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joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


User ID: 133



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User ID: 133

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Consider that the next iteration of targeted ads is not to recommend you the product you 'genuinely are interested in', but to manipulate you in a more targeted way than generic manipulative ads.

This argument assumes that the AGI has a sense of ironic justice that could be appeased.

The correct answer is "do not create something that you cannot destroy if it decides to eat you for dinner".

Using the argument for "more lives is better", would it be fine if humans were farmed by Alien Human Eaters if it resulted in the human population being 1000x larger than it is now?

alignment claim: non-vegetarian.

Polygyny among which men? The usual retort is that it is a minority of men who can keep several female partners (can as in 'can attract several women and maintain a poly relationship' not as in 'can physically when taking gender demographics into account').

Cloudflare is a tentacle of Left, Inc., and its facade of libertarian attitude is a relic of Old Internet mores which no longer exist and are no longer believed in.

That's just unfalsifiable booing better suited for the other place. "Everything someone does that's aligned with people I hate is evidence of them being a tentacle of The Devil, and everything they do that isn't is just a relic".

Ultimately, though I do sincerely advocate in favor of political violence

It is very stupid to advocate it somewhere other than your gathering of blood-sworn battle brothers. Whatever allies you hoped to stir to action are mixed with opponents who see you abandon the idea of moral high ground and resign to abandoning theirs.

Being a tentacle would imply that they were one all along.

There are those who have internalized the ideology, and there are those who were forced to bend the knee and say the words, and there are those who say the words not when forced but out of habit. You seem to conflate all those groups into Tentacles. Not very good for your strategy, if true.

Those who say the words are my enemy. Those who bend the knee are my enemy. Those who internalized it are my enemy. I don't care about inscrutable motives and complicated internal states - I care about what you actually do.

'What you actually do' and how many people actually do it can vary very sharply depending on whether they consider you an enemy. The acts you've described are committed and spurred on by an intractable minority of those you have named your enemies. That minority can grow or shrink depending on how you present your side to those who are not intractable.

"They" embraced naked might and optics, and you're not good at them. You were wondering why bad things work for the left tribe but not for yours: if you're at all interested in my opinion, this is why. The real meme magic is to believe in virtue even when your side's loudest and strongest stomp on it. There's nothing more revolting than those who have lost the meme magic, who have lost even the 'right' in 'might makes right' and are left to only worship 'might makes'.

So you're going to tell me that all those words are just a cover for gathering allies for one last fedpost (even though you claimed you do not hope to gain any allies)? If there is no place in life for ideas and ideals, then there is no place for this discussion. Let you be off to committing political violence or else shying away from it in perpetuity, and me be off to believing in my side's core values and watching you self-destruct.

I have been enjoying Pact and Pale. Its magic system is internally robust and well-developed, in my opinion. Sadly, it doesn't quite meet your criteria three times: its system has baked-in morality (though it's not linked to contemporary morality and it's one of the core conflicts of the serials that characters don't always agree with it), it is more like TVTropes than science, and Pale is ongoing.

There's first principle morals, which I assume almost no one uses in daily life, and there is aesthetical morals. Animals have aesthetical appeal. If you would torture an animal, that signals your aesthetical moral compass is off the societal baseline. I think there's a reason why "tortured animals as a kid" is a common trope for psychopaths.

Pact is finished.

FWIW I do not think farming and eating animals is equivalent to torturing them. It lacks the element of pointless sadism.

Random comments start as collapsed for some reason when entering a thread. They seem to have positive karma score, so what gives?

For the first time, new technology is not only making it easier to transfer art from head to the medium, but to decide what is being put to the medium.

Why do you and those like you bother, then? It does look like there are people who aren't convinced by trumped-up accusations who would be convinced by a real malicious act. Or are you tribally aligned enough to treat any real flags from Kiwifarms's side as false flags?

You will take cored olives from me over my dead body

regardless of what you mean by "those like you".

Those who also think they're the only ones playing by the rules.

Sure, alright, I'll bite your bullet, not that I ever was a big NYTimes supporter. You can increase your counter of people who want KF dead and accept that NYT also deserves that by one.

victim blaming (someone else will have to explain how sexual crimes against women are the one place where mentioning how to use your agency is a sin)

There's no shortage of stories where the victim has been using her agency and it was not enough. Usually a list of precautions and safety measures that those women take but men [in the audience] would never even consider is also provided. When put like that, it is at the very least supremely tactless to act as if the woman did not know to not go into dark alleys with strange shady men.


What, do you think we all got a visit from the alphabet firms?

And you can't have a slogan "one name swap away" in another language because your ability to word the translation differently gives you an extra degree of freedom when doing comparisons.

I testify that this translation is exactly word for word, and the phrasing is not tortured into this form in any way.