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A bit interesting how he describes the volunteers.

Everyone (western at least) was pretty great, except the people with American military experience, outside the special forces, who were spoiled cowards. The Americans without military experience were great but people who'd served multiple tours were useless.

Also funny how the British guy makes himself popular by brining equipment to make people tea (and other hot drinks).

Different style of war. Your run-of-the-mill US groundpounder is used to having air supremacy and artillery support based on both the combined arms approach the US takes to warfighting and the last twenty years in the Middle East. Sounds like a lot of the Americans that showed up were used to being on the other end of the power spectrum and didn't adapt well to not having the firepower and logistics capabilities they were used to.

I think it worth mentioning that these are all just the takes of one guy (video dude), and as such, extrapolation from them is also just conjecture. I realize this isn't reddit where such speculation necessarily leads to bed-rock convictions, just throwing out a thought.