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joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


User ID: 133



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User ID: 133

For one, that comment of yours was blatantly false. There's no such thing as "just" telling people to not drink Bud Light, the context of doing so is common knowledge. I would expect more awareness of that on the forum where leftist causes are routinely delved into for any sort of covert allegiance with communism/leninism/pedophilia and whatnot.

Were I a mod there I'd ban you not even because you're a "heretic", but for feigning ignorance.

The proverb that goes "Strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men" is almost entirely wrong.

For the purposes of this chunk I've decided to put into its own top-level post, man has two natures. The survivor nature is concerned with enduring and overcoming threats to one's life and one's society. The thriver nature is concerned with extracting value from life.

The ones that are called "strong men", i.e. those in whom the survivor is dominant - they love hard times. That's their element, that's where they're at advantage, and they go cranky and depressed when the environment is not competitive enough for them. Naturally, hard times create strong men, by incentivizing the survivor nature.

Strong men create hard times. It's what one can observe quite clearly anywhere with an abundance of them. It also follows from the incentives - why would they not reproduce the environment that favors them? Most of the time, there are enough other tribes around that much of hard time-creation is aimed at them. However, strong men love hard times so much that they gladly spare some for their own tribe. When the outer enemies run out of juice, those with the survivor dominance that have trouble adjusting turn their attention fully inward. (Recall that tongue-in-cheek alteration that goes "hard times create strong Slavs, strong Slavs create hard times"?)

Weak men create good times. Weak men love good times, and it is often mentioned as a bad thing. (I disagree.) But it is not the survivor who creates good times. Naturally, there are very few people who are fully of one nature, and strong men do create good times, usually for others and sometimes for themselves. But only to the extent that the thriver is present in them.

The thrivers adjust society to be more suited for thriving, to have more good stuff and more time to enjoy it. They do it when there is space for that indulgence. An overabundance of survivors, particularly the inflexible ones, gets in the way of that as much as it might help such a society endure. A society that's comprised fully of pure survivors is the image of boots stamping on human faces, forever. A society that's comprised fully of pure thrivers will dwindle in a few generations.

As someone who puts value primarily in my individual life, I know which one I'd prefer and which one I'd rather not exist at all.

Judging by your derisive tone, I must assume you get paid to post, then? How much?

It is mysterious becuase it looks like you're grouping "reeducation camps" and "lockdowns" together on the basis on how legally similar they are - not on how horrible the experience is.

Maybe lesbians are created when straight men molest girls.

Less delusional how? The way I see it, it should be blindingly obvious that however small the influence of whitey's oppression on racial disparities is, it is larger than 6000 years compared to 4 billion. Not to mention the whole god thing.

It makes sense to speak against lockdowns because they were actually harmful in ways you can describe, like the guy above with his children who couldn't do speech therapy with masks on, or because they were dumb and unproductive/counterproductive towards their stated goal. Or it makes sense to speak against the government for moving the goalposts and Fauci-ing it up.

Tophattingson on the other hand, the whole idea I get from his posts, is all about how they're bad because they're somewhat like imprisonment according to its dictionary definition, and imprisonment is against human rights as written by libertarians, and therefore they must be the Worst Evil Ever. I cannot help but associate this kind of legalesthetic thinking and tunnel vision with sovereign citizens.

I would be prepared to forgive and forget if they were taught as a ‘never again’ moment and written into history books as the worst human rights violations in the modern west

Do you honestly believe they were the worst human rights violation, or is it just a condition for forgiving and forgetting?

No more stoning? No more conversion camps? No more "camps for troubled youths"? No more parental abuse?

Two can play the "as long as your side has even one excess you're duping us" game.

Strong men like good times too.

As I said, pretty much no one embodies the pure archetype. But from what I observe, the more someone valorizes being able to act when life is hard, the more they valorize shunning pleasures, sometimes to the extent of fetishizing suffering. Not a 1:1 correlation, but certainly not orthogonal.

The failure mode of tough construction site man is "I had/have it hard so y'all should too". This is what I'm attempting to expose and warn against in my post.

At this point grooming has taken on such a wide definition in this sphere that you could argue (and many do) that anything involving sexuality and children in the same room should count as grooming. While I agree reading porn to children is not appropriate, I refuse to contribute to torturing the word "grooming" further. Be more specific in your objections.

