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joined 2024 April 09 13:28:25 UTC


User ID: 2982



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User ID: 2982

Would you say that is because the physical presentation of the three archetypes are distinctly different? Physical presenteeism maps pretty cleanly into each archetype, moreso than behavior, and to pull off all three in the same body requires a sort of amorphous age presenteeism. The chief I mentioned and a few other women I know who pull that off all have a sort of 'maybe 20 maybe 40' look to them, mainly due to excellent skincare regimes (which was difficult enough). Matriarch seems to ironically be the easiest to pull off regardless of age, bossy women can be big sister or grandmother to her juniors. I've seen a tiny thai woman boss around girls older than them simply by force of will.

You are 100% right that black men and women are in tension with each other, which is an interesting topic onto itself, but your point about requiring a black woman to start that conversation first is the key factor to note. White progressives do not care or consider that blacks are not a unified voice, and suborn black male interests to black female ones. The only vector I have seen progs be critical of black men is in the context of Trump, where increasing black male support for trump is viewed as black support of white supremacy.

True, men are largely more aware of what a real threat Russia poses. Women really seem to not give a shit about icky white people dying, and I maintain that progressives broadly hate Ukraine because it focuses support onto white people instead of blacks or gays: Jayapal pushing for Biden to force Ukraine to the negotiating table in Oct 2022 strikes me as what the social justice wing thinks of white people (even slavs): a distraction from the true cause. The only thing making progressives give a slight shit in favor of Ukraine is the fact that trump hates Ukraine, but the progressives hold their nose when decrying Russia because the beneficiary is white.

Noticing is one way. Besides sportsball is ick so why would women care about that sort of nonsense. In the mind of the progressive the black man is a loyal slave to the black woman, subservient to her 'sexualized black body' and incapable of independent thought.

The fact that being anti-Ukraine is male/right coded is itself the reason for the lack of female objection to Ukraine. While it is still icky white people dying, Trump hates Ukraine while Biden loves it, so theres no clear father figure to rebel against. Meanwhile, Trump would glass Gaza and so would Biden (at least in the progressive imagination). Every potential manifestation of western patriarchy is opposed to Palestine, so it animates these women.

In their mind, the progressives believe (still) that Islam is just evil out of opposition to the same forces the progressives fight against. Once the evil white oppressor is destroyed a righteous and clean Islam will emerge, letting all these oppressed minorities cuddle under the guising bosom of the morally righteous progressive.

I guess thats the difference. It is better for young mothers to get onto live shopping. Not nearly as inane and more gratifying, if potentially financially onerous.

True, progressives would not have looked for evidence of their pet palestinians having done any wrong. However some of my proggy friends did ask me if the Palestine stuff was true, and I shared with them the shit gazanow and (weird arabic script) was sharing gleefully till the admins realized it was a bad look and nuked the chats. Your point about mothers on social media being virulently progressive is an interesting one and I wonder if it is the 'social media' rather than the 'mother' bit that is the determining variable. My maternal circles largely abandoned social media, so I am lost here.

Every woman I know who was a bleeding heart hippie turned into Phyllis Schafer once they had kids. A really fun thing to do at playdates is to let slip that 'boys play so differently from girls' and see how long the waters warm up before the hatred of trans shit pops up. Race takes longer to bring up, but it comes up quickly if the topic of school choice occurs.

The most terrifying chief I ever met was a woman who was mommy, sister, and mentor all at the same time to her direct subordinates and the ladies in other departments. The other would take all their cues from her, and if she ever flexed she could tilt the power dynamic in any direction she wanted. She was fucking shitty at her actual job but she could get anyone to do anything for her and honestly it was kind of inspiring, in that 'I see what you are doing and I cannot replicate it' way. The Mother Hen at full evolution reaches something cult-like in its power and it is kind of impressive to see.

