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joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


User ID: 133



1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:02:11 UTC


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User ID: 133

"She needed to lie about him to protect her reputation" is the real banger here. Something on the level of "he had to rape her to avoid being called a virgin".

You respect people more for admitting mistakes. Others decide people who make mistakes are unreliable and respect people who don't appear to make mistakes.

Maybe the reason why I keep getting baffled by all those "actually this elite progressive is a pro-paedo" is that on the ground level, I see pretty much no increase in tolerance towards paedos. In fact the age gap taboo keeps expanding to cover age gaps between adults. If all those elites are pushing LGBT for the nefarious purpose of adding P, they don't seem to be doing a good job at all. Their successes, if any, of 50-100 years ago are completely negated.

Well since you asked, I think it's retarded. I also said that in more words the last 5 times you asked.

Why do they insist on doing this immediately?

That's the only time nearly 100% of babies are guaranteed to be in the hospital.

I would hazard a guess that a peace platform with "Russian separatists in Donbass" in 2021 and a peace platform with Russia shelling you and rolling the tanks in in 2022 are two different peace platforms.

Women object to dick pics because they find most of them unsexy, not because they find them too sexy to function.

Nerds are low value and high inhibition. (Defining "value" here as "able to get sex without rape"). THey are the ones who get bullied, but it is the low value low inhibition types who rape (and often bully).

I doubt anyone is really that much cowed by the legacy of Genghis Khan, more like he's too irrelevant to cancel the Pope over, unlike Russia.

I think you overestimate how much trepidation the average scriptwriter feels before progressives, as opposed to support.

Which is silly. Russia lacks the capacity to do it again.

Even in my wildest anti-Russian fantasies do I not believe that Russia, if given a peace and concessions instead of some kind of "a lesson", would lack the capacity to do it again.

Regular Reddit app is shit. People use unofficial apps that rely on the API. API changes kill unofficial apps.

So what, just because the song got popular the people here were wrong to dislike it?

If your husband can "guarantee you food and rent" on a single income he isn't a fuckup by the definition established (that a fuckup is someone who can't hack it on their own).




I assume you're confident in your gorilla warfare skills, then? Or assuming you're not eligible since your takes are insufficiently hot?

Motte: science doesn't explain everything so there could be something like a God

Bailey: science doesn't explain everything so Bible is fact

I really don't get why Sneerclub still lives rent-free in some residents' heads even after getting off Reddit.

This art was already there, because Midjourney learned all that on human art. Corporations preferred to use corporate memphis because it's presumably cheaper and perhaps more brand-recognizable and shit. I'm afraid if AI-generated memphis remains cheaper than beautiful art, we're going to see a lot more AI-memphis than AI-beauty.

I'll say it again that private profiles shouldn't exist. If ad-hominems happen, let them be dealt with within the rules. Posting history is information, and shedding light on it is according to the website's principles.

If they asked me, “Are you glad that Mr. Schizo is dead?” How could I credibly answer “no, this is a terrible tragedy, I never wanted to take someone’s life” when I’ve got a backlog of posts here saying explicitly that I believe that schizophrenic street criminals’ lives have no value whatsoever and that the world would be better if all of them were summarily rounded up and sent to gulags or executed?

You only need to believe that it would've been better that Mr Schizo was miraculously cured of schizoism enough to not attack people in order to honestly say "no, I didn't want him to die".

Make sure to remember that when a custodian AI provides you with your cattle cage and reassures you that your gene pool will live on for millennia, in identical cages.

I thought we were talking about the "what a man did 50 years ago, he is not guilty for now" situations, not the "actually this man is exactly the same as he was 50 years ago and proud about it" situations. So no, if you're being a nazi today you're not decoupled from what nazis did 50 years ago, or 80 as it may.

Expand a word's definition enough and you end up with a useless word and a smug feeling.

At 5 we cross from slavery as I expect a reasonable person to understand it to subjecthood (as in "subject of the Crown", perhaps).

When in a high-trust environment or trying to build one, it would be customary to resolve disputes with neighbours personally and amicably before resorting to state force.