I just found this place and it almost feels like an internet version of a toastmasters club which is kinda fun. I have a rather unexciting job that gives me hours to fill in the day so I figured I will spend the end of my shift here talking about a thing I am passionate about, and if I don't get chased out with Pitchforks maybe I'll do it again sometime. I did not grow up in an Outdoorsy household my Dad used to say he did enough sleeping outside in the Army before I was born so I suppose it is a little odd that from a young age I have always had an interest and passion for all things outdoors. Hunting, Fishing, Shooting, and camping are all things that I love. I am not particularly sure where it came from maybe I watched Jeremiah Johnson at too young of an age I am unsure.
Anyways the one I do know specifically for a fact where I learned it from is my passion for Antique firearms, as a teenager I was very active in the Boy Scouts and worked on the Rifle Range teaching merit badges every summer. The man who ran the range was a hobbyist with muzzle loaders and had a few Hawken rifles he built from kits. The thunderous whoosh and smoke a 50 cal Hawken makes was mesmerizing from the first time I saw it. He also cast his own bullets for it a concept I had never even thought was possible at 14 it amazed me that someone could make something like that themselves without the help of anyone else. He taught me everything one needed to get started, how to load, how to shoot, how to cast bullets, I was hooked then and there. A few years later I was able to pick up a 1861 Springfield rifle like those issued in the Civil War.
What I think the really satisfying part of shooting old firearms is that you really sort of are on your own. Yes there are a few places that may sell Burton Balls or Paper Cartridges still you will absolutely pay through the nose for them so if you are to shoot anything more than once a year on your birthday you better learn quickly how to do it yourself. I think it really forces you to get a better understanding for how efficient our modern world really is too, if I want to load and shoot 40 rounds in my musket it will take me the majority of a afternoon between melting lead, cutting paper, melting beeswax, and rolling them up to get them set. If you want to shoot your AR-15 you can grab two 20 round boxes and be on your way. Another thing about them is they will humble you and they will do it quickly it's about the only thing about an old muzzle-loader that is fast sure you might be able to stack rounds all day with a .270 at 150 yards but try it with a old caplock. I think this is fun because it forces you to really slow down and learn to become a better shooter there really is nothing like it I would say. Shooting them really does feel like bringing something back from the dead in a way. There was a time when the best of the best could muster 3 shots a minute on a man size target it almost seems like a tall tale anymore like Paul Bunyan but once upon a time it meant you were one of the deadliest in the world.
I regularly shoot matches with some of these old warhorses it normally does not lead to many laps in victory lane as I am simply outgunned but there is nothing more fun than taking a rifle last issued when Garfield was president out to the range, and who knows you might even have the occasional upset. I suppose I will close in saying that if you find yourself bored this weekend try and get out there and make some smoke I bet you'll like it.
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For those of us in restrictive states, the best part is that you don't even need to jump through all the hoops and pay all the fees for purchasing and transferring a modern firearm - you can purchase a black powder firearm and have it shipped directly to your house!
The only thing that is keeping me back is the lack of quality ranges nearby. Those of us in urban areas have to spend quite a bit of time traveling to and from the range when we want to do some blasting. I will have to add black powder in the ever-growing "someday" list.
What "restrictive" states are these? California, Illinois, and New Jersey (and more?) lack exceptions.
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Germans are allowed to own Muzzle-Loaders without getting a horrribly expensive license that may be revoked at any official's mere suspicion. Yay!
Germans are not allowed to own Blackpowder without [see above].
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How good are the new BP substitutes? Are they any cleaner?
I've always figured if I get into reloading I'd probably start with a black powder carbine
Personally I only shoot the real deal, it is easy enough to make yourself and will only cost about $5 a pound to make. I reload for everything now its addicting
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I love you guy, and I get the appeal. Did a bit of trapper-convention cap and ball a few times. But fundamentally, it's a long time to load the thing, not much to empty it and an hour to clean it.
There is something to it, but it's not how I approach and think about firearms. You know, different people are into different cars for different reasons. Classic collectors and rat rodders want different things out of their machines. Guns to me are just the gear of a martial art. I do appreciate guns aesthetically as functional machines, and a lot of those old guns are pretty. In fact, those old .44 Armys of mine might be my prettiest guns. Everything else is basic bitch ARs and Glocks, plus a couple hunting guns.
If you like taking your time and shoot for sentimental reasons, you might take OP up on it. Some other positives, it's relatively cheap, recoil is generally mild (unless you're getting into buffalo guns), and those old guns are surprisingly accurate and some have quite good triggers. Cons, they're heavy, awkward, messy to load, ergonomics suck, sights are appalling, wildly unreliable by modern standards. It feels just a touch like alchemy getting the whole contraption to go off. 2/10, haven't shot my .44s in years. And just wait until you get to adjust the rear sight!
But, if we're using the car metaphor, I'm an amateur competitive driver, not a classic collector or a hot rodder.
I have always joked whenever I shoot my cap and ball pistol that you really had to hate a guy back in the day because getting that thing to go off does feel like witch craft sometimes
Yeah, it's a fun feeling, but I don't generally want surprise to be in the mix when my gun works properly.
Now imagine you loaded your carry piece a month ago, you've been riding through the west since then, and you need to use it. What are the odds of that first cylinder going off, you think?
I imagine most gunfights were decided by who found a working load first, rather than speed of draw.
I have heard stories that Wild Bill wasnt actually the fastest gun but he was the smoothest
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Welcome! I may have to borrow that description of the site.
Most of my gun collection is World War era. You make branching out into black powder sound incredibly appealing…once space allows.
For now, my local gun club is hosting some sort of demo event in the next month or two. Looking forward to trying out some black powder there.
Very nice! everything I have could fall into the "US surplus" category mostly from 1800-Vietnam. I have a few WW2 rifles that I enjoy shooting as well I would really like to pick up a carbine at some point.
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And one of the nice things about black-powder is that you can do it yourself. You can make your own projectiles. You can make your own powder. You can even make your own gun if you want! Taking a few steps back down the tech curve in one specific area opens up a whole wealth of possibilities that would otherwise be invisible to you.
I haven't bought any guns in a while, but a black-powder revolver is one of my "someday" firearms.
I agree it is very forgiving and allows you to really experiment with what you like!
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