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This is such a tired argument. Here, to put it to bed:

Go spend $200 on a bottle of Caymus Special Selection. It's one of the most popular wines there is, and it's really fucking good.

Taste it. Now go taste the $8 bottle you got at Trader Joes. See how they taste completely different? You're welcome. And also it turns out that the rich people spending $200/bottle aren't stupid, they're just richer than you and you're jealous.

Did you read the article? If anyone tries to do what you just suggested, they don't taste completely different at all. People can't tell the difference.

People could tell the difference between wines under £5 and those above £10 only 53% of the time for whites and only 47% of the time for reds. Overall they would have been just as successful flipping a coin to guess.

You just directly contradicted something in the article based only on your say so.

The article eventually concluded that wine is not fake, but in a very narrow sense that certainly doesn't mean that you can tell the difference between a $8 bottle and a $200 bottle.

A counter-article on that study. The original study doesn't seem to be published anywhere either.

The study was done by letting each person taste one wine, and say whether it was cheap or expensive. This doesn't seem like a very convincing test.

That said, if some dude claims to have found a mystery vault full of Thomas Jefferson's wine, it's Fake.