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I honestly cannot even fathom being unable to see NPR's shift in the past 8 years. Someone has to have a bare minimum of observational skills and long-term memory, and then it should just be patently obvious.

Thank god Uri brought some actual statistics to bear. Otherwise, this sort of gaslighting would perhaps have some effect because even after being constantly deployed in far less obvious cases.

I listened to NPR almost every day in the car. I fucking donated! It's now an intolerable shitshow of constant white-guilt signaling shoehorned into every single story. It went from being a bit too dry about too-boring topics to matching the hysteria level of MSNBC with maybe a half-step richer language.

Nothing is left there; it's just another empty mouthpiece I'm being forced to pay for.

Allow me to jerk the circle, once again, along with everyone else. For the past decade and a half I had fully come around around to the idea that my exceptionalism at critical thinking and questioning authority was a false shadow created by being a teenage edge lord.

I discovered that virtually nobody I know in meatspace was capable of looking beyond fear and hate, even when faced with obvious lies and propaganda. I am outnumbered (if not outgunned) and have felt persistently alone in the world for 3 years now.

It sucks.

I'm not sure, I'd lean more towards your optimism being unwarranted. The Onion has fallen far and fast in terms of being an even-handed satire site. The Bablyon Bee and it's solid 6/10 performance should never have been allowed to enter the market at all, much less succeed as much as it has. The only reason it's done so is because the Onion has completely retreated from almost any critique of leftism.

If you've been in a situation like this, the difference in that "secure knowledge" of having a gun vs not having one is.... significant.

Having the gun enabled JTarrou to confidently approach the "Pastor" and verbally talk them down. Having a use-of-force upper hand that allows you to de-escalate a situation is using it.

Note: Not an AI or ML Expert, forgive any mistakes in terminology

StackExchange continues to slide down the rabbit hole of useful tools being made much worse through wokeism.

A few days ago, they secretly published new guidelines informing moderators they were no longer permitted to use AI detection tools. Removing posts generated by AI is obviously useful, and could arguably be considered critical. StackExchange's data is probably a significant part of what feeds AI Models, and so minimizing hallucination effects alone would be a good enough reason.

Beyond that, while I've found ChatGPT more helpful than Google on a great many topics, its accuracy isn't great. You still have to be an expert in the field to parse its answers and tease out what's real from what's not.

Beyond that, StackExchange sites are already rife with gamesmanship around generating reputation, so automating the provisioning of shitty answers to people who genuinely need help was doubtless being utilized at a wide scale.

Policy TL;DR: Moderators are stupid racists, who have been flagging too many GPT-like posts from Africa and Pakistan. So stop.

As one commenter put it:

A two times higher GPT suspension rate for a country doesn't have to be a bias, it could simply be that there are more GPT enthusiasts in that country. There was an assumption (all countries behave equally with respect to GPT) in the logic of the company, or wasn't there?

Even here, we have to escape an obvious conclusion: these aren't GPT enthusiasts; they're people that love the gamesmanship of reputation and want to achieve it with minimal effort.

SE jannies are an interesting bunch, it's hard to tell if they have more of a spine than other mod groups at sites like Reddit. At least this time, it led to open revolt.

I find it interesting that, even here, there's left-coded language throughout the response, and even framing it as a "strike" is kind of hilarious. Especially when you're talking about a group of folks whose main skillset is closing new, more accurate questions that attempt to keep up with the rapidly developing field of software.

I mostly applaud the sentiment! 2 minor points:

  • In a state like France, acquiring a pistol or other very successful means of suicide is more difficult. This woman had apparently failed twice in attempting suicide. While passing out in a state-run hospital doesn't sound sexy, humans survive self-inflicted gunshot wounds and falls from great heights all the time. I may want to commit suicide but not want to risk putting myself in even greater agony.

