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User ID: 646



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User ID: 646

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One of the cringiest faux pas of my lifetime was rating every single female classmate in my 7th grade yearbook. Which was then found and passed around.

There was something deeply distasteful about a mid bro such as myself a) exhibiting how thirsty I was for some of my female friends b) quantitatively showing how unattractive I found others. Even for children this was a bit of a bridge too far, I didn't recover socially from it until 9th grade.

Since then I've migrated to a more progressive, binary system in which women are either a 1 or a 0. There's not as much fidelity but it leads to richer conversations about attractiveness anyway.

It is funny, though, how when it comes to ranking attractiveness women are so vicious and unrealistic compared to men.

I also have a far less charitable reading of "unrapeable" than OP - I think it's obvious that it means someone is too ugly to rape. This is still just dumb kids getting together to say stupid and hateful shit because they have underdeveloped EQ. This has been happening since forever, and it's not a sign of some endemic issue in Australian society. Fuck Marry Kill is a classic game.

I highly recommend California as a tourist destination.

My family lives in California, so I've visited almost everywhere except LA (which I've universally heard is a shithole I don't want to see).

It feels like a different country. It's the same currency, abiet effectively devalued by 15%. But I very much enjoy visiting - the food is almost universally excellent, people are kind as long as you pretend to be a leftist, etc. There's just a lot of stuff to do.

I'm reading the final book in the Hyperion Cantos series.

As a recovering voracious reader with lots of free time, I've found I'm pretty picky. Almost no sci-fi in the past 10 years has captured me at all, so I'm combing back through the few classics I've missed out on.

Overall I'd give Hyperion a 8/10 which to me is a "Definitely read if you like the genre". However I have to vent about its shortcomings:

  • The author clearly loves historical literature and so has pushed it into many core parts of the story. It doesn't fit in a sci-fi setting as neatly as he imagined it.
  • The world building between ~1990 (when he wrote it) and 2732 (When it's set) is unbelievably sparse. There's maybe one or two wars and authors mentioned for those 700 years, no major advances in religion, etc.
  • The plot armor of the cast after the first book is obvious and impenetrable. I'm not looking for Game of Thrones here, but there has to be a middle ground between that and "I can tell after a single page introduction this guy is going to live the whole series and definitely switch to the be a good guy.
  • Speaking of good guys, the morality spectrum is pretty black and white here. The big bad is the big bad, and the good guys have very few rough edges. Plenty of Deus Ex Machina you can call a mile a way.

All that being said there's plenty of cool concepts and imagery. Each book in the series is pretty different which you normally don't get in a series. May dig into the Battletech books next.

Maybe I'm permanently ruined for complex games, but I think I'm just slower on the uptick.

The thing with all these is if you can get over that first 30 minute hump, you're golden. Factorio and The Witcher 3 have fairly complicated control schemes and in-depth stuff going on. After learning the keyboard shortcuts I sunk 100+ hours into each....

But then when I would switch between them I would have to spend another 30 to get reacclimated! I've got too much shit in my proverbial RAM. I'm managing a marriage, a house, multiple teams, an old car, children, friendships, exercise.....

I'd like to blame it on the culture changing but I suspect it's vanilla mental decline and an order of magnitude greater responsibility that are the real culprits.

My brother cannot stop sending me hype articles about GTA6. Vice City is such a compelling setting compared to "New York" and "LA" in my opinion.

Light culture war fodder - I have to imagine Rockstar has considered and discarded Atlanta as a template multiple times. Other cities can make a claim as to multi-ethnic criminals all over the place, whereas ATL's strengths and weaknesses come from it's very tangible blackness.

I hate IoT shit, but being able to close/open garage doors without the receiver when leaving the house without a car, set my thermostat to vacation mode, monitor my dogs, etc., have been beneficial enough for me not to rip out the haphazard automation put in the house by the previous owner.

Still cannot believe Google just gave up on Nest tooling and decided to leave home automation to a dozen Chinesium applications instead. It's embarrassing.

Train for an ironman, work on side projects, play golf with executives.

There have been so many great comments and threads about increasing longevity, but the only thread I can find through search-fu is a lil old.

Assume I know that what I really need to do is eat less, exercise more, and be happy. I agree.

But I'm now in a place I want to solve problems with money and convenience instead of hard work. I'm willing to take on a reasonable amount of risk for unproven supplements. To summarize the previous thread, some hot topics included:

  • Creatine (already a convert, love it)
  • Boring stuff (Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin C - none of which I take right now)
  • Phenibut (Very interesting, and I occasionally have high-stakes meetings I could see using this for but haven't pulled the trigger)

What else would you suggest or discuss?

If you're going to keep them, perhaps something like a rich Udemy subscription and some theoretical deliverables are a better use of their time and your money.

Is there something you've wanted to experiment with but haven't had the time? Have them run through a course, try it out, and then present 2-3 slides to you. When I'm assigning upskill tasks around 20% of them are cert related, and the remainder are attempts to nail more than one bird with a stone.

If you don't have the time to work with him (which is possible) can you spread it out to where he only meets 2x a week? Is there another trusted lieutenant you can abstract that away to?

I agree with you on all counts. I don't dismiss eating less and exercising more because I don't want or need to do those things, just that they're already such table stake requirements that it should be a given.

The eating less part is very difficult for me since I'm a fast food addict and consider eating one of life's great joys. But I cycle 75 miles a week and do full-body workouts frequently as well.

How fast do you want someone on board? Do you care about the stack or do you just need someone great at a couple?

Love it, but looking for more cutting edge grey market supplements/drugs in the vein of Phenibut

That's a bit more money than I'm willing to spend to solve problems, I already have a SAHM wife which is a big investment.

I had a very similar opinion about The Peace War, and am absolutely psyched to check out your last 3 links when I'm not working (especially steam engines since I've been talking a lot with kids about trains recently). Thanks for sharing.