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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

I would still pattern match the first as Christianity and the second as Islam despite the "core claims" being reversed.

And if a pig was a dog he'd be a dog?

I don't see how this pertains to if someone should convert to Islam from Catholicism rather than Orthodoxy.

Does the Republicanism of 2001 still exist?

Rhetoric around the SCOTUS is turning into a particular flashpoint in recent times as well, particularly because of Rightist failings in the Executive and Legislative branch even when they win those branches. The Legislative has failure to repeal Obamacare, and to be frank the failure to do much more than obstruct; The Executive has the whole deep state thing, brought into sharp contrast with the Trump administration. Now we are seeing consent being manufactured to reach into the Judicial branch as it falls into hard Originalist control for the first time, as mentioned, since the '20s. If the SCOTUS returns to penumbras and emanations through less than clean means the right very much will feel locked out of the Federal government entirely, when they very much shouldn't be.

Is this after they've been dosed with Testosterone for years or no?

Corinna is no lamb at all. This is two wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner.

So if Yang is a wolf and Corinna is a wolf, who is the lamb?

In a separate vein, I suppose as a society we've aught to figure out what to do with a bunch of infertile, underdeveloped, and purposeless/telosless young people. The usual modes of hedonism I am pretty sure aren't going to an option for this class so it is likely that left alone they go to even more anti-social routes. Any ideology that picks them up is going to have people who have fire and will not age-out of it.

I hope I don't have to impress upon you how much of problem that will become...

I mean, can always pass a constitutional amendment. Prenumbras and emanations can only exist to a point in the SCOTUS.

how much time do you think it will take? What further developments need to occur?

The contracts at least need to run out, and stock image companies need to not transition.

What do you expect to save you?

Neohellenistic religions? Atheism?

Some religious cult with even less of a pedigree?

How have those worked out already?

Broadcast rights are treated as a regulated commons, which is why you can't say fuck on TV.

Second, what's up with nuclear waste? Specifically, if the waste is really a nothing burger, as I see argued often, why do I see (other) experts talking about how to communicate how bad it is to people ~10k years in the future. What are those other experts thinking and why are they wrong?

The waste that is a problem in an eon is about as much as a problem as many other compounds that have different mechanisms of action but are far more common. Half-life is half-life and there is only so much energy stored.

My guess is parents who enroll their kids in a "classical" charter school lean right.

In my experience, like catholic school, it is a mix.

The classic definitions that matter is that the lower classes work for someone else, the middle classes work for themselves, and the upper classes don't work.

Such a definition describes political power rather than anything else, it is hard to run for office when your boss can fire you, and it is easy when you answer to passive income only.

I've not any other definitions that really describe how the differences matter other than cultural.

Democrats would find an acceptable moderate Republican from the Cheney/Kinzinger

Acceptable to who? A Cheney as speaker would utterly unite the base against them, beyond the remaining MAGA types. It would be another TEA party.

Have we entered the long, depressing "I'm tired of fighting, now I'm just going to sulk until someone gives me a divorce" phase of political polarization

We've entered a phase where house cleaning is occuring. No one in the Republican side looks good now while there is large amounts of political activation in the base beyond what trump already did.

Well that isn't very transparent of EA

Detente in the culture war is over.

The ents have become to move, classes that had no interest in politics prior have found themselves forced to participate and they aren't happy about it.

Are you ready to deal with the Amish having a voting bloc?

They are immensely useful for making jury rig fixes for things. I end up with a bit of learned helplessness if I don't carry one for a bit.

This makes me think that the format of scientific papers is a bit outdated. I wonder how many questions in material sciences could be resolved by scientists just recording and talking through their experiments.

What makes you think it is outdated rather than having always required auxiliary books and papers to describe the processes involved?

There are a large amount of books by the name of "formulary" out of copyright that solve this very issue, so I think it is more that the format was never really meant to do that.

I am once more struck by how cookie cutter spree killings have become in the US. You'd think we'd see more truck rentals after the Islamic extremist killings using them but I suppose that doesn't get you time magazine covers and your face shoved in mine like this guy has been.

what would you say to convince them of how badly things would go?

The influencer in question recently was mired in controversy for a whitehouse visit and was already under the baleful eye of the core demo?

What is hilarious is when you get told it as a prot, like there wasn't millions of people killed to put to bed the idea that I had to pay fealty to Rome.

How did DeSantis win Florida?

I agree with all of this, but what do you say to those of us that think it'll be a fascist disaster, but think it might be our best hope anyways?

Negative Utilitarianism is just as much in play as positive. It is not a stretch to believe a boot stomping on a human face forever is a worse outcome than for a short time.

The idea of anyone I know acting differently purely based on the gender distribution of the group they're in, strikes me as strange.

Do you act differently to people you find attractive?

People treat their social peers differently than their social betters or inferiors. This is true.

Marriage turns you into a mister, pretty much the most obvious example of moving up a social level.