  • My grandfather, bedridden at the end of his life, asked my dad to help him pull the plug. My dad refused and basically told him he had to do it himself. It took an act of superhuman will for him to pull out his own breathing tube and get it done. While I respect the hell out of him for doing it, I do find it annoying that at his greatest moment of weakness he had to summon up so much strength to get himself over the line.

Really? This is a forum comprised of ~100 nobodies and maybe 3 D-list Twitter celebrities (Sorry, TracingWoodgrains and Kulak).

This is one of the least-important corners of the internet. A fun distraction at best.

Well, 2 things come to mind.

  1. I know gang bangs are icky, but the analogies up thread to american football are stark. We all need to be more comfortable explaining to young women that if you go home with a contact sports player or musician the chances of having a train run on you are enormous.
  2. I do find it amazing that you can even have video evidence of consent and it doesn't matter. How exactly is anyone supposed to differentiate between the people who want this and those who don't? Because there's a substantial group of the former who will fold instantly if, say, their mother points out that society looks down on being tag teamed. A multi million dollar pay out possibility being some decent cake icing.

The festival was one small part of the attack. Technicals stuffed with gunmen were shooting at civilians in urban centers, with many of the videographers within range and great firing positions to respond.

My impression while watching them was almost 100% "Damn, a rifle instead of a phone would be really nice for these guys".

I'm a big fan of rap and not one of country - you could perform the same swap with generic pop. These are universal hedonistic pleasures - wealth signifiers, getting fucked up, and fucking. Simple concepts that appeal to a wide swath of people.

There's a marked difference in the details around violence, degradation of women, and committing crime between the two genres.

While reading my past comments (your updoots give me power!) I realized that, many weeks ago, I pretty much just didn't give out a burger recipe requested by @f3zinker.


I know that a forum supposedly comprised of high-iq journeypeople probably doesn't give a shit about how to make a great, grilled hamburger. But just in case you do....

  1. Selecting great ground beef isn't difficult. An 80/20 mix, in my mind, gives you a ton of cook time latitude you won't get with leaner mixes. The only neat trick most people don't know about is that Costco (definitely) and your local grocery store (maybe) grind up all their unsold prime steak once it's something like 3-5 days old. The huge packages of ground meat at the former are too much for all but the largest burger parties, but you can freeze a chunk once and they'll still be good later. I personally make 1/2lb patties. This ends up being a little bit less than what an average man wants to eat and a bit more than women want (but they normally eat anyway).

  2. The most critical part of a burger is building a great patty. A lot of boomers and idiot millennials just sort of squeeze meat into a flattened softball and think they're making burgers. Your patties should be formed quickly. Hold your hands together like you're cupping them, but instead push your upper palm out as far as it will go and extend your fingers. Rotate the patty with your hands by alternating the direction your fingers are pointing (I.E. your right hand will start with fingers pointing towards you, then away, then towards you....) As you rotate, use your thumbs to press the edges of the patty back inwards and keep it un-cracked. The final result should be a concave disc that is 20% larger than your target bun.

  3. A way to minimize cleanup is use butcher or baking paper on top of a cookie sheet for the raw patties. Later, you'll discard the paper but use the sheet to store various grilled toppings, buns, and the resting patties right before assembly. Place them on the paper after forming to season.

  4. A lot of people think salt and pepper is sufficient. I believe this is true for when creating smashburgers or other fried/thin-patty style burgers. For something you're grilling, I think using Adobo Seasoning is a great move, or Montreal Steak. Basically, a little bit of garlic really ties the room together. I don't blend seasoning into the beef, I just press it onto the surface. The aforementioned baking paper does a great job of slightly drying the meat for great cross-hatching and ensuring the seasoning sticks.

  5. Let's talk buns. First of all, fuck sweet burger buns. It's not even worth talking about. Potato rolls are all the rage. The problem with soft breads like this is they can't stand up to toppings or drippings. You can help with some toasting or judicious application of a fat-based sauce but it's a losing battle. For my money, I find Publix's French hamburger buns to be the absolute cream of the crop. If you don't live in the southeast, a kaiser roll provides excellent structure while taking a back seat to the rest of the show. I wouldn't, however, say no to something like a thick slice of sourdough. If you're only cooking 4 burgers and are attentive at the grill, you can toast on the grill itself. Otherwise, using a toaster or oven is not admitting failure. Personally, I don't think buttering and griddling is even close to worth the effort for a grilled burger.