The pictures of dead jewish kids and rapes being circulated in Arab telegram don't seem to have inspired any maternal or feminine sympathy in progressive women. Mothers (I lead a baking workshop so I deal with women quite often) generally have mutual sympathy for dead kids, with more professional mothers understanding Palestines less than innocent role in fomenting violence. It is only childless women who are Extremely Online that spout pro-palestine platitudes mindlessly, and from there comes the simps who pretend to care about Palestine just in the hope of getting into some young naive girls pants.

Women don’t want to be left out of the tribe, women are more willing to show fealty to high status ideas

This is one of the more important points that indicates to me that the causality identified above re redirected maternal instincts is slightly inaccurate. Save for muslims, the vocal women (invariably childless and usually 'queer' feminist allies) who advocate loudly and repeatedly for Palestine are also virulent progressives who support LGBT+ and anti-men behaviors. These women are always progressive in outlook, and the progressive orthodoxy is oppositional to extant western (white male) power dynamics. Support for Palestine maps cleanly into opposition against western govts/institutions that clearly do not support the palestinian cause, mainly because the Palestinians themselves keep saying they want Hamas. Not that this point ever registers for western progressive women: ask them what the Palestinians want and its always some basic 'they just want peace' with insipid talking points interspersed. At no point will they ever listen to what the Palestinians themselves say they want, and they will engage in DAVRO to spin it around to the fault of the jews. Justification of Arab violence, if it is even acknowledged to occur, is always rationalized by reversing the causality: the cause must be made even more pure hearted to justify all resistance against those that deny it. All of this of course stands in full denial of the well documented atrocities that Palestinians proudly published themselves and the ownself stated desires of the Palestinians. I showed footage of Palestinians spitting on Shani Louks body to progressive female friends and they immediately said it was fake because Palestinians would never do something that bad, and they keep saying that Israel lied about 40 beheaded babies so clearly Palestinians have never committed any crimes.

I am generally agree with the many posters above (below?) that misplaced maternal instinct is the reason for most of the extant female support for Palestine, but specific to the nutters blasting off on social media the support is 'enemy of my enemy' rather than 'kindred spirit'.

Its not specific to healthcare, its a retirement fund similar to superannuation which can be accessed early for healthcare or property financing. In any case healthcare costs are publicly posted and you can judge for yourself whether the unsubsidized rates are necessarily more onerous than other first world city state equivalents.

good people have learned to no consider the frameworks that are explanatory

Disparate impact is the metastasized final form of the academic postmodernism/marxism cancer that festered after the students of the 70s survived to be the administrators of today. The powers have a set view and anyone that goes against the Message is to be shut down, see the unpersoning of Roland Fryer for the best example.of this.

As @jeroboam states, blank slatism is prevalent and the mirror to blank slatism means that all outcomes for all peoples must be equal with the same inputs. The end effect is that anything that has a race or class component show up anywhere must automatically presume the unequal outcome is because of SOMETHING LARGER that maps back to greater discrimination of some sort.

This is super funny because obvious answers become deliberately ignored. Urban communities in the USA could not keep blacks out, and as the blacks came in so did crime and therefore diminishing property values + white flight. Urban communities in Argentina and other capital cities with high crime have private police to kick out criminals, criminals who have no champions at the top to force society to accept them. That the criminals are black/mestizo is irrelevant: no one gives a shit about racial sensitivities and so the criminals have no free pass.

Strictly speaking the dynastic quality of Lee Kuam Yew to Lee Hsien Loong is clouded by Goh Chok Tongs equally unremarkably competent 'seatwarmer' Prime Ministership of 14 years, which is no small quantum of years save for the long tenures of LKY and LHL to stand as contrasts. Detractors point to an early health scare in LHLs career as the reason for extending GCTs PM tenure, but other commentators note that LKY would not have allowed an incompetent son to be in a political leadership position. I leave it to readers to determine whether LHL is a nepo baby inheriting a position he did not earn or a man groomed from high school to helm a thankless position. I for one err towards LHL doing a fair job of unclenching his fathers grasped fist on Singapore only to replace it with his own everpresent guiding hand.

