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joined 2022 September 15 19:44:04 UTC


User ID: 1217



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 15 19:44:04 UTC


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User ID: 1217

"Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development: Coq'art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions", and it's kicking my ass to a humbling degree. I'm spending, conservatively, 15 minutes per page, in chapter /one/. I don't know if I'm dumber since I was in undergrad, or if this is my true info onboarding rate and I did undergrad wrong, or what, but this isn't boosting my ego at frigging all.

This is very cool forum site, kudos to Zorba et al for their hard work and a smoothish launch.

In the vein of navigating through read comments to new ones, it would be cool to be able to see how many unread comments a collapsed comment has beneath it. Maybe this could be pushed to user-side logic? How does the unread-comment counter work for the thread index page?