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this makes the plot point about rhaenyra chopping off the heads of everyone pointing out the obvious fact that laenor velaryon is not the father of her kids even funnier, at least

also is there a way to add spoiler text?

the laws are written with a general assumption of people not being hyper ingroup focused. they figured out that if you outbreed everyone else, do your best to get everyone else to move out, and vote as a block in a democracy, you can live off their tax dollars. that's perfectly blameworthy.

it's not 'crushing their community' to stop letting them live off a system that was never meant for their situation.

Redshirt the Boys

The value of a later start, which many teachers and administrators call “the gift of time,” is an open secret in elite circles. And it’s a gift overwhelmingly given to boys. In the past few months, I’ve interviewed dozens of private-school teachers, parents, educational consultants, and admissions officers, largely in the D.C. metro area. I learned that a delayed school entry is now close to the norm for boys who would otherwise be on the young side. One former head of an elite private school who now consults with parents on school choice and admissions told me, “There are effectively two different cutoff dates for school entry: one for boys and one for girls.”

On almost every measure of educational success from pre-K to postgrad, boys and young men now lag well behind their female classmates. The trend is so pronounced that it can result only from structural problems. Affluent parents and elite schools are tackling the issue by giving boys more time. But in fact it is boys from poorer backgrounds who struggle the most in the classroom, and these boys, who could benefit most from the gift of time, are the ones least likely to receive it.

there was a discussion on ssc a while back about why boys underperform relative to girls in school. the most common explanation was that school is simply 'feminized', but maybe boys simply mature slower; the article certainly doesn't shy away from nature over nurture

The problem of self-regulation is much more severe for boys than for girls. Flooded with testosterone, which drives up dopamine activity, teenage boys are more inclined to take risks and seek short-term rewards than girls are. Meanwhile, the parts of the brain associated with impulse control, planning, and future orientation are mostly in the prefrontal cortex—the so-called CEO of the brain—which matures about two years later in boys than in girls.

Other relevant centers of the brain follow suit. The cerebellum, for example, plays a role in “emotional, cognitive, and regulatory capacities,” according to Gokcen Akyurek, an expert on executive functioning at Hacettepe University, in Turkey. It reaches full size at the age of 11 for girls, but not until age 15 for boys. Similarly, there are sex differences linked to the timing of puberty in the development of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that contributes to memory and learning.

this seems like a simple enough way to perhaps help boys stop falling behind in education.

i don't think the article claims that girls do better because they're just 'naturally superior'. yes, boys neurologically develop differently than girls, but that doesn't mean they're 'worse'.

only watched a couple episodes of cobra kai season 5, but its seems to have continued the trend of going totally off the rails. there are plenty of crappy teen high school drama shows, it was much better when it focused on johnny, miguel, and robby.

the favoritism is that the older kids are being compared to their younger peers in the same group, which, for example, makes them more likely to be placed in 'gifted' programs.

noted hot take artist stephen a smith made it a race thing. there have definitely been white execs in the past who fucked their secretaries and no one cared, but that shouldn't let udoka off the hook.

i've also seen people complaining about how sports media is way more interested in this, or the michael vick dogfighting story, or the jameis winston crab legs incident, than brett favre participating in a welfare scam in mississippi, which just seems like comparing apples to oranges. favre has been retired for well over a decade, udoka is the head coach for a team that has the best odds to win the championship.

other than that we don't really know enough juicy details to say much about udoka's case. i'll register the prediction that he doesn't come back though

another article about this from oakland schools

As a teacher in Oakland, Calif., Kareem Weaver helped struggling fourth- and fifth-grade kids learn to read by using a very structured, phonics-based reading curriculum called Open Court. It worked for the students, but not so much for the teachers. “For seven years in a row, Oakland was the fastest-gaining urban district in California for reading,” recalls Weaver. And we hated it.

The teachers felt like curriculum robots—and pushed back. “This seems dehumanizing, this is colonizing, this is the man telling us what to do,” says Weaver, describing their response to the approach. “So we fought tooth and nail as a teacher group to throw that out.” It was replaced in 2015 by a curriculum that emphasized rich literary experiences. “Those who wanted to fight for social justice, they figured that this new progressive way of teaching reading was the way,” he says.

Now Weaver is heading up a campaign to get his old school district to reinstate many of the methods that teachers resisted so strongly: specifically, systematic and consistent instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics. “In Oakland, when you have 19% of Black kids reading—that can’t be maintained in the society,” says Weaver

on the bright side, this guy belatedly realized that he was destroying kids' futures for the sake of sticking it to the man

the royals aren't exactly models of discretion. the tabloids wouldn't be so interested in them if they were

The triumph of the blank slate

an article in the Atlantic recently made the case that separating sport by sex doesn’t make sense, because it ‘reinforces the idea that boys are inherently bigger, faster, and stronger than girls in a competitive setting — a notion that’s been challenged by scientists for years.’

On a similar theme, a few weeks back the New York Times ran a piece arguing that ‘maternal instinct is a myth that men created’. In the essay, published in the world’s most influential newspaper, it was stated that ‘The notion that the selflessness and tenderness babies require is uniquely ingrained in the biology of women, ready to go at the flip of a switch, is a relatively modern — and pernicious — one. It was constructed over decades by men selling an image of what a mother should be, diverting our attention from what she actually is and calling it science.’

