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User ID: 1827



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User ID: 1827

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I also think limiting Auer in Kisor and hopefully limiting or killing Chevron will further limit the reach of the admin state.

Okay Charlie Crist. Florida was the first state of significant population to buck the covid lockdowns. They also did a lot to prevent local municipalities from backdooring the lunacy. If you compare Abbot with DeSantis Florida was faster and more complete in return to normal.

Part of the reason the GOP became more freedom aligned re Covid was because of DeSantis.

Lawyers don’t generally advise their clients to lie.

Problem is adjudicating afterwards.

Wasn’t LOTR rather explicitly red tribe? The source material is inherently conservative.

I think red tribe dominates podcasts. I guess this is akin to red tribe dominating talk radio in the 90s.

In part because red tribe is predisposed to be against government meddling. Look at how many got upset when DeSantis introduced anti masking rules despite the upset people being anti masking?

They believe effectively an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. But what they don’t argue well against is that often these rules are necessiti restore the status quo ante that existed prior to state intervention (in this case the CDC).

I do think republicans if they take power should remove tax exempt status for NGOs and actually tax them heavier than corporations. At the very least, most red tribe could get behind taxing NGOs similar to corporations which will make Left Inc. use more resources to push their policies (thereby decreasing their reach).

It is a hard line to draw. One way to get 50% of the way there is make college endowments taxable.

It did have universal appeal but that doesn’t mean the messaging wasn’t red tribe.

I think in part because people get distracted. If he survives in the near term and Twitter isn’t terrible, then ad revenue will come back with lower cost.

It’s just bizarre to me. Either you think Musk is literally the luckiest man in the history of the world by far or you have to respect that he was instrumental in starting three (arguably four with Starlink) massive businesses in disparate areas. For fuck sakes the guy started a successful car company. That hasn’t really been done since the 1930s. He helped start an online bank. He started a freaking successful rocket company.

The idea that person is a fool is absurd. It reeks of someone who has to be the smartest person in the room despite having middling accomplishments.

Maybe it is because men understand voting isn’t really individually useful?

Where is the gratification? Voting seems like a cost without any real reward. It isn’t “defer a marshmallow today for two tomorrow.” Instead it’s defer a marshmallow today for nothing tomorrow.

Elections aren’t won by you voting; they are won by influencing a multitude of people to vote.

Yet 550 votes is not 1 vote.

There is a stereotype that men like to fix problems; women like to talk about problems. If that is true, voting seems to fall (from an individual perspective) more into the latter category instead of the former. A single man might focus his energy into something that can make a difference.

There is also in your Patton quote a bit of Marx’s alienation of labor. Sure, the cook has to abstract why what he does helps the unit. But at the same time he sees a tangible result (food is made). Voting is more abstract.

But this seems to discount marginal utility. Presumably an additional dollar to the poor is worth more than an additional dollar to the already well off?

  1. Everyone knew that car companies were east to build. Elon got lucky!

  2. Everyone knew that rocket companies were east to build. Elon got lucky!

  3. Everyone knew that online banking was easy. Elon got lucky!

  4. Everyone knew that Starlink was east to build. Elon got lucky!

As my sarcasm hopefully comes through, this line of argument just seems like cope. I’m pretty successful in life but I can readily admit Elon is a lot more successful than I am and if someone choose to invest a dollar I’d recommend they invest with Elon compared to me. No shame in that. But for some reason some people are so invested in trying to bring down a guy who is just better at business compared to them they latch on to absurd arguments that Elon was just “lucky.”

Perhaps. On the other hand, we see similar behaviors in first world countries where the poor continue to behave in sun optimal ways despite having the same ability as Luo. Maybe there is a different explanation for this poor group.

Well except there are countless examples of very limited government and places succeeding. I’m very unfamiliar with communist countries not be totalitarian hellholes.

Warlordism might be a fair critique of David Friedman but…not of classic liberals who see a vital role for the state but one that is heavily limited.

United Kingdom, United States, Swiss, Hong Kong, Netherlands, etc.

They might not all be that way today but they they all at different times experienced significant growth under a classically liberal framework.

True. On the other hand, who would think online banking relates at all to car companies?

Indeed tomatoes taste so different they become a fruit ;)

Lebron James is upset that he was asked questions about Kyrie James’ potential anti-semitism but was not asked about Jerry Jones potential anti black racism. For those not familiar, Kyrie is a basketball player that posted a video link to a movie that I understand is making the claim the blacks are the real Jews. Kyrie refused to apologize until he eventually did. A photo of Jerry Jones emerged that showed Jones was in the crowd that was attempting to prevent Arkansas from de-segregating schools. It isn’t clear from the picture whether Jones was participating or merely watching a spectacle. Also of note Jones was only 14 and it was about sixty five years ago. Jones is an owner of the Dallas Cowboys, a football team (the real football; not the silly sport being played in Qatar right now).

Below is a link to ESPN.

This seems like Lebron’s attempt to revenged racism as “whites against blacks” instead of the conversation that blacks (eg Kanye, Kyrie, other athletes) have an anti semitism problem. The reason I think so is because the situations couldn’t be very different.

  1. Kyrie did these actions today; Jones was photographed 65 years ago. People change.

  2. Kyrie is a grown ass man. Jones was 14.

  3. It isn’t clear Jones was even being racist.

  4. It is more natural that Lebron was asked about something happening in the NBA as opposed to something happening in the NFL.

I am curious if this will be successful. The dirty secret is that the black community does have some pretty big racism issues (eg anti antisemitism). It’s also interesting that instead of leading the charge, Lebron wants to redirect. It makes it seem that he doesn’t give a damn about justice but just special pleading for his own race. Now of course I’d believe that because I dislike Lebron. But curious to hear other thoughts.


No doubt. But that’s what makes lebron’s comments so BS. He is upset people are calling out his group’s problem, but yet he talks about an injustice anywhere being an injustice everywhere. He doesn’t really believe that.