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User ID: 903



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User ID: 903

The supply of loanable funds (a nominal quantity) does not necessarily represent the full production possibilities of the underlying economy (a real one). That is, there are 'real' savings that are not represented by nominal savings at a given price level/quantity of money.

From within the Austrian framework, I think this claim does not hold. I think what you are saying—and please correct me if I’m wrong—is that there may exist savings held (e.g.) in the form of dollar bills in a deposit box at a bank. These bills cannot be lent out as part of the bank’s operations, and hence the real wealth which they represent can never participate in the economy as “investment”.

However, an Austrian would say that those dollar bills are not savings in the sense of forming part of the supply of loanable funds. Savings-as-loanable-funds are a subset of savings-as-deferred-consumption; the former entails the assumption of some risk, while the latter (as in the case of bills in a deposit box) need not.

If you like, holding money qua money, rather than allowing it to be lent out for investment purposes, could be called “exercising demand for money” or less charitably, “hoarding money”, as distinguished from “saving”. An Austrian would say that such hoarding is economically no different from exercising demand in any other way (e.g., through consumption of real goods/services).

It isn't a proper snowclone of the original, though I guess there's an alternate interpretation where the local squire's name was Seamus and the pregnant tenant girl went on to marry a Paddy

I saw what happened in Atlanta, in Philadelphia, in Detroit.

What exactly did you see? And did you see whatever it was in person, with your own two eyes, in each of the 3 cities you mentioned?

If not, then how exactly did you see “what happened”, and have you considered that whatever you saw may have been selectively curated, edited or manipulated?

He could’ve not side lined Atlas (if you read Atlas’s book, you’ll see that Trump seemed to agree with Atlas but lacked the courage to implement his messaging in full).

So instead of trying to build a coalition of like-minded scientific advisors in the administration, it sounds like Atlas just threw up his hands and refused to play ball. One might even say that Atlas shrugged 🤷‍♂️

Adderall doesn’t just restore executive function to baseline

What exactly do you mean by this? That Adderall can boost executive function to superhuman (or super-non-enhanced-human) levels?

more like weasel on him, if you get my drift

G’day, mate!

It's fallen out of favour here now, but in my own town there used to be people going out on the harbour or out to the beaches when the tide went out so they could gather mussels etc. for sale.

Molly Malone?

Alas, a Dunkin’ lover can dream

Fair enough, I should have said “unusual among the founding principles/origin myths/civic religions of modern nation-states”, and I think it’s accurate to characterize Judaism as the founding principle and raison d’etre of modern Israel.

I would completely agree with the assessment that a rational observer should be extra vigilant re: genocidal intent or actions from explicitly Islamic nation-states; indeed 20th and 21st century history provides us with examples of such. As for explicitly Christian nation-states, I would say less so, both because they are almost invariably Christian-in-name-only (cf. regular attendance rates at any of the established churches in Europe), and because modern Western Christianity has memetically shed its attachments to the wanton bloodlust of the Old Testament.

Always has been.

I was thinking this was the more highly-apropos Batman clip

"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread."

Less flippantly, my imagined progressive would say that there's no avoiding (at least some) zero-sum games in this world. Thus, the only question is who must win at the expense of whom. And since there must always be an oppressor and an oppressed in every such game, the only political question is how to decide who is oppressing whom in a given situation: to do so clear-sightedly, taking into account the relevant history and particular context, or to bury our heads in the sand and cling to the fiction of "universal principles" -- which is to say, to side with the oppressor?

Not like this … not like this

When you're living in such a place, as the saying goes, they know you "seed, breed and generation" and "all belonging to you"

Paddy’s Seed and Breed (formerly Seamus’s)

Appreciate the effortful response, but I was already fairly happy with my results on Hinge; just needed a bit more time, I think.

The last time I used Tinder in NYC was years ago and things may have changed in the interim. I’ll give it (and possibly other apps) another try, as things may have changed over time and across locales, as you say. Thanks for the suggestion!

But see also this deboonking

certain Southeast Asian countries (South Korea, Japan)

Anon, I …

To what extent is the elevated rate of autism among the offspring of such pairings due to the parents skewing older? Of course age at parenthood is highly correlated with rotatorhood, I would imagine, but I’ve never seen anyone try to tease out the magnitudes of each effect individually

Coming right up. We also have Rent-free-erra Mist, Pepseethe, or — if you’d care for something a tad stronger — Yikes Hard Lemonade and our signature cocktail, Have Sex on the Beach

I am pursuing a job, and indeed it takes up the bulk of my day (~80 hours a week or so). Unfortunately, this job, though financially extremely rewarding, is in a very male-dominated field and my coworkers, though amiable enough in the office, are mostly settled down and not the most social creatures. Hence my reliance on dating apps.

As for my hobbies, I’m a big fan of singing karaoke, playing board games and trivia. Yes, I’m aware that I am a bit of a walking stereotype. My Sunday (well, Saturday) nights are largely spent doing those things with friends. My friend group is reasonably gender-balanced compared to my workplace but there is, I feel, a cultural tendency within the group against asking out other members of the group; instead the vibe is that dating should be kept separate (and, it is implied, app-based) so as to avoid causing drama. In any case, I don’t think there are any currently-single women in the group.

Point well taken that I can and should get into shape. I do think that is the highest-marginal-return-to-attractiveness thing I could do right now, but I don’t see how that would meaningfully widen the top of the funnel. I suppose I might meet someone at the gym, but again, my read of the cultural milieu is that making passes at the gym is generally frowned upon (as always, rules 1 and 2 apply, etc. etc.). The thing is, I was already reasonably happy with my results on Hinge, so I don’t think lack of attractiveness is the biggest issue. My issue right now is that the pipeline has dried up.

Sinhala gangs that run fentanyl in Mexico

I didn’t realize the Sri Lankan mafia had such a global presence! Do their sworn enemies hail from the state of Tamil-ipas?

and she is willing to proverbially kill this sacred cow, something that is incredibly alluring to a sapiosexual

I’ve never been able to take the term sapiosexual entirely seriously, because in the Malay language, sapi means cow. Nominative Etymological determinism strikes again?

they kicked us off the orange website

I must be out of the loop; when did “we” get banned from Hacker News?

There are many, many fucked up things about the American medical system, as has been pointed out by others in this thread, but the silver (well, maybe aluminum) lining here is that the massive debt incurred by a medical education does incentivize graduates to monetize their skills, instead of just treating the MD as a vanity/MRS degree.

Unfortunately, as someone pointed out downthread, "monetizing their skills" these days increasingly means going into tech or pharma, rather than actually, y'know, treating patients.