood but if they have 20 clients/year for multiple years they spread that fundamental research time down to sub <10 hrs per client.

Doesn’t Ron Desantis disprove your rule that non-elites can’t achieve high office or even Joe Biden?

Desantis has like 400k networth now. Yes he has has the elite degrees. This just says the filter for entering the elites may be earlier. He no doubt got great SAT scores early then got into elite schools. Paid for it looks like from ROTC money.

The thing with the filter being earlier it could mean one of two things.

  1. It’s just earlier and you need to be taking the steps for that path early.
  2. The filter isn’t high school academic achievements, but the people with ambition to be an elite already have that ambition young so they get themselves on that track early.

Joe Biden doesn’t seem to have money or elite academics early.

If coal miners became politicians today it would mean our entire meritocracy and educational system has failed.

I think it’s reasonable to say the leaders of our complex society should be IQ 130 and probably around a 1500 SAT score. The entire filter for our system would be failing if that kid isn’t getting selected into a top 25 university today.

It’s also been said of unions that the leaders no longer come from the workers but from outside of it. Back in the day poor immigrant kids who were smart might not have been caught up into our systems filters for leadership and would have taken the mill job. Their intelligence would have led them to leadership. But now they are filtered out earlier.

It just feels like going backwards and a thing for poor countries to not identify their most talented individuals early. Do we want 1500 SAT kids working at Wal-Mart for 20 years so they can be good working class people?

You don’t need to be a politician at 22 to be a politician at 60. They can go on the safer career paths (honestly prefer politicians with outside politics experience).

Truth is in a meritocracy especially with intelligence being highly hereditary you would expect the longer that meritocracy exists that elites would largely come from some form of elites (in Americas case it’s going to be dominated by the PMC or top 20%). The only way you get elites from the lower class with intelligence being hereditary is when you have another blocking force like in immigrant communities that are working class initially before those immigrant communities sort themselves on intelligence. And the occasional smart kids whose family was poor because of alcoholism (my dad died of liver cancer so I sort of fit this).

The puppet master thesis is the “just the right time, place, and manner” is a US election. And this was all about winning an election than any real concern about black people. If Floyd had everything else happen to him and it was 2018 or 2021 he would just be another dead black man.

IMO I mostly think the elites have done a good job for US workers. They work fewer hours than their parents and their homes have 10x the stuff.

In my opinion the actual erosion isn’t with economics it’s all the social policy that is hurting them the most. The working class was a lot better when they had more religiousity governing their behavior and not the elites culture of today. The tran stuff just confuses them. For every 1 in a couple thousand kids with actual biological transexualism there are hundred if not more working class kids confused who just work better with simpler sexual culture and traditions. Most would be better if the rule was just have sex with the person whose about your intelligence and attractiveness within a 10 min.walk and marry them for 70 years.

Sure but then obviously you would need an India style class system where some people by birth would be restricted in their career options. This is contra to all of American history.

I got no disagreement that most deals can probably work on a bare bones style agent.

I was more steel-manning why they should exists versus why they should exists at a 3% commission.

A very small percentage of buyers agents likely do deserve 3%. There are unique projects that require far more expertise. If some platform rolled up buyers agents, paid them a salary, and charged 1% buyers fees I feel like that business model can work. To date that model has not work perhaps due to restrictions etc from the old ways.

It’s not a gotcha to me.

In that case society would be better governed by the Superior Politicians provided you mean by that they make decisions that mostly benefit all of society on net.

I also have no problem saying S Africa would be better off for everyone if only whites could vote versus everyone. I also believe that is being proven true.

And in the case of S Africa that with the whites not even giving a shit about the blacks. Your super politicians are implying that they actually would have a feel for how to benefit everyone versus being only incentivized to benefit themselves.

Do you have an example of a well functioning government led by low IQ people?

I don’t believe any kid can be anything. So no hypocrisy there.

I would say though until you truly know a kids ability telling them they can do anything is a good thing and probably helped me. But that’s because I grew up lower class where most can’t rise up anymore but did end up having top 1% test scores. Until you figure out if someone has talent you should leave the door open.

Not sure on your point. I wasn’t saying that can get you into any school. But it does seem to be a reasonable IQ level for top American public offices.

Also every school in the top 17 except Cal Tech has per class enrollment of over 1k. So I’m fairly sure being the 20k best SAT score makes you competitive far earlier than the 17th school.

The 20th school is Notre Dame. In the fictional world of the West Wing the POTUS went to Notre Dame which seems to be a reasonable place approximately to start the academic achievement area for smart enough to handle the intellectual rigor of top office.

Special - No.

But IQ 130 level does seem to be the line for smart enough for upper management in the US. Elon Musks had lower SAT scores but when it was harder so he’s probably about 140. A lot of Presidents seem to be around 130. We probably have 600k-1.5 million people around that level. For the pure IQ it seems a good place for the filter. Then other characteristics and experiences matter.

It also does seem to be the area where you start to be filtered into the top schools. And if not your like Honors College at big state school where they don’t have numbers to filter on whether you have the right DEI experience and activities.

