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many are developing rapidly, living standards are improving, education is increasing, infrastructure is being built, many more are seeing nonviolent leadership transitions - and most of that isn’t the result of charity but of ordinary economic activity.

Man I want to believe this but I just don't. It happens every once in a while but as far as I can tell it's only ever cyclical. The country getting out of a low-trust hole can only do it for 10-15 years before the next coup based on tribal lines.

You can't even read the Africa section of the economist regularly without losing your mind. There's such a constant background simmering of rape, mass murder, and corruption going on at some level on that continent it's just impossible to fathom.

My main issue is that I agree with all this, but I've been crying "wolf" a long with Ron Paul for more than a quarter century now.

Our deficits and foreign policy have seemed like intractable problems to me for so long I don't understand how we're still going, that anyone can justify buying T-bills with our attitude towards spending.

It just feels all made up. At least until the military industrial complex falls a couple more notches.

Even a layman's understanding of cars, money, and dentistry are enough to catch bullshit.

The average person holds these people in high esteem, considers them almost mystic witch doctors who understand incomprehensible mysteries. This is almost entirely a matter of fear, convenience, and social momentum.

An ICE car isn't really all that complicated. You can figure out the basic underpinnings of an engine, suspension, and drivetrain components in a 30 minute youtube video, for instance. A great mechanic is going to be able to explain these things to you in a way that is understandable.

And that is the key. If you're reasonably intelligent, and this supposed expert can't make a problem extremely clear to you, then chances are extremely high that they're a grifter. This applies to software, HVAC technicians, plumbers.... the whole 9 yards.

This hits home. I had a plan of entropy reduction tasks laid out this morning, but because I let my spouse sleep in 2/4 were rendered impossible before the weather came in.

Whenever I'm laying another 4,000 pounds of mulch to inhibit weeds, replacing burst pipes, cleaning leaves out of gutters, trimming hedges, all I can think about is how the western white picket fence fantasy is such a fucking racket. The previous owners of this house apparently had a landscaping team coming out twice a week which would be an unbelievably exorbitant expense.

I cannot wait to move into a house without a beautiful, feature-rich backyard. I just want carpet of grass, a patio to keep grill implements, and that's it.

That's not even getting into the inside of the house, where the tight garage means that every maintenance task requires I pull out one or both vehicles, uncrate my tools and supplies, accomplish it, and then have to put it all back. Dogs and kids and wives constantly underfoot, grabbing each tool and consumable as soon as they hit the ground to fuck around with.

If I organize any room it doesn't matter - over the next few days someone is going to come in and fuck it all up.

Jesus Christ, if I think about it too much I'll put a shotgun in my mouth. Or I'll go to a friend's pool, ignore the chaos, and drink some beers.

I have always been ignorant of this. Why did the US not buy back slaves? I haven't seen anything about opposition to the plan from the south.

I highly recommend California as a tourist destination.

My family lives in California, so I've visited almost everywhere except LA (which I've universally heard is a shithole I don't want to see).

It feels like a different country. It's the same currency, abiet effectively devalued by 15%. But I very much enjoy visiting - the food is almost universally excellent, people are kind as long as you pretend to be a leftist, etc. There's just a lot of stuff to do.

Politically, my preferred outcome would be to exalt White bisexual antitheistic males above all others and make this identity the pass to being treated as aristocracy.

Yeah, that'd be cool, though I'm not fully bisexual. I expect anyone I fuck to at least put on a wig and some makeup.

I don't want meritocracy, equality of opportunity, judging the content of someone's character. I certainly don't want any retvrn.

We differ here - I want these because I'm smarter, stronger faster, and nicer than almost everyone else. I've already optimized for these things so I want society to conform to me instead of the other way around.

Promiscuous girls with tattoos and one side of their head shaved make me go crazy.

I can't say the shaved head aesthetic has migrated from prog spaces to my sexual preferences, but I dig tats. Do I count as progressive?

  • Autopilot is nice. You can't rely on it completely, but the latest versions are pretty excellent and would make long trips far, far more pleasant.
  • The range is "legit" in the summer. A new Tesla will frequently get very close to the advertised range. Temperature, elevation changes, and how heavy your foot is literally mean YMMV.
  • Maintenance is non-existent/easy, though getting parts is still annoying unless you're in one of four US metros. The one thing people forget and talk too little about, though, is that if you get a performance model with low-profile tires, you will rip through them. If you hit a pothole, the tire is done, and each tire is more than $250. They also wear insanely fast if you drive the car the way you should, IMO.

