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Gun rights are in the bill of rights, but given every legal benefit and cost around marriage I still think it's insane to deny recognition of gay marriage. It seems trivially easy to classify under equal protection.

  • -11

Too many people online reach for this as an all-purpose defence and smug way of going "nothing like this on our side, it's all on the religious nutjob right side!"

I agree with this! But I also think the Catholic church's celibacy requirement means there is and always will be a problem greater than the general population.

At best, a significant amount of the clergy is closeted gay men. At worst, the male proclivity to favor younger partners (which we see represented in the gay community) manifests itself in inappropriate behavior with children in the church.

Finally, it's much harder to fix grooming and bad behavior in general society (because the nice progressive side is everywhere). The Catholic Church has a problem it can at least start to remedy. They'd have the added bonus of fixing their seminary recruitment problem at the same time.

I'm not going to discuss any specific studies because I don't want to google them. However, I'll echo my memory of the STD transmission rate in Africa being affected by circumcision.

I understand and sympathize with the anti-circumcision argument. I've just found that there's a big disconnect between the people I know in real life vs. internet advocates and the fringe-case traumatized victims. My buddies who are uncut, overall, wish they had been. None of my friends who are regret it or feel less whole. From a practical perspective cleaning your penis is a hell of a lot easier without folds. Sex becomes more complicated with potential rips etc. Oral isn't as straightforward for someone to perform. Once again this is anecdotal but a collection of minor inconveniences.

And then there's the final nail in the coffin for me which is female preference. Life isn't fair. What women want is what men give. There are entire illogical swaths of our society built around it. The accumulation of currency and power is, in my view, largely driven by concerns around sexual access. A significant percentage of American women prefer uncut cock and wishing / hoping they'll change their minds about it if we just stop circumcision is a pipe dream.

Nobody I know remembers being circumcised, but uncut buddies have an uphill battle getting laid. The risk of a botched procedure etc. seems low to me compared to the certainty of reduced sexual opportunities.

is the same as the number of wrongfully convicted people on death row

These are probably similar numbers but I don't think they're similar ratio. Roughly:

Given the sheer difficulty of actually exonerating someone, the accuracy of convictions seems suspect.

I admit that "jailed for drug possession" is pretty much a myth/meme that Libertarians like to drop - including myself in the past.

How many of your friends have a basis for comparison? There may be a certain "ignorance is bliss" thing for most men.

... No appreciable number of people have this experience. Of course there's an "ignorance is bliss" component, I have no idea what it's like to have foreskin beyond when I was younger and had different skin/head ratios. I can tell you I didn't like the feeling but that doesn't mean anything.

We can reach back as far as we want to figure out who the real villain is but, realistically, it's just an escalation of what's been going on forever. The Warren Court was another major episode/era of course, but there have been more.

I just think it'd be foolish to not recognize how angry this move made Democrats and how it may have changed their approach. Many of them called for far more aggression in the aftermath.

That has been my experience. Men can also be in the same position too but it's far less common. They end up becoming more religious, or at least saying they are, much later in life.

~3% of the women in my dating pool were agnostic. It was never practical for me to require that in partners.

Do you want advice about how to speak to your in-law? Do you want to talk about Christianity in the public sphere? I need some guidelines on how to help you that isn't a request to sneer at your family.

I don't need any help navigating my personal relationships, and this post wasn't intended to be a celebration or validation of my personal beliefs. TheMotte needs some counter-jerk every once in a while and (to be frank) the tenor of much of this thread indicates my instincts were correct on that front! The anecdote is window dressing, no more than that.

I hadn't heard anything about a different model of religious schooling, so I appreciate the information there. I still have a few years before having to make a firm decision, and I'm also having to balance a quality education with ensuring we can comfortably afford it. My wife does the vast majority of activity and school scouting - the kids are actually in Catholic day care as we speak - but I may need to grab the reins on the K-12 front.

I only know firsthand about one male sex drive and secondhand about a few dozen more, but I cannot fathom living without it.

Perhaps this is the intent behind the rule. It's a test to see just what sacrifices you'll make to enter the priesthood. But I don't believe that priests as a group are passing this test. I'm having trouble finding multiple surveys and sources, but this one suggest 15% aren't celibate and ~60% want the rule gone. I've seen higher numbers on the former.

I'd agree that raping your parishioners is illogical and evil. I also have seen other posters suggesting that numbers have been inflated - this is probably somewhat true, just as with any massive sexual behavior condemnation movement that has complex incentive structures (I.E. #metoo devolving into just bad sex anecdotes)

I don't know why one marries someone who thinks their beleifs are idiotic, but love is love I guess.

