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User ID: 753



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User ID: 753

I am 95% confident that in 30 years I'll be happy I had as many healthy kids as possible. The issue is that we are in our mid 30's so time is on on our side. My brother in law wanted 6 then his second wrecked him and my sister (who is tough) so I'm 70% confident that I could push through 4 which I think is the max we could safely push to at our ages and handle the miseries that will come with having 3-4 young kids. I think it will mostly be on my wife. I'll need to take on a lot of responsibility and cut back on my frugal desires to keep her on board. I think I'd rather have more kids then a few extra hundred grand at retirement.

A bunch of us decided to get knocked up around the same time. We're thinking rotating date nights where we unload the kids on one couple. Though 6-9 months might be a little young for that.

Why no co-sleep? Suffocation or too dependent of a child? Any suggestion on a good carrier? Everyone around here is all about Baby Bjorn... $239.99, that is a plate carrier...

We are a little older so we're looking to move as quick as possible. The real question is probably more what's too soon rather than too long, as long as fertility stay high, which wasn't a problem with this one.

This is literally what my wife said today. "If breast feeding isn't working find me the Keurig formula thing"

Thankfully we do, all 4 of them are within 30 minutes. She's been talking to our mom's quite a bit.

I currently (could all change when the kid comes) subscribe to Caplan's philosophy. Pretty much if you feed them and don't beat them they'll probably turn out how they're were going to turn out. Both of us do feel like our parents kind of left some things out and we got a bit of a late start on some things so hopefully we can influence our kids at least a little.

Kid mitigates spalling so you can use uncoated metal plates.

What is your top baby/kid advice? We are in the third trimester with our first. Revolutionary must have gadget, let them cry it out, co-sleep don't co-sleep, have a closet lined with mirrors to lock them in?

This might become my go to example of cancel culture:

Besides, the proof is in the fucking pudding! Unlike most people in politics or journalism, pollsters have a track record that can be tested against actual results. They can be held accountable for political bias that might render their polls less accurate. Rasmussen has indeed had strongly Republican-leaning results relative to the consensus for many years. Despite that strong Republican house effect, however, they’ve had roughly average accuracy overall because polls have considerably understated Republican performance in several recent elections (2014, 2016, 2020).

Even when you can track and mitigate the "bias", the wrong thinkers must be purged.

I've commented on this before. I work for a company that's core market is pure Red Tribe. Our headquarters is in a very red state, pre-Trump I am confident that vast majority of executives voted Republican. Execs bought the bailey of wokeness hook, line, and sinker. Wokeness is just being a good moral person and taking action against evil. There is real, malicious racism in much of society and we all have problematic unconscious bias. Fascism is on the rise, we need to take to heart the lessons of World War 2 and never let it happen again. Pride is about not torturing people to death, DEI is not not hiring someone because they are black, or not trying to sleep with a subordinate. They got confused when our pride line went over like a lead balloon, or we host events at organizations that teach CRT. Now think how it all goes at corps where the execs were Democrats or even progressives before Trump's presidency.

Just like any tool there are situations where it can be effective and situations where it isn't. If your goal is getting true information the key is having ways to confirm the information then come back if the information was incorrect. Repeat. Another method is having multiple people with the same information, you then separate and torture them until their stories match.

Of the non-Christians, they said not even to share a meal with them!

Are you referencing 1 Corinthians 5:11?

I always took pretty much the opposite interpretation of that verse.

9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people; 10 I did not at all mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the greedy and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to leave the world. 11 But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is a sexually immoral person, or a greedy person, or an idolater, or is verbally abusive, or habitually drunk, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a person. 12 For what business of mine is it to judge outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13 But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the evil person from among yourselves.

New American Standard Bible

Communists should be seen at the same level as Nazis. Communists get tenure at major universities.

From: The Problem with “Fraud”: Fraud, Threat, and Contract Breach as Types of Aggression https://archive.is/qz0b8

I tried to to explain what fraud is, if it is to be considered a species of aggression (and to briefly debunk Child), in A Theory of Contracts (p. 34). As I wrote there,

The theory of contract espoused here demonstrates that fraud is properly viewed as a type of theft. Suppose Karen buys a bucket of apples from Ethan for $20. Ethan represents the things in the bucket as being apples, in fact, as apples of a certain nature, that is, as being fit for their normal purpose of being eaten. Karen conditions the transfer of title to her $20 on Ethan’s not knowingly engaging in ‘fraudulent’ activities, like pawning off rotten apples. If the apples are indeed rotten and Ethan knows this, then he knows that he does not receive ownership of or permission to use the $20, because the condition ‘no fraud’ is not satisfied. He is knowingly in possession of Karen’s $20 without her consent, and is, therefore, a thief.

In other words, for the libertarian, fraud is a type of aggression (namely, theft), just because it is a means by which one party receives or uses or takes the property of someone else without their consent–and there is failure of consent because the first party’s misrepresentation meant that one of the conditions to transfer of title was not satisfied. (I have elaborated on this in various articles and posts: see, e.g.: Reply to Van Dun: Non-Aggression and Title Transfer, pp. 60-61, where I tried to explain how a coherent theory of contract and fraud does, in fact, support a type of fraud claim compatible with the non-aggression principle; my exchange with David Heinrich in Comments: debt and the trade against risk; my comments in Objectivists on IP; my exchange with Heinrich regarding “limited liability” and corporations in this thread (2); my exchange, again, w/ Heinrich, regarding fractional reserve banking, in the comments section of Randians go from Mises to supply-side economics)

Looking at fraud this way, it is clear that for there to be fraud–at least of the type that counts as aggression–there must be some victim who did not give genuine consent for the defrauder to use or take his property. There must be a victim of the fraud, and the victimization must be of a type in which there is an ostensible title transfer but which fails because of lack of true consent.

