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Dedicated Pessimist

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joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


User ID: 333


Dedicated Pessimist

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User ID: 333

The behavioural data can be used in some ways in intelligent buildings for legitimate purposes (like telling app users that the company gym is at capacity so you don't bother grabbing your gym bag), but the data will absolutely be used to make profit for the provider at some point.

Thanks for this, as its related to my work. Using bluetooth apps for Electronic Access Control raises some interesting usability challenges. Like why would you want to have bluetooth open on your phone all the time. Also the app can probably track your location through the facility, which while it can have some great functionality in theory like aiding fire evacuation (even though in practice no fire warden will bother opening the app in a real scenario), its more likely to be used to monitor your work in the same way keyloggers do for company laptops.

Can you request a separate access control swipe card?

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Is this how other people have been watching videos all this time?

Bit of a quick one:

The Victorian state government (Australian) has failed in its 4 year bid to halt the processing of a Freedom of Information release of documents related to the reasoning behind the Covid lockdowns. The documents were to brief the state's chief public health officer and Minister for Health prior to lockdown public orders.

The court involved noted there was a large public interest in the justifications for the lockdowns and that it would not be an undue burden on department resources to process the FOI request. It should be noted the same political party (Labor) is still in continuous power since the time of the lockdowns.

Hopefully the public can get some answers for why Melbourne suffered the longest Covid lockdowns in the world.

I watched one of her other videos on Speed Dating (with which I have some experience). I agreed with just about all of her points, but they were buried in words words words. Many more than should be required to get her point across.

I found it easier to switch to black tea and restrict my intake that way. My sleep improved and energy levels were more consistent during the day. The theanine was also welcome. But cold turkey works too.

Are you dosing up on caffeine or other stims that might be causing a crash? Have you eliminated sleep apnea by doing a sleep study?

24'C with clear blue skies.

Thank you. I think I need to go and read the book.

Do you mean like adding a badge or icon displayed under the post?

Did you end up watching the series? How did you find it?

I'm seeing more and more 'low maintenance'* yards when I browse properties. People are sick of yard maintenance.

I finally moved into a suburban house not too long ago and my number one bugbear is lawn mowing. Its probably only about 2 hours once a month, but it is just so monotonous. I have to do it though, otherwise pests start building up in the undergrowth and it could cause problems with the neighbours.

*- Think gravel/stone yard surfacing with low maintenance 'desert/scrub' native plants and rock gardens etc. Heck its not uncommon to see fake grass in front and backyards or even just concreting everywhere.

It can be worth it to look into the history of tattoos. For some it's an unfalsifiable high cost symbol of permanent allegiance to a group or culture. People like to belong and they're willing to pay the price.

That said, I think Gandalf got it right and so I'm against tattoos for myself:

“For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!'

I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.

I liked white better,' I said.

White!' he sneered. 'It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken.'

In which case it is no longer white,' said I. 'And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.'”

What is this show and where can I buy the boxed set before it gets memory holed?

I remember years ago as an undergrad one guy that had his phone confiscated by the other guys and had his startup screen changed to 'Fake Gay to Get Chicks!'

Because that was what he was doing.

Seems pretty conclusive about what killed him. Maybe the defense can try some angle about how the scuffle started.

Don't have a Code of Conduct. Tear out anyone suggesting a Code of Conduct root and stem.

You can see the awkward 'Ok ACTION, please start walking now' moment in some of the shots.

No, I think if someone was acting according to your intent it would be more akin to beating a kid to the point of hospitalisation to 'toughen him up'. American cultural resilience is not anti-fragile.

I first came across it when it was mentioned on /r/CredibleDefense in the days after October 7. I couldn't believe Israel would be so shortsighted to make such a deal because of the obvious incentives it would give to potential hostage takers with such an exchange ratio (1000+ prisoners for 1 hostage).

According to one poll a the time, 79% of Israelis supported the deal with 14% opposed so it seemed to have broad public support. Some released prisoners unsurprisingly went on to commit more attacks against Israel.

The deal was bad for Israel. Incredibly bad. It probably influenced hostage taking on October 7.

Some other tidbits:

Edit: It seems the Israeli consensus may have been driven by a high value placed on their children due to historical persecution and cultural values. I still think it was incredibly shortsighted because they saved one life to incentivise the loss of many many more in the future.

The response and escalation of this whole thing is completely disproportionate and seems to be part of the recent 'Violence against Women' moral panic.

Frankly I find it pretty disgusting that the politicians and media have used this to get some easy free points at the expense of minors. Meanwhile kids are running around stabbing people and it doesn't draw the same level of vitriol that these boys did for their poor choice of category names for their ranking system.

Edit: Two of the boys have now been expelled. Can't really blame the principal once it exploded in national media, but I think this should have been a suspension at worst.

If it happens all the time (not just on hinge), then you need to change something.

She said maybe, then the day of said she was tired. I asked her out to lunch instead since I didn't have another free evening this week. She confirmed this morning for today at 1:00. By the time I replied, she'd already unmatched with me.

This behaviour is common with the apps. Just flakey unavailability due to juggling multiple potential options. Next time if she says maybe and doesn't suggest an alternative, she means no.

She said yes, shouted "Text me! :)" as I walked away. No reply to that text message sent later that day with my #. No reply to the text I sent today asking about tomorrow. There will be no further texts.

This is also sadly not unheard of. Don't let it get you down. If you can approach one girl IRL, you can approach more, and many will follow through on meeting you.

Surprisingly, (or perhaps unsurprisingly to some of you), many people, especially women, are saying they would rather be stuck with a bear than a man.

This is just due to signalling and/or trolling. Ask high school kids what their sexual identity is, having one of the options be 'attack helicopter' and be amazed.

Also, some women have the 'men are violent and dangerous' egregor living in their head rent free. A poll like this is an opportunity to let the world know that this is the case.

You will figure out your value fairly quickly if you make an effort to be objective. You will be able to judge by the quality of partners that you can attract for a second date (if using apps) or first date (if you met at an event). Set your expectations to that and you should be ok. Also stay away from Tinder. I've heard Hinge and Bumble are the apps to use in the West.

You can maximise your potential by working out, buying some well fitted (and not overtight) fashionable clothes (check out some fashion subreddits if necessary), and regularly socialising at mixed gender irl events. This single sentence covers about 80-90% of seduction theory on increasing your attractiveness.

A final word regarding apps. They can be soul crushing if you haven't had experience app dating. Matches will disappear for no apparent reason, or otherwise flake before dates. Try not to take this personally, and take breaks from app dating if you need to.

I find that meeting partners at irl singles or social events is much more productive. You get to show all facets of yourself and both of you can be more sure of what you are getting before you go on a first date. Your irl 'matches' are probably the best thing to calibrate your dating value expectations to.