I agree Floyd killing himself was not used well politically he the left. It becoming a bigger issue than Trayvon Martin though is the puppet master thesis. The puppet master can be bad at his job which in this case I think they made a mistake.

Also I wholeheartedly disagree that Trump just had to call it a tragedy. The right doesn’t agree with that. That implies the police did something wrong. I do not believe that. Letting the left control the narrative is something I do not agree with. A reason I vote for Desantis or Trump is because they have the balls to call out bad narratives.

The Christians took over many pagan Holidays. Here’s a quick google summary. https://parkervillas.com/pagan-holidays-adopted-by-christianity/

Every upstart religion tries to conquor the old religion and that means incorporating the old Holidays so the plebs get their celebrations. This isn’t some accident we picked Easter it was bound to happen at some point. More a declaration of war.

If we all become trans religion then Good Friday is going under the knife day and Easter Sunday is rising a women.

The protest hurt Biden. But that doesn’t negate a thesis that they thought it would was good strategy.

And of course you can never prove any theory in this day and age. We could have a puppet master in plain site (like 2020 election fraud and mail in ballots) and it would be called a conspiracy theory.

By the administration. Yes. The holiday was declared by some trans right activist years ago. It was a date on the calendar while Easter has its day move around.

The administration therefore couldn’t ignore a trans-holiday because too many of there people are trans religion but a lot of others are Christian religion. To celebrate trans day on a different day would disrespect trans-religion. So they were in a no-win position. The administration didn’t pick today for a trans religion holiday but it was assigned by trans religion.

Flying the trans flag during pride month at the Vatican Embassy was in my opinion far more disrespectful than what they did today which was a no-win situation for the politicians. That was truly disrespectful and obviously they would not try doing something like that in Saudi Arabia.

I can’t really describe trans/pride as anything other than a religion and since Scott describes it that way it feels like an acceptable view here. The politicians are just in a hard spot where they have two religions claiming the same day and the two religions both hate each other.

Edit: Lists of pride/trans related days some guy compiled on twitter. Significantly increasing my priors to spite. If they have this many holidays it’s a lot easier to not celebrate one of them when it’s another groups main holiday.


Is it really a difference? Vatican Embassy versus embassy to the Vatican?

I guess one implies it’s in the Vatican but it’s still a middle finger to a Priest whose going to the Embassy to deal with something.

I just have the IQ charts which were trending on Twitter recently. They all seem to indicate 130 area. Kennedy fwiw seems to rank highly. I do not know how to interpret grades from the ‘30s. Seems like most of our Presidential candidates went to Harvard/Yale etc which even for a rich kid isn’t that easy to buy your way in if you are sub 120 IQ.



I am seeing Bush took the SAT in 1964.

I am seeing in 1967 a high school drop out rate of 17%.


For high school graduates it looks like males went to college in 1964 at a 57% rate.


It looks like in 1969 a 550 verbal SAT score was at 79% of SAT users and at 90% of a national representative sample. Bush was 566. A 650 math SAT was 89% of SAT users for boys. Bush scored 640. That probably puts him around 95% for everyone.

I did a google for top 5% of Americans IQ and it returned 125. This analysis would put George Bush around 123 IQ. The chart I shared before had him at 124.875. The chart seems broadly correct for Bush based on his SAT scores.

I think you forgot to adjust for changes in benchmarks on the SAT. Scores have gone up as the test has gotten easier. Similarly, I believe the average GPA is like 3.8 at Harvard now. B’s and C’s look bad today compared to today’s grading but they would essentially be A’s and A-‘s today.

My analysis points towards Bush being in the 94% based on SAT scores.

IMO without doing the whole debate again you are making a giant assumption the CIA purposefully tried to provoke Russia into war versus what I believe is a much simpler explanation that Ukraine just wanted to be richer. Poland is at current trajectories will be wealthier than England by 2030. From a cultural orbit for Russia it’s tough for them to keep people in their sphere of influence when they can look at their neighbors house and see it getting wealthier. If the CIA does nothing Ukraine itself would be looking for western connections.

For Claudine Gay I feel like “politics” is a bit of a euphemism. It’s truthy but the politics in question is that on the lefts social oppression pyramid a black female sits at the top. If you say politics, Chris Rufo says DEI, and redneck Billy says because she’s a black female they all mean the same thing. And it does seem correct to say she was thrown out on politics. Turns out rich Jewish donors can go head to head with modern leftism and win politically when they feel they are being hurt. You can call it politics but you would be equally true to say she was fired for being antisemitic. All are politics and this case the Jewish vote not liking antisemitism was stronger than the lefts oppression wheel politics.

Maybe this is the correct analogy. I kept thinking that American rural (and often rural non-city everywhere) tends to code red-tribe. And this goes as far as seeing African pure indigenous black having country music weddings on YouTube. Still does not feel like a perfect model but Canada, Scotland, and some Nordics seem to lean more left but I usually associated that with not having black people and being more willing to redistribute/socialism within their own people than wokism.