My brother cannot stop sending me hype articles about GTA6. Vice City is such a compelling setting compared to "New York" and "LA" in my opinion.

Light culture war fodder - I have to imagine Rockstar has considered and discarded Atlanta as a template multiple times. Other cities can make a claim as to multi-ethnic criminals all over the place, whereas ATL's strengths and weaknesses come from it's very tangible blackness.

One of the cringiest faux pas of my lifetime was rating every single female classmate in my 7th grade yearbook. Which was then found and passed around.

There was something deeply distasteful about a mid bro such as myself a) exhibiting how thirsty I was for some of my female friends b) quantitatively showing how unattractive I found others. Even for children this was a bit of a bridge too far, I didn't recover socially from it until 9th grade.

Since then I've migrated to a more progressive, binary system in which women are either a 1 or a 0. There's not as much fidelity but it leads to richer conversations about attractiveness anyway.

It is funny, though, how when it comes to ranking attractiveness women are so vicious and unrealistic compared to men.

I also have a far less charitable reading of "unrapeable" than OP - I think it's obvious that it means someone is too ugly to rape. This is still just dumb kids getting together to say stupid and hateful shit because they have underdeveloped EQ. This has been happening since forever, and it's not a sign of some endemic issue in Australian society. Fuck Marry Kill is a classic game.

A couple folks are suggesting "let it go". I get it! But a few things:

  1. If you lived in my neighborhood you'd be pretty reluctant to be the guy who replaced everything with a bunch of concrete padding and cut down all the trees in your yard. Standards are high - yes the boomers are at another level with their yards, but other young families are handling their shit. Mine's a bit tougher than some others unfortunately. Frankly I'm already embarrassed with how much I've let it fall off!
  2. The yard's a significant store of value. I suspect it cost 6 figures or more to get to this point - there are many places that can't host grass due to elevation changes + shade (where the mulch goes) and it's clear an expert designed the whole thing. If I let it go to seed it'll cost me some $ on sale.

I think the trick is going to be me just holding on for dear life, making more money somehow, and getting it right the next time.

There have been so many great comments and threads about increasing longevity, but the only thread I can find through search-fu is a lil old.

Assume I know that what I really need to do is eat less, exercise more, and be happy. I agree.

But I'm now in a place I want to solve problems with money and convenience instead of hard work. I'm willing to take on a reasonable amount of risk for unproven supplements. To summarize the previous thread, some hot topics included:

  • Creatine (already a convert, love it)
  • Boring stuff (Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin C - none of which I take right now)
  • Phenibut (Very interesting, and I occasionally have high-stakes meetings I could see using this for but haven't pulled the trigger)

What else would you suggest or discuss?

Train for an ironman, work on side projects, play golf with executives.

Yeah. Even my previous, smaller house, had a next door neighbor with a lot of "advice". Two retirees with a cumulative 100 hours a week more free time than the young couple they were advising.

I hate IoT shit, but being able to close/open garage doors without the receiver when leaving the house without a car, set my thermostat to vacation mode, monitor my dogs, etc., have been beneficial enough for me not to rip out the haphazard automation put in the house by the previous owner.

Still cannot believe Google just gave up on Nest tooling and decided to leave home automation to a dozen Chinesium applications instead. It's embarrassing.

I agree with you on all counts. I don't dismiss eating less and exercising more because I don't want or need to do those things, just that they're already such table stake requirements that it should be a given.

The eating less part is very difficult for me since I'm a fast food addict and consider eating one of life's great joys. But I cycle 75 miles a week and do full-body workouts frequently as well.

It's not actually libertarian propaganda, it's a pretty crappy show that was built just to sell toys.

My kid was pretty into it for maybe 6 months and then even he thinks it's pretty lowbrow at this point.

Love it, but looking for more cutting edge grey market supplements/drugs in the vein of Phenibut

That's a bit more money than I'm willing to spend to solve problems, I already have a SAHM wife which is a big investment.

How fast do you want someone on board? Do you care about the stack or do you just need someone great at a couple?

I had a very similar opinion about The Peace War, and am absolutely psyched to check out your last 3 links when I'm not working (especially steam engines since I've been talking a lot with kids about trains recently). Thanks for sharing.