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joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


User ID: 133



1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


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User ID: 133

Arriving at a correct answer through insufficiently rigorous reasoning is what is called "guessing". We discourage it in students, we discourage it in AIs (at least to the point where they guess so well as to be indistinguishable from reasoning). I damn well want to discourage guessing before you attack someone, too.

I would, of course as someone who leans more progressive, argue that however cringe importing social fads from USA is, importing the reaction to said social fads from USA is even more cringe. You're just demonstrating that your own culture really isn't enough for those damn kids.

When one uses specifically American right wing shibboleths, I dare say you are importing the reaction and not just saying "none of that here".

To be clear, the animosity may well be local, but the words they use to express it isn't always so.

What's your solution for socialization?

Not when it's your autistic ass trying to do it to score chicks, man.

I don't know who that is.

He looks old, not ugly.

This art was already there, because Midjourney learned all that on human art. Corporations preferred to use corporate memphis because it's presumably cheaper and perhaps more brand-recognizable and shit. I'm afraid if AI-generated memphis remains cheaper than beautiful art, we're going to see a lot more AI-memphis than AI-beauty.

I don't know where exactly the genuine belief in truth ends and the "get the outgroup" begins

We've stopped believing in truth and started knowing it was true?

1 word is still fewer than 25.

If Voldie only wanted to live forever he wouldn't be the villain. No one would know who he is.

Is this quote supposed to inspire hope, or further bitterness and derision?

"But consider this: if I lied to you, then you won't get everything I promised! Wouldn't you be better served to keep believing me instead?"

In terms of personality I care that they're pleasant, funny, like me back etc. A bipolar angsty girl into astrology and chakras might have a more "beautiful" personality, but all desire it inspires is to look now and then from a distance and not touch.

It's not that function is beauty. It's that beauty is function.

Novel diseases like contact steel poisoning?

Astroturfing in favor of a position is only weak evidence for how sincere and natural the real supporters of it feel.

Charybdis is the one that kills all of you 100%. Maybe you think it's a better move for your side, but not for them.

You've been, as the term is nowadays, RLHF'd.

"As an AI (Autistic Inchling), I cannot have decent relationships nor deserve to"

Quick overview:

  • red pill: explained above

  • blue pill: the antithesis to the red pill, accepting social norms around sex

  • black pill: a grim and hopeless take on the red pill view

  • purple pill: the theoretic best of both words of red pill and blue pill

  • iron pill: disregard women, obtain lifts

Taking the chatGPT "overfit on bland inoffensiveness" approach and overfitting on TRP guru books doesn't make a good style guide.

You may feel like she's better off alone than with you. You might be wrong about it (and hopefully you're in the process of becoming wrong on that count by improving yourself and becoming more self-sufficient+attractive).

If you act like she's better off alone, you'll likely convince her. Don't have to give women excuses to reject you, they manage fine by themselves.

The best steelman for slavery I could think of that doesn't go into casteist ideology is "back then, lifetime service in exchange for shelter and food was actually a good deal for many people, and it being forced simplified things". But of course, there is demand for being a devoted retainer, a plucky squire or a loved concubine. There is no demand for being a disposable helot.

I really don't get why Sneerclub still lives rent-free in some residents' heads even after getting off Reddit.

For one, that comment of yours was blatantly false. There's no such thing as "just" telling people to not drink Bud Light, the context of doing so is common knowledge. I would expect more awareness of that on the forum where leftist causes are routinely delved into for any sort of covert allegiance with communism/leninism/pedophilia and whatnot.

Were I a mod there I'd ban you not even because you're a "heretic", but for feigning ignorance.

Why does it have to remain logically consistent? I haven't seen a single alternative belief system that met that standard yet.

The Holocaust ended up a quite reliable proxy for whether one has something against Da Joos or not.