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Culture War Roundup for the week of October 10, 2022

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Why do EA’s prefer Democrats?

Dustin Moscovitz did a an AMA on twitter about EA and he had this quote:

Roughly speaking, the Democrats are better in every area. It’s not a hard question, though it might be later. (I hope so frankly!)

This reminds me of the old Catholic split between Paul Ryan and roughly the camp ran behind Nancy Pelosi. Where one side went libertarian and wanted private action and the other side thought capturing the government was the best way to ease human suffering.

I can see the EA argument for thinking Democrats. If we just capture the Democrats then they spend more and we can be more effective. But is that realistic or would we get more build back better which was just costs subsidizing industries that already had inflation problems. Versus keeping more of your own money to self direct.

And of course the old Milton Friedman belief that it doesn’t matter the intentions of the policy but what it actually accomplishes.

Should the EAs pursue politics and try to cause better spending (I find this doubtful) or pursue the Andrew Carnegie route of just spending his money on what he thinks benefits society.

This is what scares me about EA. It seems like it’s becoming just another group that believes if their the ones to control the government purse that we will live in a good world. As long as they are the ones in charge.

Politics remain downstream of culture. Effective Altruism is the bluest of blue tribe things to be into. I'm sure there are EAs that are economic libertarians for the expected rationalist-adjacent reasons, but you really can't expect one of the bluest elements of the blue tribe to contradict mainline blue tribe political preferences all that strongly.

The "economic libertarians" of this sort are, as far as I've understood, generally blue-tribe, unless one defines it as "blue tribe is left-wing, red tribe is right-wing" (which is admittedly how these terms are usually used).

Yes, this is what I'm getting at. Things like top marginal tax rate, capital gains rates, price fixing, and so on just aren't inextricably bound to personal and political identity as culture war issues. Economic issues can become their own identity if someone off into full Marxist territory, but within the bounds that I would hear a typical EAer arguing for classically liberal economic policy, this really is just a cold, analytical preference rather than something that captures emotional bandwidth. Put another way, "we should cut capital gains rates" alienates many fewer people at blue parties than "there is no such thing as a trans kid". The same is true on the other end as well - "rich people could pay a few more bucks in taxes" pisses off many fewer red-tribers than "reparations are morally necessary".