  6. Cooking. I wish I had great advice for this, but if you're using a fatty blend you really need to just watch and practice. I like medium to medium well patties. With a screaming charcoal grill, the surface color of your patties is a great indicator of how they are. If they look good they're probably done.

As I mentioned in the original comment, I largely gravitate toward two burger models. The more interesting of the two is one that I picked up from an old boss in IT - I helped him develop a variant for his restaurant and write his menu.

It involves a chipotle sauce made of Sour Cream, lime juice or apple cider vinegar, at least one pepper and the adobo sauce from canned chipotles, cumin, black pepper, pickled jalapenos (a dash of juice, and a couple peppers). I never measure and mix to taste. As you may be able to tell, I'm a bit of an acid freak. If you're not, mix in some mayo to split base duties with the SC/Yogurt.

Another critical component is a grilled poblano or anaheim pepper. After knocking down my charcoal chimney and putting on the upper grate, I instantly put on peppers. They take much longer to cook than the beef. Just grill them whole, and don't be afraid to burn them. They're incredibly easy to skin once they're roasted. Give each burger a whole half of a poblano that will hang off the patty on one side, don't chop into a relish or anything crazy.

It also involves Pico, avocado, and pepperjack.

The final order is:

  1. Heel

  2. Pico de Gallo

  3. Avacado

  4. Patty

  5. Pepperjack

  6. Grilled pepper

  7. Chipotle

  8. Crown

Cut in half and serve.

The only thing I ever "did" with the information from interracial crime statistics was have the ratios for rape and murder permanently seared into my brain. They're pretty effective blockers against taking BLM slogans as anything other than pathetic mockeries of reality.

I am probably less technical than you at this point but: Broadly, I agree that trying to roll your own security is less secure than trusting a convenient megacorp who employs professionals. For 99.5% of people, this is the case.

I also agree that the probability of being targeted because of your data is lower than many privacy-obsessed people mention.

I also am glad you're bringing arguably a fresh PoV to the discussion!

However, I think other folks have swung back on a number of items very well that I'm not even going to try to double up on. Random thoughts:

Not all privacy desires have their foundations in criminality and kiddy porn. Villainizing E2E encryption and truly private spaces as exclusively the domains of ne'er do wells is the exact same tactic people use against guns to win the culture war. Carrying a pistol doesn't make you a paranoid asshole; it means you're vastly more prepared for a rare occurrence than someone who doesn't. You can't even make the same off-color jokes in Discord that you could have made in a Facebook message 5 years ago without auto-bans, so the probability of unsecured communication having consequences isn't super low.

I want to be able to talk about the government without them listening. I want to be able to talk about psychotic leftists without them getting me fired, and I want to watch exotic pornography without pyschotic rightists getting me fired. I don't trust any convenient megacorp to safeguard me from any of these actors or themselves.

Spiderman mod that replaced Pride Flags with US flags (all it did was use the official Middle Eastern localization files)

Be still my beating heart, this is just too perfect. Free Palestine!

I didn't read the study, but I can assume it's true, and it changes nothing. As pointed out in another comment:

When the Manosphere discussed the phenomenon of ‘divorce rape’, they didn’t just mean the issue of alimony payments, they also meant the ways child support payments are calculated, the way those are enforced, and the way child visitation rights are decided.

This is just the tip of the divorce-industrial complex iceberg.