It would be beyond rude for me to ridicule my wife in this way, and I have no plans to do so. That is intrinsically part of our "deal".

Your decision will have consequences and this may lead to conflict, but I think taking a firm stance at initiation would certainly have made their stance public and the future conflict would not have occurred.

A valid theory! My personal opinion is that refusing to allow my children to be baptized would have been much worse, consequence wise. My strategy is to play the long game. I'm confident that my kids will find their own way long term, whether that's being religious and having acceptance from my in-laws or not and having my protection and support.

That wrecked me for like a year and then later, just as I was patching things up with her (friendshipwise, at least) she died in an unlucky accident.

Dude, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear it!

every now and again there's some sort of heated argument about something, and if I'm one of the people who feels strongly about it, then I can easily feel isolated, like the other person or side doesn't really get it, and then I worry about whether I don't really get it

I have to tell you that:

IF you work at a company that is mostly not-assholes

AND you frequently find yourself alone on one side of an argument

THEN there is a significant chance that [You] really don't get it.

I'm responding because I think most people on here are capable of some sort of self-introspection and I am, at this second, dealing with one person in my org that represents 10% of my HR bullshit every month because they are mentally incapable of understanding where they fit in the organization and hearing the truth/feedback.

I had a very similar opinion about The Peace War, and am absolutely psyched to check out your last 3 links when I'm not working (especially steam engines since I've been talking a lot with kids about trains recently). Thanks for sharing.

This is from my personal bias but creating time to escape to nature would be something I would mention.

Meditation working for you is great. My equivalent has been hearing utter silence but for the growing rush of wind through trees.

Trekking to isolated campsites is difficult from Manhattan though, I understand. I'd say stay up late on a rooftop every once in a while but maybe that's not even peaceful for ya!

To be clear, there's general inclusivity (good, IMO) like them committing to half male half female characters, a ton of different races, etc.

Most local game stores you go to are also going to be woke. The game is good enough it wouldn't stop me from going, but I played regularly at a kitchen top with more average people.

Perhaps my biggest issue with the progressiveness of WotC/Magic is that the whole game's culture is hypocritical towards the aforementioned cheaters and assholes. There's millions of people who would love to play MtG professionally, I think it should be without question that anyone caught cheating a single time in a qualifier level tournament is banned for life.

True, and I always prioritized fun over winning.

I still remember my favorite play of all time - swinging for 36 on the final turn of an FNM with a tier 3 deck with Jarad when that was exactly his life total. The look on that guy's face is seared into my mind.

Also holy shit that was almost 10 years ago.

I appreciate the input - thank ya!

The animal-parent part of my brain agrees. My youngest fell off a part of the playground recently, and it makes me want to have him wear a helmet there as well.

I have always loved weed, though as I've gotten older the side effects have gotten more intense. Same as others already mentioned:

  • High Heart Rate (same as alcohol)
  • Difficulty being alert right after waking (noticeable, but far superior to alcohol)
  • Anxiety (Worse than alcohol)

I typically create my own "Green Dragon" tincture. This allows precise dosing, eliminates damage to your lungs either through burning flower or vaping, it's easier to socialize with people who haven't tried weed before, and is a great excuse to make a citrus cocktail for consumption.

Like others mentioned, just taking a lower dose can be almost as fun with far fewer side effects. I'm an extremely cheap date at this point, and go through maybe a quarter ounce a year when partaking 1-2 times per week.

I will second this. I've taught at least 40 people SmallWorld. All of them have loved it. I have a collection of expansions and laminated single-page rules for each player and race/power combo. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling.

This reminds me of the shopping cart debate in which people point out a bar, resting on the floor, to be considered a functioning member of society. And then many heavily "disabled" mothers explain why their corner case makes it OK.

Statistically, I don't see the case for any double divorcee to be a good husband, and Trump's inadequacy in the EQ department is both one of his strengths and one of the 100 nails in the coffin for his quality on that front.

That is a happy side story, and I like barn cats being useful even if it hadn't "graduated" to house.

That's true, but it's immaterial to the gamesmanship of refusing to confirm a justice. The people doing it weren't seers predicting the future, they were changing precedent around confirmation as a political trap card.

FWIW I have a similar feeling. The Supreme Court seat was a major move, and just because I have benefitted from it doesn't change the reality of how serious it was. Much of this feels downstream of that.

So how did he reduce his LDL to normal levels? By adding 12 Oreos a day to his diet.

If he didn't deep fry them in pancake batter beforehand, then he missed an opportunity.

Congrats on the weight loss!