Just recently, Scientific American stated that ‘Before the late 18th century, Western science recognized only one sex — the male — and considered the female body an inferior version of it. The shift historians call the “two-sex model” served mainly to reinforce gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body.’

Yet what is strange is that such ideas are triumphant, even as the scientific evidence against them mounts up, with the expanding understanding of genetics and the role of inheritance. The tabula rasa should by all rights be dead, indeed it should have been killed twenty years ago with the publication of one of the most important books of the century so far, Steven Pinker’s The Blank Slate.

Rather than blank slate-led ideas falling to mockery and obscurity, the opposite has happened — they’ve proliferated and spread. Pinker was obviously right, yet seems to have lost.

i recently was in a seminar discussing fixed versus growth mindsets, and it was argued that believing in any innate/genetic component of intelligence was connected to a 'fixed' mindset. we were discouraged from using the idea of 'talent' as it implied that some people were just naturally better at some things than others. it seems like a core part of the 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' mantra that is finding its way everywhere - the idea of innate difference is anathema to the principle behind caring about equity versus equality.

NA has been a laughingstock in league for years. 0-9 is a new low, but most of the NA teams are full of imports - there are only 3 actual 'north american' players among the 15 players on NA teams. The most likely explanation is that we just don't have as large a playerbase, and also nebulous criticisms of NA 'culture' where washed up euros and koreans come over to get big paychecks and not try that hard.

'rewarding' puts a moralistic spin on it, when really it's just about maximizing efficiency.

how concerned should we really be about schizos who latch on to politics versus the far more common variant which, say, pushes a commuter onto subway tracks, or stabs someone walking past a street homeless encampment?

this is coming from a guy who broke into a home and wanted to tie up the occupant so he could take a nap

if you really want a politician dead you hire a professional. 'stochastic terrorism' is at worst really rare, highly random, and surprisingly ineffective considering the people who 'answer the call' are generally loonies like this guy

It boiled down to arts students in departments where graduate outnumbered undergrad

is this really a thing? what could they possibly need so many grad students for?

the movie he promoted was pretty standard black israelite nonsense, with made up hitler quotes to boot. these beliefs are more popular than people realize considering pretty much no nba players have spoken out against him for it. kyrie probably could have skated by and have people just chalk this up as another example of his pseudo intellectualism, but he basically doubled down multiple times in interviews and his 'apology' was hilariously half assed. hell, the commissioner of the league is jewish.

However, speaking as someone well ensconced within the very apse of the Cathedral, I'm doubtful it will change much; Admissions inevitably involves a huge amount of illegible subjective decision-making, and the religion of DEI means that there will be no shortage of reasons to prefer candidates from under-represented minority backgrounds.

i was listening to an interview on npr yesterday of a vice chancellor of DEI from one of the california state universities. at the end he complained that it would take a while before they were able to basically reinstitute affirmative action without calling it that, so yeah, even when scotus overturns it, university administrators will find a way around it.

The awkward part, and probably the only real check on this behavior, is that if you check black on your application, you are auto-enrolled in the black students' orientation programs, and other students can look at you askance.

this would be a great beavis and butthead skit

this tweet seems aimed at, like, trump supporters on twitter, when the people who have journalists killed are mob bosses in foreign countries. just very out of touch.

americans generally think soccer is a boring and wimpy sport, what with all the diving. 'blue tribers' generally take the opposite view since soccer is a lot less violent than football, which, fair enough

there's obviously a difference between good and bad wine, and sommeliers aren't charlatans, but our senses are easily tricked. you can make ice cream taste better by improving the packaging, same with wine.

How Colleges and Sports-Betting Companies ‘Caesarized’ Campus Life

The online gambling deals have helped athletic departments recoup some of the revenue they lost during the pandemic. The partnerships bring in extra funds that schools can use to sign marquee coaches and build winning sports teams. Mr. Haller, Michigan State’s athletic director, said in a news release at the time of the Caesars deal that it would provide “significant resources to support the growing needs of each of our varsity programs.”

The partnerships raise questions, however, about whether promoting gambling on campus — especially to people who are at an age when they are vulnerable to developing gambling disorders — fits the mission of higher education.

Some aspects of the deals also appear to violate the gambling industry’s own rules against marketing to underage people. The “Responsible Marketing Code” published by the American Gaming Association, the umbrella group for the industry, says sports betting should not be advertised on college campuses.

promoting gambling to 18 year olds is the latest way in which college sports are distorting the goal of college. at uc boulder, the school gets $30 every time someone downloads an app and makes a bet. the faculty managed to ensure that this money went to the right causes, though:

“We came up with the idea that the money from the referral bonus could actually go toward diversity and inclusion and equity efforts at the university, in particular because a lot of the money in athletics are made from underrepresented minorities,” Mr. Hornstein said. A spokesman for the university’s chancellor, Philip DiStefano, confirmed that some of the money will be used to expand mental health and diversity initiatives.

If you want to go into law and make six figures out the gate, have you considered Howard?

Many HBCUs have struggled recently as their prospective students are wooed by the ivies and other prestigious institutions, but Howard impressively is tied for #1 in starting private sector salary, despite being ranked average on most others, including starting public sector salary and employment at 10 months. When compared to other law schools by ranking, this is a particularly surprising outlier.