As for Lawrence Wong, it is fair to say that he is less charismatic than the other leaders we are used to, but to be frank Singaporeans do not really trust charisma. Old guard oratory opposition firebrands like Joshua Benjamin Jeyaratnam and Chee Soon Juan were unable to rally the populace to their cause of freeing Singapore from Lee Kuan Yews harsh view of society and the world, and modern sweet talkers like Jamus Lim are viewed by the polity as soft idealists who will fold when push comes to shove. In short, the relative lack of charisma is not a shortcoming for PM Wong. Why Singaporeans are unreceptive to charisma is likely a combination of successful government propaganda about being wary of false prophets but also a brutal calculus by even the educated population who view politics as something best left as a topic of complaint and not a cause to rally against.

One can readily observe that Singaporean politicians are overwhelmingly senior civil servants and military generals (who are basically civil servants in the Singaporean administration), and my personal view is that save for extremely few egoists the vast majority of politicians are simply guys who got asked by their boss to take up the role of politician. Singapores political administration, especially in the Lawrence Wong cabinet, is a cabinet of civil servants forced to the top. Is being forced to the top bad? For these men, yes it is. Singaporean civil servants often command far higher salaries than politicians, and the educational pedigrees of these politicians certainly puts paid to accusations of incompetence-blind nepotism. This chart below is a snapshot of the difference between Singapore and Malaysia: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Y5CGZO4eQBY/TQS1sT9gTrI/AAAAAAAAChQ/7X-cnkUP7yE/s1600/Singapore+Vs+malaysia+Politic+2007-Final.jpg

It is a common observation in the Admin Service - the elite civil servants, recipients of extremely competitive scholarships that allow Singaporean kids of even modest income to massively overrepresent at all elite universities - that it is better to rise to Director or Deputy Permanent Secretary of a major ministry, than it is to become a member of parliament. It is an easier career progression path and salaries are inevitably higher than junior politicians, much less the eye watering salaries admin service scholars can command when they jump to MBB or FAANG - typically 0.3m is the starting salary for jumpers who go straight to VP or higher, compared to Admin Service deputy directors (the typical jumping point) who command 0.15m at that juncture.

All this is to reinforce the point that for these men of means and brains, there are much better opportunities for self enrichment than being a politician. Between a blisteringly robust private sector and an extremely aggressive Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau which set its sights on a prominent minister, there is little opportunity for a politician to self enrich and better opportunities outside the cosy confines of the civil service-politocian pipeline. As an extreme example, one of the main Prime Minister prospectives, George Yeo, lost his seat in 2011 and 'retired' to be director of multiple major conglomerates both in Singapore and overseas. Rest assured that he is making 4x the money for 1/2 the effort as when he was a minister.

So what does this mean for Lawrence Wong? Well, it means that he is, in effect, a chump. His boss told him 'I need you to take over' and like a good boy he said 'yes sir'.


(He isn't black, but the point still stands)

PM Wong is certainly not a deer in the headlight about to be run over. If not LW then others in the cabinet would have been picked, notably Chan Chun Sing who is bafflingly removed from the new executive core despite his immense popularity among everyone that worked with him - maybe looking like a 20 year old boy trying to fit into his dads suit harms him more than even the voting populace thinks. The Singapore civil service is, by this point, a well tuned machine churning out remarkably competent administrators and bureaucrats who have proven competent at navigating their institutions away from ruin. Perhaps that is the best placeholder government a society can hope for, a solid ship well maintained till a visionary captain finds his hands at the helm. Till then, the bureaucrat-politicians of Singapore will navigate as best they can, which honestly seems like a better deal than what the rest of us (globohomo retards time-capsuled in 2012 liberalism that we are) have to go through.

I alluded to it in a previous comment, but I have seen high tea luncheons and to a lesser extent charity committees function the same for Chinese wives who wield their husbands fortunes. There are a large number of management corporations in London and Vancouver where blocks of flats are owned by these wifely consortiums who often rely on a relative staying there to act as the property manager/agent. These also are tens of millions of dollar size deals arrived at over shit conversations men would gnaw their leg off to avoid.

In the hunting examples I'm thinking about the guy who got shot by dick cheney but still found it worthwhile to go to those retreats after the incident.

