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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

I expect her to underperform in NH due to the libertarian influence there. The only group I've encountered that seems to like her are conservative jews associated with the Urban East coast, which is no weak demographic but not really enough to carry her.

I seem to recall this big controversy about the crossfire hurricane thing.

And you know that SCOTUS case in 2000.

... Were you not awake for 2016 or 2000?

A lot of this post seems to be riding on Brand and the specifics of this case rather than a more general talk about the issue.

In service of this here is an archived link

And if the King of England went around ordering the execution of those who displeased him and it was his right to do so, how long would he keep the crown?

Not very long, I suspect.

Trump is either an insurrectionist or he isn't, and if he wins the General, rules written, by definition he isn't. Disqualifying him from the General is either perfunctory or damaging to the system and not Trump.

The actual fucking solution to the problem of a second Trump term is to corral the power of the executive rather than an executive.

And we should stop supporting Ukraine because it is enriching the military industrial complex.

I can't help but think "but other than that Mrs Lincoln how was the play?" When you bring up the idea that discussion shouldn't happen on a subject because people might be mean.

Well generally if the year was 1923 rather than 2023 I'd be hard pressed to ever see a black person in much of the US, so the great migration and mass media played a role for sure.

That is a wider debate around transhumanism which would be fun if we could make it happen.

, but it was her decision.

Why does this mean anything?

mottemods have the usual bias for longposting, but they want actual content in the same way that netflix wants content. Stuff that drives people here.

So interesting perspectives and being a political weirdo gets you rather far.

I download the .deb file, I click it twice, it opens in the deb installer, it installs.

If it is an appimage i just click it.

The creators I watch are generally demonetized anyway, so google just makes money off of their work without compensating them.

120k minors were diagnosed with gender dysphoria and 17k were put on puberty blockers or pills, suggesting that even among those who get a dysphoria diagnosis, the rates for going on to medical transition are very low, around 1/8th

A null hypothesis for this is that puberty blockers are generally dangerous drugs and that many doctors do not want to deal with the liability.

Influenced via Victorians with history books who wanted to turn Christmas from a St. Patrick's esque drinking holiday to something more family friendly rather than via converting pagans.

I think this post relies too much on a definition of Republican and Democrat that do not mirror one another and change depending on which paragraph they appear in.

The Democrat party has a long bench only if you count people who aren't traditional Democrat party people, as it concerns people who are the same sort of people as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, everyone is of a similar age. The Republican party bench is just as long with Trump weirdos and freedom caucus guys if not longer, but the establishment pick for the 2024 election is Nikki Haley who lost the election before the first debate.

The disease that is killing the republican party is just as present in the democrat party if not more so, they've just had their TEA party moment in team red already so that machine has already been dead since Obama.

So what will the Republican Party look like come 2030, barring the actions of the other side? Every institution and think tank is entirely in flux at the moment and it is going to come down to who can exhibit real power next year and specially in 2026 and 2028. What is likely going to happen is that Rand Paul continues to rise to where he is one of the most prominent politicians in the party establishment just from seniority, which is going to be a bit wild to think about.

As it concerns the future of the Red Tribe intellectual, the Ivy Leagues got their start as seminaries and future red tribe elites are probably going to have a lot more MDivs and DDivs, less PhDs and JDs. There are a lot of new players like American Reformer and First Things on team red that are explicitly religious and I expect that trend to continue as who they represent rise in power on the right, while a lot of existing journals veer smart-religious or die. This is generally because those sectors that support these publications and produce those intellectuals have children and cause drastic worldview conversions in other people as a regular part of life. They can also get these intellectuals a job fairly easily as there are deep and growing shortages for well paying positions based around conservative outreach. The Hasidic Jews also have high TFRs and inevitably are going to show up to the future as well, and are naturally going to be in the red tribe.

This will also be a regression to the mean as it concerns American politics, and if the seculars are going to want to keep their happy tribe they are going to have to fight for it.

It is no hidden fact that black communities hate the black cops, because generally they have an excuse to be the worst hardass they can be.

I am not particularly sure how you'd be able to get a cop that is a community member of the bad neighborhoods, while not paying them enough to not live there. Certainly not someone degreed.

The original sin, the sin that one cannot cleanse oneself of, the sin that one must regularly and harshly atone for.

If you don't mind the diversion, which branch of Christianity has this doctrine?


You've still gotta go to confession and genuinely repent man, and that comes with making genuine attempts at not fornicating.

The pre-48 era of cars is also an era where you are pretty much doing bespoke parts and full custom builds, which hurts the wallet even more than when it spawned tuner culture.

I expect that the reprogrammed and custom ECUs that define tuners are going to have a lot more legs than you express in this post as well, particularly as modern cars get scrapped due to obscure and poorly designed CANBUS problems at higher rates.

Kustom Kulture and the "live fast, die young" mindset is also to a degree what the streetrods you visited very much were created to exclude, as expressed by an attempt to family friendly. I don't think that the aging demographic there is going to much speak to that subculture. They might more be associated with motorcycles now tho. Car meets are still fairly regular in most of the country, facilitated by social media, and I know of some deeper levels where street racing is organized.

There was quite a while where I could show up to a bar without a mask for a drink but couldn't sing or participate in rituals at a church.

Assuming that I am not lying, is that an injustice?

triggering a surface burst instead of the normal air burst.

Limiting its destructive power at that!

And when friendly fire or kid bits end up on national news?

The far right as limited to racial nationalists? By inflaming racial tensions so segregation becomes a fact of life and peace walls are built between racially homogeneous neighborhoods.

The far right outside of racial nationalists?

Probably far more pathways, because far less is needed to be done. Take over of the military, ect.

I would still pattern match the first as Christianity and the second as Islam despite the "core claims" being reversed.

And if a pig was a dog he'd be a dog?

I don't see how this pertains to if someone should convert to Islam from Catholicism rather than Orthodoxy.

Does the Republicanism of 2001 still exist?