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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 14, 2022

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Dissident-right-adjacent writer David Cole (a Jewish filmmaker who got his start as a Holocaust revisionist, put that life behind him after being threatened by the ADL and the now-defunct JDL, became a respected Hollywood insider under a new name, then had his past exposed and suffered an early and very intense version of “cancellation”) recently pointed out that many of the high-profile dustups between black entertainers and Jews are a direct result of business disputes. Black athletes and entertainers (and, of course, many white ones as well) become wealthy despite having no financial literacy or business acumen, and they are extremely vulnerable to the predations of shockingly unscrupulous agents and lawyers - a great many of whom are Jewish. Examples such as Jerry Heller, Lou Pearlman, and Allen Klein come immediately to mind. Many athletes and entertainers feel that they are being exploited and victimized by Jews because they are, in fact, being exploited and victimized by Jews. (Of course, there are millions of Jews who are not involved with exploitative business practices in the entertainment and sports industries, but I can forgive individuals who have had millions of dollars stolen from them for focusing on what’s emotionally salient to them.)

So, yes, there certainly is a contingent of anti-Jewish sentiment in segments of the black community such as the Nation of Islam, the Black Hebrew Israelites, Hotep culture more generally, etc., but I think it’s useful and important to draw a distinction between those strains of thought and the type of Jew hatred you see among rich blacks, which is based on direct first-hand experience with the profoundly ugly underside of these industries. The average Hotep may not have ever even really interacted with Jews, so their antipathy is somewhat abstract and second-hand, whereas if you’re Kylie Irving or Kanye West (or Dave Chappelle) your interactions with Jews are constant and vitally important to nearly every aspect of your professional life.

Now, again, this is not true only of black entertainers. White entertainers and athletes are also, presumably intimately involved with Jewish lawyers, agents, executives, etc. However, most modern whites lack anything more than a rudimentary racial consciousness, and are especially uncomfortable with noticing anything about Jews, so it probably does not occur to a lot of these whites to even reflect on the Jewishness of those industries.

Most blacks, though, are primed for racial/identitarian thinking by their upbringing and cultural milieu, so they’re far more likely to Notice things like that. Black public figures have also come to enjoy a level of public immunity from mainstream criticism that white public figures don’t enjoy. The “shut up and dribble” mentality that used to be commonplace in audiences’ relationship to athletes has become extremely taboo and has been replaced by a fawning and indulgent tolerance of all manner of divisive public statements by black figures.

Frankly, I think that dissident rightists are really taking their eye off the ball by taking the side of insanely spoiled black multimillionaires who have accrued obscene amounts of money for things like throwing a ball into a net. Personally, if Kyrie’s cancellation is a price to pay for getting anti-white and anti-police activism back out of sports and music, it’s a price I’m more than happy to pay. Jews are absolutely correct to rain condemnation on the appropriation and theft of their history by black revisionists; now we just need whites more generally to begin reacting just as strongly to the theft of our own culture by Hoteps who would have us believe that blacks were the real first inhabitants of Britain, that blacks invented every major technology and that whites stole the credit, that blacks were Viking chieftains and Roman emperors, etc. Criticizing the Jewish scumbag agents who siphon off large portions of their earnings is understandable, but for me personally I feel no need to take the side of people who shouldn’t have anywhere remotely near that much money to begin with.

Personally, if Kyrie’s cancellation is a price to pay for getting anti-white and anti-police activism back out of sports and music

But this isn't happening and won't happen. Anti-white activism is so accepted that it's state-subsidized. It's official doctrine. I'm not sure how much evidence I need to cite for this, rest assured that I can provide more if people want.

University admissions favouring blacks over whites.


Frankly, I think that dissident rightists are really taking their eye off the ball by taking the side of insanely spoiled black multimillionaires who have accrued obscene amounts of money for things like throwing a ball into a net.

Right, but I suppose it is less about personal sympathy for someone rich and more about power dynamics in the US. These black elites are so rich that they get in touch with that world whereas most of us never will. So when there is conflict, these things get exposed. In other words, the "quiet part out loud".

White entertainers and athletes are also, presumably intimately involved with Jewish lawyers, agents, executives, etc. However, most modern whites lack anything more than a rudimentary racial consciousness, and are especially uncomfortable with noticing anything about Jews, so it probably does not occur to a lot of these whites to even reflect on the Jewishness of those industries.

Most blacks, though, are primed for racial/identitarian thinking by their upbringing and cultural milieu, so they’re far more likely to notice things like that.

I suspect one major difference is that White entertainment elites both tend to intermarry with Jews to a much greater extent (indicating greater social compatibility) but also that they can often fight back in ways that appears to elude the black community. A typical example would be Taylor Swift's fights against her former Jewish manager Scooter Braun. She actually read the contract and re-recorded the entire back catalog while simultaneously signing a new contract with much better terms for herself. Admittedly, Swift is probably way smarter than most White entertainers, but it is still an interesting data point.

Jews are absolutely correct to rain condemnation on the appropriation and theft of their history by black revisionists

Only some Jews do this. As intermarriage and admixture has become much more common in the last few generations, there has arisen a large number of people who are vaguely "Jewish" in the same way that a random person in Cleveland with the last name "Schmidt" is technically "German" somewhere up the tree but isn't likely to speak the German language, eat traditionally-German food, or care that much about Germany and "German-ness." With Jews, even ones that retain some connection to the culture and religion, this can dissolve into essentially modern progressive orthodoxy - not without reason has Reform Judaism been called "the Democratic Party at prayer". These people are far less likely to be hypersensitive to critiques of "the Jews," because they don't really feel themselves to be attacked when such a statement is made (unless, of course, the statement comes from a source which also flags as an enemy of their generic progressivism. Then, of course, it's "as a Jew..." all day).

now we just need whites more generally to begin reacting just as strongly to the theft of our own culture by Hoteps who would have us believe that blacks were the real first inhabitants of Britain, that blacks invented every major technology and that whites stole the credit, that blacks were Viking chieftains and Roman emperors, etc.

Extremely unlikely, because the progressive movement you'd be struggling against is, itself, a white movement. Ironically, abnegation of one's own history and patrimony appears to be a uniquely (at least at this point in history) white thing to do.

Also on the white thing, I don't consider myself white and I don't have anything in common with a Frenchman or a chick from Oregan just because we're whitish. My largest level of outrage about 'the other side' is the constant fomenting of whiteness where I feel personally attacked and have to stand against anti whiteness. Just because the other side is wrong, doesn't mean I can just objectively deny them. Just like the not so Jewy Jews of your post - but even less so.

Just a quick note - don't let its pronunciation fool you O-ree-gan it's spelled Oregon.