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What does the option to get someone help do?

As the title says. I noticed it while poking at Zorba's profile, and clicked the button thinking it would tell me what it does. All I got was "help message sent". So uh, sorry @ZorbaTHut. But seriously, what does that button do?

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I think in general I'm okay with those - I don't think I've ever warned for one - but at the same time, there's a limit on how much of that should happen, and if it gets spammy we might start grumbling about it.

I really want to add some kind of Reaction system, kind of loosely modeled off Discord's, with some Motte-appropriate set of reactions. I think that might fill some of the gap between "upvote" and "low-effort thankyou reply".

High-effort thankyou replies are, of course, always allowed :D

tl;dr: Go for it if you want, we'll let you know if it's getting to be too much.