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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

Influenced via Victorians with history books who wanted to turn Christmas from a St. Patrick's esque drinking holiday to something more family friendly rather than via converting pagans.

So how do you want me to interact with this post other than saying "nice blog bro!"? We aren't here to be your therapist.

But yes, the detente is over and was over when the state closed churches and masses for COVID. Even when reopening occured, diktats came down as to how Churches were to administer the Eucharist, which I might remind you is the holiest and most central ritual in Christiandom.

So your father-in-law is for all intents and purposes trying to figure out if you are going to be an asset or liability in the culture war. Are you sending your children to a classical school or a public school?

I would still pattern match the first as Christianity and the second as Islam despite the "core claims" being reversed.

And if a pig was a dog he'd be a dog?

I don't see how this pertains to if someone should convert to Islam from Catholicism rather than Orthodoxy.

For clarity, am I supposed to pretend you aren't who people say you are or not?

Rich Men North of Richmond didn't get posted here because the people here probably didn't have an extended interaction with the song.

TheMotte talks about stuff that you'd expect a narrow slice of rationalists, who are already a very narrow slice of the internet, talk about.

You'll hear about breakthroughs in gene editing before they hit peer review, but if you expect pop culture commentary you are going to need to post it yourself.

Rhetoric around the SCOTUS is turning into a particular flashpoint in recent times as well, particularly because of Rightist failings in the Executive and Legislative branch even when they win those branches. The Legislative has failure to repeal Obamacare, and to be frank the failure to do much more than obstruct; The Executive has the whole deep state thing, brought into sharp contrast with the Trump administration. Now we are seeing consent being manufactured to reach into the Judicial branch as it falls into hard Originalist control for the first time, as mentioned, since the '20s. If the SCOTUS returns to penumbras and emanations through less than clean means the right very much will feel locked out of the Federal government entirely, when they very much shouldn't be.

Does the Republicanism of 2001 still exist?

Where would you go to find the sales number?

The creators I watch are generally demonetized anyway, so google just makes money off of their work without compensating them.

Reddit doesn't require email verification is how I'd advise you.

There is innately a hierarchy of moral obligation, as expressed by your son being worth more to you than a generic person on the moon.

I think a major part of PF's issue is that they don't seem organic at all, so they get no support from the right wing.

Every time they come up in my circles, everyone starts screaming "FED! FED!" and until they deal with those optics they are going to be left out to hang.

Why makes you so sure that "we don't know" isn't an acceptable answer? Certainly beats making shit up, which is how I would frame the non-materialist position.

Because Galileo was right, but his rivals could tell you where Saturn was tomorrow and he couldn't.

And if the King of England went around ordering the execution of those who displeased him and it was his right to do so, how long would he keep the crown?

Not very long, I suspect.

Trump is either an insurrectionist or he isn't, and if he wins the General, rules written, by definition he isn't. Disqualifying him from the General is either perfunctory or damaging to the system and not Trump.

The actual fucking solution to the problem of a second Trump term is to corral the power of the executive rather than an executive.

SBF is probably going to be classified into a low security prison, so he will not have to deal with any of the gang bullshit and instead the overcrowding.

Jail, and federal jail particularly, tends to mix security classifications together prior to trial as a matter of course so it tends to be generally worse than what most people experience.

A lot of this post seems to be riding on Brand and the specifics of this case rather than a more general talk about the issue.

In service of this here is an archived link

The claim was that he backed Hillary's bid, no? If we narrow it to Obama going for a third term then clearly not.

I'm not aware of any particular action on the part of Trump in Georgia so opening an investigation into a political rival on less than solid basis is at least equivalent.

It really depends on what you think the culture war is about: if you think it is two inconsequential groups like 4chan going to war with Tumblr then yes it fades, but I don't think that the people dead in the summer of love make it so inconsequential.

What is the reason for stopping the government from using modern databases and technology to be able to effectively investigate these matters?

Because they had one and used it to harass people, leading the Gun Owners Protection act to be passed.

It wasn't preemptive.

If you don't mind my asking, what description would have been better and still communicated that the poster disapproved?

And yet they are compared.

Why do you think they aren't comparable and /u/TIRM does?

I don't think there are any particular reasons to believe PF are "feds" (presumably meaning: led by federal informants?) beyond them being a group that does IRL protests.

The issue is that their uniform looks like the stereotype for "off duty cop" or "soldier in civilian clothes" and they would show up with riot shields out of a police catalog when they first started.

Corinna is no lamb at all. This is two wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner.

So if Yang is a wolf and Corinna is a wolf, who is the lamb?

In a separate vein, I suppose as a society we've aught to figure out what to do with a bunch of infertile, underdeveloped, and purposeless/telosless young people. The usual modes of hedonism I am pretty sure aren't going to an option for this class so it is likely that left alone they go to even more anti-social routes. Any ideology that picks them up is going to have people who have fire and will not age-out of it.

I hope I don't have to impress upon you how much of problem that will become...

Nobility ought to have more scrutiny on them by virtue of their peerage, philandering peasant is droll while an unfaithful count is a scandal.

120k minors were diagnosed with gender dysphoria and 17k were put on puberty blockers or pills, suggesting that even among those who get a dysphoria diagnosis, the rates for going on to medical transition are very low, around 1/8th

A null hypothesis for this is that puberty blockers are generally dangerous drugs and that many doctors do not want to deal with the liability.