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User ID: 133



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User ID: 133

That would fall under torturing the phrasing.

The IQ supremacy guy in the culture war thread sounds like the teen rights high school savant guy with the book we've had.

This is funny enough that I don't believe it's really JB's alt.

Sounds like we won't find out whether the Queen sends a centennial congratulations letter to herself.

I think it's pretty myopic to accuse those who defend/ignore the "drag kids" thing of being conflict theorists, while ignoring how the entire "groomer" label is a conflict theory superweapon being deployed by the conflict-theory part of the right. Were I an American leftist who'd never took a step inside a drag club, or even a Pride parade, my thought process would be something like "I will only disavow this when you stop painting me with the same brush. Otherwise, if you're going to keep implying I'm part of it, well, then I'm part of it. If the penalty for surrendering is death, and the penalty for losing the battle is death..."

Not very many people target ordinary honest Joe workers on the right specifically as "Nazis". Yet when they instead vaguely wave at the Red Tribe with the Nazi sign, I can see why the honest Joes shy away from them.

What I'm talking about is that when you aim a nuke at Washington DC because that's where all the warmongers of Pentagon and the alphabet sunglasses people sit and they did deserve as much, don't be surprised that the entire USA unites behind the warmongers of Pentagon.

It isn't the word that is the sticking point for me, but its usage (and association with its usage elsewhere) as a broad brush to smear my ingroup with.

From what I understand cheating in chess is pretty much all-or-nothing. As long as you have an opportunity for an unsecured channel, why bother with anything less than having the computer play for you? Strategy won't beat a modern chess engine.

My main problem with Wokeism is that it really struggles to answer whether it actually delivers what it promises to. A Buddhist monk, a nun, and an EA (as far as I know) have a good sense of what they're getting into and what they'll get from it. In contrast, the effectiveness of woke policies on actually improving the wellbeing of the disadvantaged (what its adherents actually want) runs the entire gauntlet from effective to counter productive, while cultivating a culture that has no qualms about deliberately misrepresenting the empirics.

You really make the comparison on that? Delivering on promises, compared to religions? "The entire gauntlet from effective to counter-productive" is a hell of a lot more "actually delivering on its promises" than Christianity or Buddhism. I've seen minorities treated better and offered opportunities thanks to "wokeism", but I ain't never seen anyone who went to heaven or broke out of Sansara.

Even people outside of chess know that AI easily beats grandmasters in chess today. If that's not cheating then there's no such thing as cheating.

SocJus left do police their own. That their opponents are not satisfied by the criteria of what SocJus left constitutes potentially harmful is expected. But the more they cry "wolf!" in the forest when there is no wolf to point at, the less I trust their judgment.

Socially acceptable minimum age for sexual remarks has only been rising and socially acceptable age gaps have only been shrinking in the SocJus left-dominated society as far as I see. This is not a society that is exceptionally prone to molesting of minors.

Referring to a metaphorical piece of cardboard with "This is a Nazi ->" on it.

Trivially, no, they don't. Policing your own isn't something you have to do when you have power- that's what "power" means. Power means that even when a member of your group is credibly accused of actual grooming, you can simply erase the people who call you that (this is described downthread) regardless of whether or not it's true.

Trivially, yes, they do, since I do not see a shortage of people in the left being slammed for, among other things, grooming. Perhaps they aren't real leftists?

Not likely. In the Russian memespace, Russia extended a hand of cooperation and the West shat in it because they think of Russians as a lower sort of people. In contrast, China might think of Russians the same but won't let that get in the way of business.

The West's economic measures appear to be harming mostly themselves so far. Unless they expect Russia's economy to be propped up artificially and crumble aaaaaaany day now, I can see how their best decision would be to finish it while they're ahead.

However, if things go well for them, Ukrainians and co. can opt to force the issue and strike deep into Russian territory, on grounds of demilitarizing the unrepentant and consistent threat to European security;

Do you think that even failing to respond with nukes to an undeniable invasion is not beyond the leadership?

I think it's an interesting question to ask: have y'all seen any media where a male protagonist follows the Gnostic journey?

Rules -> Courtesy -> Be charitable, for one. Also Rules -> Engagement -> Write like everyone is reading and you want them to be included in the discussion.

If the same consideration was to be extended to all groups, I'm afraid there wouldn't be anyone at all extended charity here. I don't see "optimize for light instead of heat, but except from progressives, anything goes against them" in the founding principles.

When all you have to say to someone is (or should be reasonably interpreted as) psyopping - that's not a discussion in my books. Explicitly declaring total war on the portion of the population you're attempting to converse with does that.

What is charity, if not that? I assume "progressive actors" refers to the everyday people, not the big name activists and politicians.

Even holding the assumption that progressives in general mostly earnestly believe that they're making the world a better place would be cutting down on "so here's all the new madness of the week They did", I think.

I don't see the point in gotchaing people who topple monuments on "renegotiating the past" or something like that. It's nit about changing the past, but about denouncing select parts of it.

This is very easy to manipulate depending on how you ask the question. As someone else already said, why are we assuming that Operation Barbarossa is beyond the scope of "preferring for someone else to happen instead"?

All the cards have to be facing the same way before they get put back in the box

I think that's just convenience, not superstition.