  • The allocation of assets like houses, in which even if both parties contributed evenly to, is held hostage during divorce negotiations, or provided entirely to the female
  • The responsibility to maintain or pay taxes for those assets, which is assigned entirely to the male
  • The division of retirement accounts, including individually named ones when both parties are high-earning white collar professionals but one person didn't contribute
  • The delaying of remarriage (despite long-term cohabitation) to extend alimony payments when they're applied
  • The delaying of high school graduation to extend child support payments
  • The total disregard of value provided from one spouse to another prior to the divorce when determining alimony (my favorite anecdote - a friend paid for 4 years of his wife's post-grad degree as a full-time student to the tune of $150,000. She sucked her professor's dick at her graduation party, then ground out the extraction of his credit card points before the end of the divorce! Also received massive alimony payments since she delayed actually starting a job with her nice degree)

@Unsaying mentioned:

Then again, I'd expect high-earning men to also have good legal teams and/or hidden assets, so, who can say, really?

I can tell you firsthand that when shopping around for someone to help with a basic, equitable prenup: Family lawyers generally have some combination of either A: Genuine misandry or B: No desire to advocate for a client who's already predisposed to lose.

Sure you can bill the same amount as when you're representing women, but it's a near certainty you'll be left with an unhappy customer. Why bother?

I don't want to beat the horse too hard but.... I would stop very short of this being a full-throated defense of free speech. It's extremely close to what The Onion does in that this guy ran a parody account. And he's parodying a police department, an organization many writers at The Onion would doubtless have called to be defunded in 2020.

While Mr. Novak's page was overall pretty neutral, it still had a leftist tinge (though it's been hard to find great screengrabs etc.)

All I'm saying is that leftist institutions are very capable of crying "Free Speech" when it suits them, that's not a different behavior than anything we've seen the past 12 years.

I am a massive dog nut, always had one. Have two now.

This is an unacceptable number of animals given your living situation. You don't smell your condo right now, anyone new to it does. It's bad.

Every dog beyond one and every cat beyond two is irrevocably degrading the living situation without specialized air filters and daily cleaning.

What happens when you both want to do a weekend trip? How much are you spending on food? How are you managing the relationship between the animals? I'd argue that having a smaller number of pets under your care will improve their QoL.

So, I'll dodge the techno-king question and express amazement at people saying "Forward!" or that they wouldn't roll things back.

I thought it was a foregone conclusion that the early 00s were a superior time to be alive. Freezing technology at that instant would have been perfectly fine. About the only thing that's made my life demonstrably better since then is Google Maps. Let me count the ways:

  • Dating apps were extremely rudimentary and paywalled. Socially they would have become more acceptable but without the ability for people to filter out thousands of decent mates based on a single profile picture over just a few weeks.
  • Vehicles would give you a nice single "BONG" when you forgot your seatbelt, instead of turning into a screeching klaxon acting like you'd shut off the coolant flow to a nuclear plant. They were still possible to work on yourself, and forums for shade tree mechanics were arguably at their apex of information-to-cruft ratios.
  • Pornography was available, sure, but not enough to permanently alter your sexual tastes or at a high enough resolution on the internet to supplant DVDs.
  • Traditional retail wasn't an empty shell for in-store pickup, it was still fun to go out and shop for tangible goods.

Any privatization that is not radical enough hands another, insanely powerful weapon to the statists: The selection of available equities.

If we were to switch to a system tomorrow in which the SSA was choosing where anyone could invest, there'd be ESG requirements out the wazoo. Corporations with government contracts would be aggressively shortlisted - especially anything in the military industrial complex! Foreign investments wouldn't be permitted of course, and for some reason Mutual Funds would be the default selections.

Just as in healthcare, expense ratios for various pooling securities would start out as X, with some short-sighted legislated maximum rate of change like Y, and then a dozen loopholes that fuck everyone who bought into the system to make the actual costs Z + Z + Z + Z. The brokerages could sink pennies into lobbying for billion-dollar payouts from coerced contributions.

The popularity of Social Security is unfathomable. A ponzi scheme in which the government steals from you to invest in itself. The sheer selfishness of the first free riders (and the soon-to-be bailout recipients) shows just how cheap political support is to muster.

