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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

There might be another wrinkle in the life insurance case. I think that example as a use of life insurance is on FINRA exams. Which is a self-regulatory organization. Which are sort of government sponsored but run by industry. So they can ban you from the industry and make you unhirable but you can’t sue for them for antitrust etc. If my recollection is correct you have this sort of government agency teaching their bankers that this use of insurance was correct and would produce those tax benefits. Now you have another government agency saying nope that’s wrong pay us.

Also it’s a bit weird because before the guy died the company did not have that money. After they did. But what occurred first? The guy died and that’s the value then the company gets 3 million because he died? Or the company gets 3 million because the guy died and now the company is worth more? It’s seems like a simultaneous event.

“A self-regulatory organization (SRO) is an organization that exercises some degree of regulatory authority over an industry or profession. The regulatory authority could exist in place of government regulation, or applied in addition to government regulation. The ability of an SRO to exercise regulatory authority does not necessarily derive from a grant of authority from the government.“

I think it’s clear these type of organizations could not exists without government support based on this definition. So I think it’s clear that things like FINRA are basically government run by industry. A lot like unions that wouldn’t exists without the government protecting them.

“Interests is vague”. It’s really with respect to the Church interests that matters. And certainly things you can’t contradict.

So I disagree. Those are not practicing Catholics.

Whether you want to get in semantics I guess you can call them Catholics but they are not practicing Catholics. Which is why they can get elected to US office at high levels.

I feel like you are making trademark law style arguments. If the Catholic Church doesn’t excommunicate everyone tightly then they lose the right to ever have standards and therefore Catholic becomes a meaningless descriptor.

Professing a belief in the Catholic Church (that you believe in their teachings) where the Pope has Papal Primacy and the legitimacy of the Church is based on a direct lineage from Peter isn’t the same as an oath to the pope?

Words have meaning.

The question is what is the oath.

There is a fundamental difference between sin and not believing in the church.

I doubt we even have any good data to disprove or approve on whether segregation is good. In part because of how much our housing market filters for school quality and prevents income level mixing. You would have data where the blacks in a 3% black school perform extremely well but their parents are paying $20k a year in property taxes so relatively high income. And then you would look at a 90% black school in West Baltimore and see that those kids do awful academically. The human brain just can’t process that much information especially when there will be academics promoting bad data that constantly needs refuted.

Relatedly I always wander if there is anything positive in the Florida school system which has very high Hispanic test scores. Are Florida Hispanics just filtered better for high income? In one sense they did get a huge amount of Cubans though that likely tilts heavily upper class though such a large percent it does include a lot of people. On the other end Miami is the capital of Latin America and draws the upper class in huge numbers.

For my tribe I want to say everyone should just copy Miami’s school system, but I am guessing a large amount of it is filtering.