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joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


User ID: 133



1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


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User ID: 133

I've seen people expressing bafflement that the average midwit on Reddit might think they could run Musk's assets better than Musk if they had the same luck/unscrupulousness to have the same resources. I ask, after seeing Musk apparently fail to understand Wikipedia costs money to provide, who wouldn't?

The most charitable read here is that Musk thinks Wikipedia deserves less money, not no money, and, like, ok Elon, I think you deserve less money and if you don't care about that opinion, why should they?

  • -24

The supermajority of progressives have kept the promises. Not a single conservative, on the other hand, was able to deliver God, for one example.

  • -20

Do you feel particularly erased, seeing as you're the majority of your nation?

  • -13

For one, that comment of yours was blatantly false. There's no such thing as "just" telling people to not drink Bud Light, the context of doing so is common knowledge. I would expect more awareness of that on the forum where leftist causes are routinely delved into for any sort of covert allegiance with communism/leninism/pedophilia and whatnot.

Were I a mod there I'd ban you not even because you're a "heretic", but for feigning ignorance.

Why don't you go ahead and claim jailing people for kidnapping is hypocritical?

Is it not within your conception of the psychologically normal person that they can change their mind? Even about something they loved? Yes, sure, according to some worldviews no one ever changes their own mind, but just assuming you believe in freedom of will.

It's just that it looks like, according to you, there is no purpose for this forum as a platform for seeking truth, because everyone who's normal is just going to defend what they love instead of what's true.

Why the assumption that this person cannot make his own decisions and can only be "brainwashed"?

That's not an argument against disrupting Hitler, that's an argument for doing it harder.

Georgia Landers is paler than me after a sunny day, and Chloe Coleman doesn't look even slightly African even after I double-checked. I'm sorry I haven't developed the one-drop radar pure-blooded European-Americans apparently wield.

Sounds more like 1 guy slipping by reading raunchy literature, while 100 guys get 10x sentences for anything more serious.

Yes.chad, and deport the rapists with citizenship too.

"Why do 0.001% of men want to wear skirts?" is not a question which anyone has been required to consider until modernity, and for such rounding errors and answer of "idiopathic madness" seems satisfactory.

It is only slightly less modern than trans ideology to consistently think of men and women as something that is immutable from birth. The expression "a real man" would not exist if a penised-and-testiculed fertile male's manhood could not be in question.

Judging by your derisive tone, I must assume you get paid to post, then? How much?

Abortion rollback is to God as progressive overreaches are to FALGSC (except of course God is less realistic).

Would you care? If yes, why don't you make it a Federal issue?

Unlike terrorism, there is no cost to you when they try and you refuse/ignore.

"Being considered an appropriate topic for any setting and company" is not the same thing as "not pretending it doesn't exist, or that's it's horrible and evil when it does exist".

I would suggest you don't ascribe to me what I never said.

What it definitely was, was a big middle finger to the Red Tribe. And I didn't go to the film to see people making hand gestures.

I don't suppose you boycotted the Captain America movies as well, on account of them implying America is best represented by a white blonde athletic man?

It is not lost on me that I would be a lot more sympathetic if it were a black student trying to earn admission to a university where white students would rank him on the "okay-not okay" skin color chart. But if it was a black student in a black-dominant country who was trying to get in on a white quota? Very much less so.

The West's economic measures appear to be harming mostly themselves so far. Unless they expect Russia's economy to be propped up artificially and crumble aaaaaaany day now, I can see how their best decision would be to finish it while they're ahead.

Strong men like good times too.

As I said, pretty much no one embodies the pure archetype. But from what I observe, the more someone valorizes being able to act when life is hard, the more they valorize shunning pleasures, sometimes to the extent of fetishizing suffering. Not a 1:1 correlation, but certainly not orthogonal.

The failure mode of tough construction site man is "I had/have it hard so y'all should too". This is what I'm attempting to expose and warn against in my post.

I am not using "strong" here as a positive adjective.

At this point grooming has taken on such a wide definition in this sphere that you could argue (and many do) that anything involving sexuality and children in the same room should count as grooming. While I agree reading porn to children is not appropriate, I refuse to contribute to torturing the word "grooming" further. Be more specific in your objections.

I am saying you're anti-dan is making implications that there was a net increase in child molestation because of overly permissive LGBT policies without evidence.