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king von being a serial killer (no, seriously) makes his bragging about killing people 'a serious artform that deals with all aspects of human life, including the negative ones', while jason aldean being a poser who most certainly didn't come from a small town dealing out vigilante justice means his music isn't just crappy country music, it's advocating for white nationalism. he should try collabing with kyle rittenhouse for authenticity next time.

i don't think the article claims that girls do better because they're just 'naturally superior'. yes, boys neurologically develop differently than girls, but that doesn't mean they're 'worse'.

there's obviously a difference between good and bad wine, and sommeliers aren't charlatans, but our senses are easily tricked. you can make ice cream taste better by improving the packaging, same with wine.

It boiled down to arts students in departments where graduate outnumbered undergrad

is this really a thing? what could they possibly need so many grad students for?

For one making it back to the moon is what Musk was contracted to do. He's literally giving away tickets to the moon to youtubers, surely, if nothing else, giving away tickets for what is, charitably, a fake-it-till-you-make-it venture can be described as fraudulent?

what makes it 'fraud'? lots of space companies have sold launches for rockets that have never gone up yet.

I have to once again ask what is the marvel of engineering he created that has you so impressed? If his companies end up successful, I'll agree he's a brilliant executive, but from a tech point of view nothing he did seems all that impressive?

reusable rockets aren't impressive? even if you think the cost savings are all faked, the sheer volume of launches that they enable is an incredible achievement in their own right.

is there evidence that they're using european donated pipelines to make rockets, instead of older lines? just send PVC pipe if you're worried about that.

they forgot to add a filter for the n word in people's usernames. this is a sign of extreme anti blackness

has he been fired? they've taken him off promotional material but nothing official.

according to this it was a member of the board that brought it up. the media focus on this issue was mainly on the board. you might be thinking of some other case where a parent complains about a book?

both sides have enough nukes to annihilate the world multiple times over anyways - is this about first strike capability?

south africa and zimbabwe fell into a shitty state after minority white rule was ended, but that doesn't justify it. the problems that plagued south africa after apartheid ended, like the AIDS crisis, weren't necessarily to do with the mandela government

If you want to go into law and make six figures out the gate, have you considered Howard?

Many HBCUs have struggled recently as their prospective students are wooed by the ivies and other prestigious institutions, but Howard impressively is tied for #1 in starting private sector salary, despite being ranked average on most others, including starting public sector salary and employment at 10 months. When compared to other law schools by ranking, this is a particularly surprising outlier.

the hamas leadership gives zero shits about the palestinians there and they'll never have recruitment issues. the optics of giving israel a broken nose and perhaps delaying normalization with the saudis are worth a few thousand lives.

if steve sailer can continue to chug along then hanania will be fine. he probably won't get invited to write any more NYT editorials, but why would, say, musk give a shit when he's already retweeting interracial crime statistics without a care

marketing for these big companies seems like a billion dollar red queen's race. obviously some advertising needs to exist, but it feels like a massive human inefficiency that there are ads everywhere.

is there any place to keep track of mod scabbing stories?

'rewarding' puts a moralistic spin on it, when really it's just about maximizing efficiency.

no argument from me that hamas doesn't care about improving palestinian lives. just questioning the telegraph article saying european donations are being used to build qassams.

cinderella made $542 million, alice in wonderland made over a billion. were those considered unsuccessful?

lady and the tramp and pinocchio were disney+ exclusives. disney+ has kind of been a flop, so fair enough there.

the christopher robin movie was one of those 'kid character turns into jaded adult' movies like hook.

whether this was self defense is what's up for debate. if all he was doing was schizo ranting then does that really justify a chokehold?

this tweet seems aimed at, like, trump supporters on twitter, when the people who have journalists killed are mob bosses in foreign countries. just very out of touch.

that video is strange. the rocket somehow morphs into an interceptor, and then the payload lands on the hospital?

here's a sync of a video recorded from the ground, and the al jazeera footage: https://is2.4chan.org/pol/1697578222179044.webm - there's clearly an initial flash before the main explosion, perfectly in sync, in both videos, so it seems likely that this was the explosion. the al jazeera video is at 7 pm israeli time, which is earlier than any news report i've seen of it.

ai is the headline grabber, but the main issue is how residuals are calculated from streaming shows, plus the fact that most streaming services are bleeding money while traditional tv is dying.

there's definitely more signal boosting of certain content on twitter now. just a few weeks ago there was a kerfuffle over musk retweeting interracial crime statistics

The awkward part, and probably the only real check on this behavior, is that if you check black on your application, you are auto-enrolled in the black students' orientation programs, and other students can look at you askance.

this would be a great beavis and butthead skit