And then if the privatization is radical enough and coercion actually is removed - well then the idiots who can't think past the next paycheck are going to starve. I've seen too many 6-figure earners with 0% retirement contributions in my life to have any faith in people's ability to care for themselves. A political crisis will ensue as the dumbest among us live in shacks in old age, a rousing call to action will follow, and our wheelchair-bound president will....well.... you've seen this movie before. Why bother trying?

Is it just the Russia-Ukraine war that's keeping prices so high, or is it more than that, like aftershock from the pandemic, lockdowns, and COVID relief spending upending the economy?

The war is bullshit copium propaganda. It's honestly pathetic to see it peddled as a reason by the MSM. Printing and then punching out trillions of dollars in stimmy as a bandaid for locking people in their houses is the primary reason for it and it's not even close.

I share your feeling of busting my ass super hard and treading water. My net worth went up $800 last calendar year despite making a great salary and making the correct financial moves (and of course that $800 was comparatively worthless to what it was a few years ago).

then the choice of whom to hire will be arbitrary. In this case, I don't see how hiring Brinton because of his unusual presentation is any worse than rolling a die or flipping a coin to make the final choice.

As an exercise, you have two candidates. Both are 40-something white men. They're identical in capabilities and expertise.

Candidate 1 has arrived to the interview dressed well, without being overboard in terms of stuffiness or luxury.

Candidate 2 arrives with greasy, unwashed hair and a mangled beard. His shoes are worn through with enough mysterious stains that you're unsure of their original color. A crumpled and frayed jacket covers a shirt that's deeply dark from various oils, never washed. He's eloquent and equally qualified to candidate 1, but does express that he'll never bathe more than once a month.

Many of your peers express admiration that he's rejected the societal norms that have led to widespread animal testing and a psychotic cycle of shampoo - condition - shampoo - condition when human hair naturally supports itself through the body's oils.

Would you flip a coin for these candidates?

The "unusual presentation" is the message. It is the qualifications. Sam Brinton can't be bothered to inconvenience himself with even the furthest edges of the Overton window. He's too special, too important to consider other people.

That alone should be factored into a hiring decision where he loses to someone equally qualified. It's that simple.

The only thing I can pick out here is that it's an man or men's fault. There's more oblique references that they might be white and cis.

Are they being vague because they know it will look stupid and petty? Some minor, dongle-level micro aggression?

I suppose I'm buying into this sort of marketing. I'm fascinated at the weaponization of "consent" language here:

Be mindful when someone has confided in you. That does not mean they have consented to have their name and story shared widely across the field....Please do not share detailed accounts of stories which are not your own. Everyone has to have their own agency to tell their stories themselves, on their own terms

Distilled down, this is "Shut the fuck up until the head of the serpent decides they can release.... whatever this is for maximum impact" but it's couched in truly impressive nothingspeak.

But yeah I'd love to see what happens next.

whatever interracial statistics are summoned up, intracial crime dwarfs it

I don't think this is particularly convincing as an issue minimization. Yes of course intraracial crime is going to be more common, just as interpersonal crime is more common than "random" violence.

The delta between white-on-black and black-on-white crime is, when adjusted per capita, something around an order of magnitude difference. For asians the gulf between interracial violence directions is even more stunning.

This isn't convincing at all - The trendlines for men and women largely track each other and women commit suicide less than a quarter as often.

Man, I have to respond to this. Are we really going to pretend like Bud and Miller aren't easy-drinking beers? Valuable after mowing the lawn on a hot day?

I love getting punched in the mouth with an IPA, and have trained my palate to do so repeatedly. Saying that fresh light beer tastes like urine or is "low quality" is bullshit. It's unbitter to the point of almost being sweet, doesn't sit heavily in the stomach, and is the result of millions of man-hours through development and production to ensure a consistent product at an unbelievable scale.

These beers are successful because of marketing, yes. But that success is also because they appeal to a wide range of people with varying tastes. They have been specifically designed to be taste good to the majority of the planet.