I really like this article that @Stefferi posted, and it highlights the appeal of the third space. This line in particular:

from the point of view of inequality, equality or the environment

Was raised by the author of the article as a specific reason to object to these sauna deals. I for one hold this type of decision by committee in absolute contempt, especially if it is debated in a public forum. Some grandstanding blowhard endlessly harping about his stupid pet issue about how a major decision must be held back because an impact study on how one particular species of mud beaver is maybe going to be endangered will gum up necessary actions. Every additional participant in a committee increases the risk of some single issue militant holding everything hostage. This is precisely why these backrooms remain attractive: stay beyond the attention of roadblocks and just get shit done.

There is no DEI admin forcing fuggos in. Hell I've seen plenty of weirdo looking buck toothed women in a stable. They just don't ever get selected and go home without earning anything. In a pure commission environment its entirely their own volition to stay or go, with of course significant encouragement from a mamasan. If a place shuts down (normally a visa raid) the joint reopens with a new stable about a month later. Like a dozen places shut down three months ago when the mall owner managed to sell off the property and some of my girls happily announced they were going on a 2 month cruise to China as a break, with loyal patrons encouraged to join the fun on the high seas. I am also certain that the cruise bookings were directed to a company set up by a retired mamasan, so its really a full circle of money extraction going on.

Good point re undertale. That game had a pretty decent core gameplay loop to underpin the experience, but the dialogue was actually decent and emotionally investible. My specific complaint about 'choice' is that Mass Effect, Fallouts and to a lesser extent Skyrim had really poor consequences for choices, they were just different coloured lights and minimal FMV cutscenes. Perhaps the challenge of working in a Universe means you can't have wild ranging consequences, any sequel requires certain base states to persist: I can't nuke the universe in ME3 or kill Preston Garvey in FO4, and that cheapens the 'freedom of choice' in the game.

Asian racism cannot compare to the promise of being with an American, and even if 90 out of 100 girls view your black skin as pure vileness there will be 10 girls who want to get their freak on with what daddy hates most.

I mean, if Trump was going to be the harbinger of death, he's been the shittiest one possible. He just whines about being disrespected, blusters about how he totally is on top of things, and acts as a bugzapper for progs to sperg out and suicide straight into with increasingly unhinged takes. Trump cant even get a proper militia running to shake down a library of degenerate trannies, much less round up every BLM activist and lynch them like they've been screaming about. The only faction in the last thirty that walked the talk of being a bunch of brutal bastards who wrecked shit has been ISIS and the Cartels. Putin hasn't nuked London, Kim hasn't invaded Seoul, Meloni hasn't sunk the migrant boats, Bibi hasn't initiated Nakba 2 and Trump hasn't killed a single fucking prog.

Video games became irrepairably damaged when FMV cutscenes became more than cheesy mid mission rewards, and when Metal Gear Solid became an interactive movie. The gameplay loop should be the point, not the opportunity to see a badly rendered aerith get stabbed followed by a yellow polygon shaking irascibly.

paid parasocial entertainment isn't really a thing in the western world,

Superior western capitalism has commodified thottery into cashapp and snaps. Parasocial relationships, without even needing to leave the house.

3 foot soldiers dead on national TV was enough to end BLM; how much worse for turbo-BLM in a free-fire zone?

BLM ended because the godzilla threshold for sending in the troops to quash rioters was breached. The riots could definitely have descended into haiti-level extortion rackets if the police never came in.

I don't doubt that cowardly looters would scatter at the first few dead, and reprisal raids conducted by amateurs are easily defended as you state. However defense of territory is never easy with multiple entry vectors, and territory can never be held in anarchic situations. A regression to defensible strongpoints with the rest being grey zones is the likely path for any conflict state with insufficient bodies and weapons to wage permanent war.

You can shove any number of ugly 'women' there as you want, you can't force men to select them and a joint that does so simply ceases to make money. The selecting entity in this case is the mamasan curating her stable, not some admin forcing a DEI hire in.