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joined 2022 November 09 06:18:01 UTC


User ID: 1827



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User ID: 1827

  1. You were the one who initially described it as risky behavior. You weren’t “just asking questions.”

  2. What constitutes risky isn’t an empirical question but an evaluation based on empirical data. I still don’t see covid as a major risk for a 55 year old, even as you try to reframe risk.

  3. Once more, risk can’t be viewed unidirectionally. World is risk-risk. It is incumbent on the person suggesting action X is risky to explain why not X is relatively less risky.

  4. Finally there is question of benefit. Even if we assume X is risky relatively to not X, the question becomes whether reward is greater than risk.

Chua’s concept seems too narrow. If you divide into different ethnic groups (not just white but British, German, etc) there is no dominant group in the US in part because the economy is so massive unlike the Philippines.

It is true that Jews disproportionately own a lot of wealth in the US. It is also true that probably inspires jealous.

I think the quotas are dumb. We shouldn’t have make work job for underperforming minorities and/or women. We shouldn’t promote on such criteria either.

The same arguments for why those are problems (and many people are against affirmative action for articulated reasons) supports the argument it is fine Jews are rich.

I think you have this backwards. I’m not here to bury the Jews but to praise them.

I also think Jewish success in wealth explains in part why we are so worried about antisemitism. When you have a dominant market minority jealousy often occurs which leads to ugly acts. So we have a norm of trying to police that jealousy.

In my mind, a dominant market minority doesn’t mean that they have to own a majority of the wealth. In my mind, that minority group has to have a very disproportionately large share of the wealth — enough to create jealousy.

Babylon 5 did a decent job of this with their telepath problem. Sure, non teeps often felt sympathy for the telepaths. But they didn’t trust them for reasons that were obvious.

The special effects aren’t great. But B5’s biggest problem is acting (with the exception of G’kar and Londo of course)

Agreed. Season 5 generally fell flat. But I thought S1-S4 treatment of telepaths felt real and interesting (it wasn’t obvious how to deal with telepaths even if most people felt sympathy for the telepaths)


Seems like Ukraine was responsible if perhaps not culpable. However, Ukraine demanding Art 5 right away does seem interesting.

Wouldn’t you need to balance that out with cheaper elections (since there are less votes)? Also perhaps GOTV apparatuses would be smaller if the vote was held by a smaller percentage of the population. If people behind gotv could do something productive, that would be a net win.

Citations should be fine (eg speeding, parking ticket, etc). Misdemeanor maybe ten year window? Felon forever.

Well if the Russians deliberately attacked Poland, that would be a game changer.

If Ukraine attempted a false flag (or knew it was an accident and lied) to try to bring the west directly into the war, that would also be a game changer.

If it was an accident that created collateral damage, then no game changer.

Campaigning though isn’t low marginal costs.

Well, brad is brand because of the history of success. If someone claims “I’m brand X” but you know really they are “Brand Y” that it doesn’t matter how much they spend trying to appear to be “Brand X.”

But that’s not really a fair comparison. Our legal system isn’t about improving the legal system necessarily but trying to improve transacting or liability. Yes, lawsuits might be expensive but that doesn’t mean the legal system has failed.

So looking at just the input cost (the direct cost of a legal system) doesn’t mean the output (what Bastiat might call the unseen) isn’t worth it.

Venues have an incentive to sell at below market value rates to ensure they sell out because (1) the cost of the venue is the same whether you sell out or not and (2) once they get people there more high margin dollars will be spent.

So when ever you sell below market rates you need to figure out a different method to allocate scarce resources. Queuing is one of them. Scalpers are willing to wait in line, and then try to sell to people who value their time more than the mark up they pay for the ticket. Scalper also takes a risk the value of the ticket will decrease.

There have been a lot of lay offs in the tech space. I’m sure Elon can hire some people. But the truth is Twitter had too much staff for the value it was getting. You need to cut costs make it through a few months and the ad boycott will end.

People trust Musk because he has been instrumental in creating three huge businesses (and another that would be impressive for most people). There is a track record here. Either musk is the luckiest man in the history of the world or he has business chops in the top 1

% of the 1%.

It seems important to consider before you create something that could (because if you wait it might be too late).

Past performance doesn’t guarantee future success but it does provide some degree of confidence. Ego could be a problem. Mistakes could be a problem. But Musk has helped build…online payment platform, telecommunication network, rocket company, a car company, and a tunneling company.

These are rather disparate things suggesting his skill isn’t domain limited.

I think I’ll trust him (when he has a lot of inside info we don’t) over a random internet poster.

Assuming ads actually generate revenue (who knows) companies ultimate log will pay for ads where there is a large user base.

If he loses in the primary, would he really want to run a general election he knows he will lose?

DeSantis wasn’t very establishment but going against covid. He wasn’t establishment going after LGBT stuff in school. He wasn’t establishment going after Disney.

That is just claiming X without proving X. DeSantis went way out on a limb re covid. He held the line for freedom when many Republicans didn’t. How is that establishment?

What own goals? Firing / getting people to quit when he needs to cut staff by about 80-90%?

How many of those people were providing value in excess of cost?

SCOTUS has given life to non delegation via major questions doctrine. That is an existential threat to the admin state. Since the blue tribe is very much the admin state the court’s rulings are an existential threat to them.