I don't usually discuss intellectual property outside of libertarian circles because the starting points are usually two divergent to have a productive conversation. Intellectual property is like debates on abortions personal vs private property cutting to the very core of morality. As will quickly be noted intellectual property is just a social construct which will then be countered with property is just a construct. Then why does the construct of property even exist? To paraphrase Hoppe, original appropriation and private property are a solution to the problem of social order; a way of resolving and avoiding conflict. Why does conflict around property arise? Because stuff is scarce and rivalrous. If stuff was not scarce and rivalrous then why would why would there be disputes, why would the concept of property be needed?

As this video was used to point out how small of chunks of a songs pattern constitute an IP claim? You keep getting smaller and smaller until you're at basic sounds. I'm not a musician so my terms are going to probably be wrong, but in the same vein how much can one alter the pitch, tone, or even volume before you have created a unique enough pattern? The over arching questions: what is the level of uniqueness to gain and/or avoid an IP claim?

The sorites paradox isn't absent for physical property but it is much less. In the vast majority of cases physical property can be defined, boundaries can be set up, literal lines can be drawn. I'm not sure how that's possible with IP. IP dictates what other people can do with their property even if they have had claim to that property longer than the IP claim has existed - how people can combine atoms and organize 1's and 0's.

Then there's the utilitarian argument but I have not idea how you measure the gains vs the losses.

What is with this thread?

I've been arguing philosophy around intellectual property for over a decade and this is pretty standard in a space with thinkers like The Motte. Some of the biggest fights I saw among AnCaps were around Intellectual Property. This look a little familiar?

It's an issue like abortion, it gets at the very foundation of philosophical concepts that the vast majority take for granted. Like most things people come up with post hoc justifications for what they want, the smarter the person the more clever the reasoning.

A black teenager enters your front door past 10PM, actively searching for something, and maybe announces he's looking for his brothers. You are physically defenseless as an octogenarian, watching society actively collapse around you, what exactly are you expected to do in that split second? Trust in society?

Is that pure speculations or are there allegations that Yarl entered the domicile?

CNN: "Accused shooter in Kansas City shooting of Black teen who went to the wrong house is White man in his 80s" Archive: https://archive.is/NcFb5

Edit: Andrew Lester is the 84 year old white man and is facing charges of assault in the first degree and armed criminal action. Clay County attorney Zachary Thompson states there was a racial element but hate crimes is a lower charge so will not be brought. "There is no evidence that the teen entered the home and preliminary evidence shows Lester opened fire on the teen through a glass door with a .32 caliber revolver"

Ralph Yarl is the black teen that was shot outside of Kansas City, Missouri. Early it was reported that he was shot twice in the head but now his family's attorneys are saying that Yarl "shot twice and struck in the head and arm" and Yarl has now been released from the hospital and is recovering at home.

The white man in his 80's "was taken into custody on April 13 just before midnight and was released less than two hours later at 1:24 a.m. on April 14."

Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves said in a Sunday news conference a “homeowner” was placed on a 24-hour investigation hold following the shooting. After consulting with the Clay County prosecutor’s office, the homeowner was released pending further investigation.

By all accounts I am seeing Ralph Yarl is a band geek which places my heuristic chances of aggression on his part as low. If I found the correct streets the subdivision is one of the last developments before hitting mostly farms and the street names are really confusing with the developer using the same number twice and then alternating between "Street" and "Terrace."

Of course, still waiting on details but in my opinion this could likely be what some people consider to be the quintessential example of a "racist" shooting. If that's the case and the only quibble between Red Tribe and Blue Tribe is if it would have made a difference if the kid was white or black does this story gain a much traction with that little toxoplasma or does it more go the way of the Eric Garner and Philando Castile killings?

Finally, concrete plan how to save the world from paperclipping dropped, presented by world (in)famous Basilisk Man himself.

He's definitely getting tortured for eternity now.

how they were allegedly scared to go in because the shooter had an AR-15, making it too big a threat to them.

Too scared to do the right thing then too scared to do the right thing now.

Unfathomably based. Rex Engelbert, shotgun officer with Rex, and Michael Collazo fuck.

Only the operation of vehicles on public property is regulated. A 12 year old can buy or build and then operate a funny car capable of going 300 mph on private property with no insurance, inspection, registration, background check, or license. Also that funny car can be transported between private properties without being insured, inspected, registered, or licensed.

Yes, there are plenty of non-denoms that would be close enough. Part of me doesn't like how pastor centric those churches are, nor do they seem to establish long running institutions. They can have a very hard time surviving pastoral transitions, then again that has been becoming more and more true within denominations and my denominations long standing institutions were a source of the corruption. Most likely there would be a schism and my current congregation would split along with a good portion of the western congregations and practically all the non-western congregations.