Straight man molests girl, permanently damaging her trust and comfort with men. She then becomes either asexual or lesbian in practice.

This is what some lesbians (usually of second wave feminism flavor) say, at least, and I do believe it's plausible that something like that could bump some Kinsey 4s up to 6s.

Interesting how all those brave heroes went to fight against "communism" and "bolshevik hordes", yet ended up mostly fighting Soviet people.

Is this "pressure" or is it playful banter that both parties are enjoying

It's cringe. I'd be leaving her on read after that first response. I wouldn't be enjoying this "playful banter" and it would be a pressure for me to reply.

It's good advice for someone without options, too. It's not a job or a meal (hell, some jobs are worse than nothing unless you're literally going to be out on the street, and some meals are definitely worse than nothing). You won't die from not securing a date. I haven't, and a "month-long dry spell" sounds like a luxury to me.

On the other hand, when I try to talk to someone who isn't returning the effort I often wish I was dead. Small talk is already a chore for me as it is. Going on a date with them for a 95% chance of more of the same? No thanks, would rather have a free evening to myself.

It's less "why won't they eat cake" and more "why don't you drink a good whisky once a month rather than spin the drink gacha every weekend and end up with cheap swill most of the time, without enjoying either the taste or smooth inebriation yet getting a hangover just the same".

A guy like Andrew Tate who pimped women? Gee I wonder why his spin on "mutual flirting" got him hammered.

What does it matter what the rules are in the dating app? The actual rule is "don't creep your match out and she won't report you". That's also why most internet venues implement rule 0 usually phrased as "don't be a dick". That's the only real rule, the rest are guidelines on what to avoid.

You think women come on Tinder to read their rules and strive to enforce them on their matches in a literal manner like the nerd in school who makes sure the teacher doesn't forget about homework?

Nobody worries about a purported rape affect in the cases you mentioned because people don't tend to throw around pedo accusations in the same sentence with grooming accusations in those cases.

This lie persists because it is rhetorically useful to progressives, and for no other reason.

If it's a lie, then speak plainly and specify what kind of grooming you're talking about. Right now it looks all too much like a gotcha - shout "grooming pedos, grooming pedos", then smugly proclaim "ah ha, but grooming doesn't just mean 'sexual'!" when people rightfully assume that "grooming" and "pedos" is the same accusation.

As the line goes... if you can be converted to gay by "idpol", you were gay and in the closet, mate. Personally I've noted 0 increase in urges of same-sex sex between my puberty and now.

What is common and annoying is people of different religions assuming that theirs is the true one, with quite scant evidence. Even in spaces that are ostensibly concerned about epistemology.

Purely logically, at least 99 of 100 One True Lord Gods must be fake, or all of them are not as One True as the religions teach.

I would, of course as someone who leans more progressive, argue that however cringe importing social fads from USA is, importing the reaction to said social fads from USA is even more cringe. You're just demonstrating that your own culture really isn't enough for those damn kids.

"Some bad habits" sounds like putting it very lightly, if this example of Ngo's reporting is indicative of a pattern.

Well - when looking at the spectrum between "shut down all mention of sexuality and let them figure it out naturally on the wedding night" and "be so open that some people are selling fetish gear to children", what I see is that one extreme is totalizing and bad in itself, while the other's bad parts are the outliers. Much as people here love to mention "kids getting dollars in their underwear in strip clubs", I have never actually encountered people who would endorse that, or endorse similar enough things, in the wild.

It's common advice to "give your children the Talk, or the streets will". Since not all parents follow that advice, I'd rather there be people whose job it is to openly give children the Talk, so they do not have to turn to less official and less scrutinized sources.

Who is being implied in passive voice here? Certainly not me, I'd prefer the Chinese stop being racist. AshLael doesn't appear to be "expecting" the Australians to open up their membership, just stating he is Australian and he does.

What does it matter what their homelands are like? AshLael wasn't claiming the Chinese in China are his people, but that the Chinese in Australia are.

Too many weak men create space for disaster, but who brings it and perpetuates it? You said it yourself: the barbarians or Stalin do.